the usa either changes course,or it hits a bit iceberg which is reminiscent of the titanic.. the impression i have is trump is not going to change course.. we'll see.. meanwhile the whole usa state is wrapped in a cloak of ignorance trying to maintain the 'we are the greatest' mantra when they have already fallen off their perch... trump is going to play humpty dumpty for the usa here.. that is my feeling... and all the kings men won't be able to put him, or the usa back together again.. there present approach is a real losing one - sorry to say.. thanks karl..
well, that is a gentler way to put it, and yes - i agree with you, especially if there is no radical crash, such as a financial crash, which is also a distinct possibility..
IMO, the Global Majority will suffer little as any crash will affect the largest debtors and those most exposed to derivatives. Note what Putin said today in Russia Calling! about exposure to asset theft and how to avoid it causing great damage.
in the past these financial dynamics - like 2008, have affected the whole world as i understood it.. maybe that is wrong, but i agree increasingly the west is being left on an island of it's own making and it doesn't apply to the rest of the planet..
i seriously am looking for a haven where i can watch from far away as it rapidly crumbles within as it is outside .the destruction is so deep it's like watching a raging, lunatic, manic addict...has a feel to it like Berlin in the 30s the debauchery and greed is....and look where that lead I am looking for a haven
we're all in it together and we have to find a way up and out of this... but i know what you mean... try meditation or find something super positive to uplift you.. music helps me.. cheers..
The Outlaw Empire of the United States: "I want to live in opulence, without working, with everyone providing me with what I need. With everyone speaking my language and accepting my culture as superior. I will only be in charge of the weapons, although I will have others use them to enforce my "order based on (my) rules." Those who want to enter my house either bring large sums of money or start cleaning my boots, otherwise they will end up deported or locked up in concentration camps."
“Back in the early 60s, I had a 6-transistor radio. Now, we’ve got chips with about 200 billion connections, smaller than a fingernail. As chips keep shrinking and connections keep multiplying, it seems like the brainpower of desperate Western leaders is shrinking at the same rate. I’m starting to wonder if there are even 6 brain cells left working?
"In the animal world we have seen that the vast majority of species live in societies, and that they find in association the best arms for the struggle for life: understood, of course, in its wide Darwinian sense – not as a struggle for the sheer means of existence, but as a struggle against all natural conditions unfavourable to the species. The animal species [...] in which individual struggle has been reduced to its narrowest limits [...] and the practice of mutual aid has attained the greatest development [...] are invariably the most numerous, the most prosperous, and the most open to further progress. The mutual protection which is obtained in this case, the possibility of attaining old age and of accumulating experience, the higher intellectual development, and the further growth of sociable habits, secure the maintenance of the species, its extension, and its further progressive evolution. The unsociable species, on the contrary, are doomed to decay." - Mutual Aid - A Factor of Evolution, by Peter Kropotkin, Russian anarchist and geographer
The current growth of multipolarity and international cooperation is an evolutionary development of Kropotkin’s ground-breaking scholastic tour-de-force “Mutual Aid”. 60 years ago it opened my mind to mutualist revolution for which ever since I’ve been very grateful.
The Western political class and its sponsors appear to be aberrations, throwbacks to a time when thinking space was very narrow and short-term vision was the norm. It is too late for them to learn to cooperate.
Huawei was thrown out of the Android/Google Play Store ecosystem under Trump which has led to the accelerated and successful development of their own micro kernel based OS now being deployed across many device classes; computers, phones, TVs, IoT, etc. Now they've developed a better WiFi/Bluetooth. We can see significant technical improvement in software and hardware that is outclassing western/legacy tech.
The US and its vassals won't be able to scale foundry investments without China, so I'd expect a slowdown in the cycle of innovations for western firms.
And then there's the issue of tech security from inbuilt backdoors; who wants a repeat of Lebanon? Cisco; no way. Intel; legacy, and maybe a hail mary marriage to Qualcomm.
Technological sovereignty is one of the new mantras, and both Russia and China have said they'll help the Global Majority to achieve their own. Thus, the future lies in supplying products that will help nations attain that status, not just the initial provision of devices. Yes, that may not be the most efficient use of resources, but in some areas related to security exceptions will be the rule.
"As of July 2024, China owns approximately $776.5 billion in U.S. Treasury securities, making it the second-largest foreign holder of U.S. debt after Japan."
Recall Steptoe and Son, a bbc comedy series. Look up an episode or two to get a sense of how that might have happened and what gullible fools might be holding the bag :))
My terminology needed to be more accurate. It is a bill of pains and penalties if all they did was take property. However, the Cornell Law article specifies that bills of pains and penalties are included under the prohibition of bills of attainder:
'The phrase “bill of attainder,” as used in this clause and in clause 1 of § 10, applies to bills of pains and penalties as well as to the traditional bills of attainder.'
There are many areas where government has broken the laws it's charged with enforcing, which is why I've deemed it an Outlaw. I once used the Declaration of Independence as a tool to show how the federal government is the same tool that was revolted against but haven't done that for awhile.
Karl S: "Cooperation not competition has recently risen to the top echelon of China’s mantras. After decades of argument, evolutionary biologists have finally overthrown the Darwinian Survival of the Fittest mantra by finally conceding that cooperation is the most favoured evolutionary process as epitomized by the symbiotic process. This revolution in evolutionary thinking has yet to make its way to the political process which includes economic thinking. However, many scientific bodies have noted the truth and possibilities contained within such recognition, with physics and mathematics being the first two realms."
I decided to have a look for the mathematics of symbiotic processes and all I could find in a short search was a theoretical foundational paper funded by the Canadian Department of National Defence in regard to the mathematical foundations of SAS (Symbiotic autonomous systems) The link is below. The article looks rigorous enough but it hardly reflects a rejection of zero-sum models and/or game theory or a mathematization of cooperative behaviour.
Of course, there is the classic predator-prey system (PPS) which any undergraduate student of ordinary differential equations is probably already familiar with. I was hoping for something better than that.
Perhaps I'm missing something here. It would be interesting if you had some more to say on your comments above regarding the realms of physics and mathematics wrt a new way of thinking, cooperation as the most favoured evolutionary process, and so on.
supplemental: There is also another article/opinion piece in the same issue of the Royal Society Proceedings with the title "Major evolutionary transitions in individuality between humans and AI" and, to make a long story short, all this discussion centres around the Human-Artificial Intelligence interface and the direction of co-evolution of same. Meh.
Thanks for your interest. I'd imagine most discussion in that realm is dated as most was related to Earth Systems Theory argument. Most discussion will be found in Evolutionary Biology and Biochemistry.
Thank you Karl. Unfortunately, no amount of cooperation benefit will overcome the race hate at the core of the evil empire. The rest of the world will be free to trade behind a veil of information darkness and is very soundly assisted by the very technology of chip assisted accounting and blockchain record management. The participants in cooperation will overcome most adversarial scheming and punishments, I am sure.
Logos has abandoned the US system of education, the Episcopal Church and other denominations and religions practiced in The USofA, and the USG for the same reason Kutuzov abandoned Moscow.
That persons in those institutions behave irrationally and worse, therefore, is to be expected. They have not a choice, being bereft of God.
One cannot attack The Church and expect to end well.
Not at all. Even the Basque attacked the church inquisition when it set out to murder the Basque women while the men were at sea for extended fishing season. The Basque men wre hastily tipped off and returned and attacked the inquisition led by some wannabe spanish thug and severely put an end to the witch hunt in the region. The Spanish have never forgiven the Basque for the flogging.
There are no assumptions needed when it comes to the role of the church distributing opium to he masses.
Perhaps you have settled on projection as a legitimate rhetoric.
Again you introduce extraneous and irrelevant ideas with no references as if they close a case you want to make, no further scrutiny allowed or necessary.
I appreciate that this is a common tactic on web boards. Another one is Hitler, Hitler, Hitler. Inquisition is of the same kind.
How many horse thieves, hornswagglers, swindlers, perfidious wives, and murderers are in your family tree?
So your whole family, including you, and going back thousands of years, is all poison, right?
Why should anyone take you seriously, therefore? You're not here to discuss. You're here to disrupt. You're probably a bot, no family, just programmed to throw down irrelevancies.
You are made a devotee of ignoratio elenchi. You won't admit it, you can't admit it, but that's the truth.
At 67, I'm finally acknowledging that I now dislike or hate many things about my own country, including its values and most of its people. Oh well. Not much longer.
I have to criticize your first concluding paragraph. It is just factually WRONG,WRONG, WRONG on the theory of evolution. I’m 100% in agreement with you about the need of humanity to develop cooperative and symbiotic societies, and I understand why you rhetorically, or stylistically chose the phrase “survival of the fittest” and the idea of its negation for the thematic introduction to your conclusions. But Darwin never used the phrase “survival of the fittest”, and it is not present either in “Origin of Species” or in the works of any succeeding evolutionary biologists who actually understood the theory. Evolution, according to the theory, is propelled by differential reproductive success, often the result of long but ultimately temporary geological isolation of genetic variants [i.e. ‘contingent history’, i.e. chance. Such success is not due to competition “red in tooth and claw” [as Herbert Spencer stated in the course of popularizing Darwin’s theory in the US in the late 19th century. “Survival of the fittest” is a bastardization of the theory. You are quite correct that this popularization of SOF was almost immediately used by racial and religious supremacists and imperialists and the meme continues to be used to this day. Just yesterday, the Washington Post had an article that quoted conservative columnist using SOF in 1973.
You are doubly wrong in stating that evolutionary theorists have decided symbiosis is “the most favored” evolutionary process. Rather, some evolutionary theorists have recently concluded that symbiosis is more common in nature, perhaps far more common, than once believed.
So your metaphor here fails in buttressing your point, although I agree with your point. Well, all of us are prone to reductivist thinking—it seems to be a human epistemological default. BTW I thought you also made a reductivist error a couple of weeks ago when you used the term ‘woke’ in a similar sense to the way the Right critics the concept. But while I am interested in epistemological questions, I think it is mostly OT for the important geopolitical issues you try to raise in your substack, for which I am grateful. Nonetheless, I think using “woke” in the negative way the Right uses it represents ideological capture of a term utilized and valued by oppressed people for a variety of reasons for over a hundred years; see the Wikipedia entry for “woke” to see what I mean
the usa either changes course,or it hits a bit iceberg which is reminiscent of the titanic.. the impression i have is trump is not going to change course.. we'll see.. meanwhile the whole usa state is wrapped in a cloak of ignorance trying to maintain the 'we are the greatest' mantra when they have already fallen off their perch... trump is going to play humpty dumpty for the usa here.. that is my feeling... and all the kings men won't be able to put him, or the usa back together again.. there present approach is a real losing one - sorry to say.. thanks karl..
Agreed, although I see the world passing by the declining Empire.
well, that is a gentler way to put it, and yes - i agree with you, especially if there is no radical crash, such as a financial crash, which is also a distinct possibility..
IMO, the Global Majority will suffer little as any crash will affect the largest debtors and those most exposed to derivatives. Note what Putin said today in Russia Calling! about exposure to asset theft and how to avoid it causing great damage.
in the past these financial dynamics - like 2008, have affected the whole world as i understood it.. maybe that is wrong, but i agree increasingly the west is being left on an island of it's own making and it doesn't apply to the rest of the planet..
i seriously am looking for a haven where i can watch from far away as it rapidly crumbles within as it is outside .the destruction is so deep it's like watching a raging, lunatic, manic addict...has a feel to it like Berlin in the 30s the debauchery and greed is....and look where that lead I am looking for a haven
we're all in it together and we have to find a way up and out of this... but i know what you mean... try meditation or find something super positive to uplift you.. music helps me.. cheers..
The Outlaw Empire of the United States: "I want to live in opulence, without working, with everyone providing me with what I need. With everyone speaking my language and accepting my culture as superior. I will only be in charge of the weapons, although I will have others use them to enforce my "order based on (my) rules." Those who want to enter my house either bring large sums of money or start cleaning my boots, otherwise they will end up deported or locked up in concentration camps."
Thank you Karl!
“Back in the early 60s, I had a 6-transistor radio. Now, we’ve got chips with about 200 billion connections, smaller than a fingernail. As chips keep shrinking and connections keep multiplying, it seems like the brainpower of desperate Western leaders is shrinking at the same rate. I’m starting to wonder if there are even 6 brain cells left working?
Highly doubtful.
"In the animal world we have seen that the vast majority of species live in societies, and that they find in association the best arms for the struggle for life: understood, of course, in its wide Darwinian sense – not as a struggle for the sheer means of existence, but as a struggle against all natural conditions unfavourable to the species. The animal species [...] in which individual struggle has been reduced to its narrowest limits [...] and the practice of mutual aid has attained the greatest development [...] are invariably the most numerous, the most prosperous, and the most open to further progress. The mutual protection which is obtained in this case, the possibility of attaining old age and of accumulating experience, the higher intellectual development, and the further growth of sociable habits, secure the maintenance of the species, its extension, and its further progressive evolution. The unsociable species, on the contrary, are doomed to decay." - Mutual Aid - A Factor of Evolution, by Peter Kropotkin, Russian anarchist and geographer
The current growth of multipolarity and international cooperation is an evolutionary development of Kropotkin’s ground-breaking scholastic tour-de-force “Mutual Aid”. 60 years ago it opened my mind to mutualist revolution for which ever since I’ve been very grateful.
Nice to see the Huewai kidnapping by Canada in print. Five Eyes Foreign Policy rules Canada.
Deep Dark Cave is an apt analogy for those without imagination or thinking aptitudes in a historical sense as well.
Wronged Darwin for centuries these
Evolutionists and are so slow to change one easily imagines their own extinction.
canada is captured territory - captured by the intel agencies and 5 or 6 eyes, unfortunately..
The Western political class and its sponsors appear to be aberrations, throwbacks to a time when thinking space was very narrow and short-term vision was the norm. It is too late for them to learn to cooperate.
Huawei was thrown out of the Android/Google Play Store ecosystem under Trump which has led to the accelerated and successful development of their own micro kernel based OS now being deployed across many device classes; computers, phones, TVs, IoT, etc. Now they've developed a better WiFi/Bluetooth. We can see significant technical improvement in software and hardware that is outclassing western/legacy tech.
The US and its vassals won't be able to scale foundry investments without China, so I'd expect a slowdown in the cycle of innovations for western firms.
And then there's the issue of tech security from inbuilt backdoors; who wants a repeat of Lebanon? Cisco; no way. Intel; legacy, and maybe a hail mary marriage to Qualcomm.
Technological sovereignty is one of the new mantras, and both Russia and China have said they'll help the Global Majority to achieve their own. Thus, the future lies in supplying products that will help nations attain that status, not just the initial provision of devices. Yes, that may not be the most efficient use of resources, but in some areas related to security exceptions will be the rule.
And there's this too.
"As of July 2024, China owns approximately $776.5 billion in U.S. Treasury securities, making it the second-largest foreign holder of U.S. debt after Japan."
It's now $770bil but the canary in the coal mine is that England owns $764.4 of the trash, now how exactly did that happen?
Recall Steptoe and Son, a bbc comedy series. Look up an episode or two to get a sense of how that might have happened and what gullible fools might be holding the bag :))
Lived there in myself 25 years ago and I never saw the show but I saw
exactly what the show portrays in spades.
Thanks for the laugh
Is it just me, or does the US Constitution outlaw bills of attainder? Sanctions against individuals are bills of attainder. Full stop.
My terminology needed to be more accurate. It is a bill of pains and penalties if all they did was take property. However, the Cornell Law article specifies that bills of pains and penalties are included under the prohibition of bills of attainder:
'The phrase “bill of attainder,” as used in this clause and in clause 1 of § 10, applies to bills of pains and penalties as well as to the traditional bills of attainder.'
There are many areas where government has broken the laws it's charged with enforcing, which is why I've deemed it an Outlaw. I once used the Declaration of Independence as a tool to show how the federal government is the same tool that was revolted against but haven't done that for awhile.
Karl S: "Cooperation not competition has recently risen to the top echelon of China’s mantras. After decades of argument, evolutionary biologists have finally overthrown the Darwinian Survival of the Fittest mantra by finally conceding that cooperation is the most favoured evolutionary process as epitomized by the symbiotic process. This revolution in evolutionary thinking has yet to make its way to the political process which includes economic thinking. However, many scientific bodies have noted the truth and possibilities contained within such recognition, with physics and mathematics being the first two realms."
I decided to have a look for the mathematics of symbiotic processes and all I could find in a short search was a theoretical foundational paper funded by the Canadian Department of National Defence in regard to the mathematical foundations of SAS (Symbiotic autonomous systems) The link is below. The article looks rigorous enough but it hardly reflects a rejection of zero-sum models and/or game theory or a mathematization of cooperative behaviour.
Of course, there is the classic predator-prey system (PPS) which any undergraduate student of ordinary differential equations is probably already familiar with. I was hoping for something better than that.
Perhaps I'm missing something here. It would be interesting if you had some more to say on your comments above regarding the realms of physics and mathematics wrt a new way of thinking, cooperation as the most favoured evolutionary process, and so on.
the link is here:
supplemental: There is also another article/opinion piece in the same issue of the Royal Society Proceedings with the title "Major evolutionary transitions in individuality between humans and AI" and, to make a long story short, all this discussion centres around the Human-Artificial Intelligence interface and the direction of co-evolution of same. Meh.
link here:
Thanks for your interest. I'd imagine most discussion in that realm is dated as most was related to Earth Systems Theory argument. Most discussion will be found in Evolutionary Biology and Biochemistry.
Thank you Karl. Unfortunately, no amount of cooperation benefit will overcome the race hate at the core of the evil empire. The rest of the world will be free to trade behind a veil of information darkness and is very soundly assisted by the very technology of chip assisted accounting and blockchain record management. The participants in cooperation will overcome most adversarial scheming and punishments, I am sure.
Logos has abandoned the US system of education, the Episcopal Church and other denominations and religions practiced in The USofA, and the USG for the same reason Kutuzov abandoned Moscow.
That persons in those institutions behave irrationally and worse, therefore, is to be expected. They have not a choice, being bereft of God.
One cannot attack The Church and expect to end well.
"One cannot attack the Church"... no, but a revolutionary army of hundreds can and it certainly can end well. China ;)
Oh dear! I think you have settled on facts supplied by unscrutinized a priori assumptions.
Not at all. Even the Basque attacked the church inquisition when it set out to murder the Basque women while the men were at sea for extended fishing season. The Basque men wre hastily tipped off and returned and attacked the inquisition led by some wannabe spanish thug and severely put an end to the witch hunt in the region. The Spanish have never forgiven the Basque for the flogging.
There are no assumptions needed when it comes to the role of the church distributing opium to he masses.
Perhaps you have settled on projection as a legitimate rhetoric.
Again you introduce extraneous and irrelevant ideas with no references as if they close a case you want to make, no further scrutiny allowed or necessary.
I appreciate that this is a common tactic on web boards. Another one is Hitler, Hitler, Hitler. Inquisition is of the same kind.
How many horse thieves, hornswagglers, swindlers, perfidious wives, and murderers are in your family tree?
So your whole family, including you, and going back thousands of years, is all poison, right?
Why should anyone take you seriously, therefore? You're not here to discuss. You're here to disrupt. You're probably a bot, no family, just programmed to throw down irrelevancies.
You are made a devotee of ignoratio elenchi. You won't admit it, you can't admit it, but that's the truth.
Dude, there is no god🤣 Grow the fuck up and stop believing in fairy tales🤣 It's the 21 century for fuck's sake.
There needn't be a god to have a church.
"One cannot attack the Church"... no, but a revolutionary army of hundreds can and it certainly can end well. China ;)
At 67, I'm finally acknowledging that I now dislike or hate many things about my own country, including its values and most of its people. Oh well. Not much longer.
Your own country is your motherland. You cannot alter that fact. Love her, be loyal to her, or she will destroy you.
hilariously naive
Perhaps, but are you as happy as I am? Why would you want your mother harmed? Isn't that barbaric?
I have to criticize your first concluding paragraph. It is just factually WRONG,WRONG, WRONG on the theory of evolution. I’m 100% in agreement with you about the need of humanity to develop cooperative and symbiotic societies, and I understand why you rhetorically, or stylistically chose the phrase “survival of the fittest” and the idea of its negation for the thematic introduction to your conclusions. But Darwin never used the phrase “survival of the fittest”, and it is not present either in “Origin of Species” or in the works of any succeeding evolutionary biologists who actually understood the theory. Evolution, according to the theory, is propelled by differential reproductive success, often the result of long but ultimately temporary geological isolation of genetic variants [i.e. ‘contingent history’, i.e. chance. Such success is not due to competition “red in tooth and claw” [as Herbert Spencer stated in the course of popularizing Darwin’s theory in the US in the late 19th century. “Survival of the fittest” is a bastardization of the theory. You are quite correct that this popularization of SOF was almost immediately used by racial and religious supremacists and imperialists and the meme continues to be used to this day. Just yesterday, the Washington Post had an article that quoted conservative columnist using SOF in 1973.
You are doubly wrong in stating that evolutionary theorists have decided symbiosis is “the most favored” evolutionary process. Rather, some evolutionary theorists have recently concluded that symbiosis is more common in nature, perhaps far more common, than once believed.
So your metaphor here fails in buttressing your point, although I agree with your point. Well, all of us are prone to reductivist thinking—it seems to be a human epistemological default. BTW I thought you also made a reductivist error a couple of weeks ago when you used the term ‘woke’ in a similar sense to the way the Right critics the concept. But while I am interested in epistemological questions, I think it is mostly OT for the important geopolitical issues you try to raise in your substack, for which I am grateful. Nonetheless, I think using “woke” in the negative way the Right uses it represents ideological capture of a term utilized and valued by oppressed people for a variety of reasons for over a hundred years; see the Wikipedia entry for “woke” to see what I mean
If I find the time, I'll refute your entire comment. But presently, that task has a very low priority.