I've merely skimmed the surface on the issue taken on i the linked article by Sputnik which is censorship carried out by corporations not government, although such censorship is almost always done at government's behest. The story is just the tip of a very large iceberg, "Corporate Complicity in Censorship Destroys Due Process," https://sputnikglobe.com/20240908/corporate-complicity-in-censorship-destroys-due-process-1120072210.html

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You're absolutely correct where you pointed out, "History shows Totalitarian states are either defeated via war or fall apart from the weight of their own contradictions; none has yet fallen to a mass popular uprising." The parasitic rot has disabled rational, ethical/moral constructs from operating as this is a threat to their power, and it's only about their power over the whole globe and it's people.

Intel's woes are discussed, and they are currently involved in a scandal where current generation CPUs are failing, and issue exposed on Gamers Nexus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6vQlvefGxk The AI everything bonanza is likely to produce another dot com type bust, and as the dust settles a whole swathe of middle class jobs will disappear as corporations cut costs (that means you coders, lawyers, and marketeers) delivering some bottom line value.

But with the clowns like MI6 and CIA chiefs that luxury of discovery may be foregone as other more pressing matters take precedence. I mean do they really, really understand supply chains?

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The current evidence says they don't understand supply chains otherwise they wouldn't have laid the sanctions on China they have that's generating this crisis. The level of stupidity is rather stupendous. Inflating asset prices to create capital gains for those in the Ponzi Scheme does nothing when it comes to actual manufacturing and generating actual production that could be counted as contributing to GDP instead of subtracting from it like the Ponzi Scheme's overhead costs do. Genuine GDP accounting would show the Outlaw US Empire to be in continual recession going back to the Dot.Com bust in 1998-9. That's part of the larger economic truth few are mentioning. China's idea that an economy must be continually modernizing is 100% correct, but only Simon Patten going back 120 years in the USA saw that too, but Neoliberalism wiped his ideas out of all major universities to promote Batesism--the idea that there's no free lunch, that rentiers don't exist, that Feudalism was actually progressive.

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The ‘unprecedented’ public and joint statement by CIA and MI6 is an irresistible chunk of ’red meat’ dangled in front of us to encourage some ‘righteous indignation’ by respected MSM outlets and alt-media alike. Two words come to mind - Limited hangout. Put another way, it’s like a magician leading us to “watch the birdie” while the other hand is ‘pulling the switcheroo’. We’re being played like a cheap fiddle. Listening to the pundits ‘analyzing’ the US Presidential ‘debate’ only adds to my despair. The Unipolar Hegemon typically referred to as the ‘West’ is being conducted and controlled by ‘extra-national’ mega-wealthy plutocrats - I refer to them as Masters of the Universe (MOTU) - and we are being told to “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” Besides being addicted to wealth extraction, I’m increasingly afraid that there’s a plan afoot to rid the world of “useless eaters” within a very few generations - a ‘Brave New World’ of abundance for the remaining ‘worthies’. (I’m still ‘long’ on pitchfork futures! ;^) Rant off - thanks Karl for the beacon of hope and enlightenment that this Gymnasium offers!

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Any country that opposes American world domination (aka, the Rules-Based World Order) is a "threat" from the viewpoint of the USA and its allied vassals. Hence, a diverse range of nations like China, Russia, Iran, Yemen, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Vietnam, North Korea, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. have all at one point been deemed a threat to the mighty American super-duper power.

It is thus actually a compliment to be branded as such by the USA.

More importantly, the USA's threat hysterics should tell these countries to continue doing what they are doing in terms of geopolitical and economic policy, as the USA is anxious and enraged by these actions, which it fears will end American domination of the globe.

Most Americans can never admit this situation and instead stand reality on its head by claiming that the USA is a virtuous Land of the Free that is perpetually threatened by a conga line of "Evil-Doers Who Hate Our Freedoms."

Never mind all the wars of aggression that America is guilty of or the exploitation and immiseration that it has inflicted on much of the planet....

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It's Mafia World--Do as we say, and you'll live.

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So many in the west are so brainwashed to see other countries, especially those not under a neoliberal economic system as evil.

I wonder if the continuing genocide in Gaza, and its support by western leaders, will open a few eyes. I hope so. If it doesn't, what will?

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IMO, it's certainly turned the political tide in Europe. Here, Harris is saddled with Biden's policy but Trump was no better and likely would have done the same as Biden--support the genocide. Unless there's a Stein miracle, policy continuity is what I see, although the likelihood of post-election rioting is very high as both sides have their own crazies.

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"We lied, we cheated, we stole..." The level of impunity has led to a dangerous arrogance. Dangerous not only for the "enemy", but for the reckless aggressor himself. Prudence is what prevents one from being bitten by a cobra, being swallowed by the sea or falling into the jaws of a volcano. The myth of "exceptionalism" has eradicated any semblance of common sense from the leaders of the empire. We are witnessing their feet of clay crumbling. So be it.

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Paranoia: knowing of and believing in threats, dangers from indicators, signs, omens both actually occurring and confabulated, imagined.

Sociopolitical functional paranoia and its groupthink amplification is required behaviour in inherently addictive belligerent rule. Default war-makers must be continually vigilant for hidden military initiatives and counter-attacks by its real or imagined enemies. The dangers are general rather than particular, and projected into the future, not immediate, so they are avoidable if you act now. Consequently they are perpetually mired in active attacks on their imagined enemies, as in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Libya, Ukraine, former Yugoslavia, etc. - every apparently successful mutualist polity.

Systematic unequal rule is paranoid about threats from the underclass, the deprived many.

The imagined threats are to ruling orthodoxy, its correct beliefs. The rulers must defend their orthodoxy and destroy anything they deem heretical, apostatic. Hence their current increasingly hysterical attacks on free thinkers and speakers telling it like it is.

So belligerent rulers are both internally and externally paranoid.

China and Russia have no need to be systematically paranoid, as they are neither belligerent against their own people, nor towards other states

In a mutualist ideology of national and international relations - co-operative, win-win social and economic interactions - abstract paranoia is precluded. Mutualists need to be prepared for belligerence, but only act when it actually happens to therm. They do not have to get their retaliation in first.

You cannot appease or negotiate with a rabid dog. It’s metabolically paranoid and anything provokes its attacks.

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