This essay was published in the Russian journal Profile on 24 February then translated, edited and republished in English by RT on 26 February as “Trump’s America is no friend – Russia must stay the course: Moscow must resist the illusion of a new romance with Washington.” In several previous translations, I’ve warned readers about
I would hardly call the US economy and society of today stable. Socially we are fragmenting as never before. Our education system, if you can even call it a system, is totally disfunctional and does not prepare students with the skills and requirements to function in a modern industrial economy, much less STEM. Our society, economy, and social system at this point is only focused on providing a constant stream of wealth to the top.005% of the population.
Agreed. Lukyanov is clearly uninformed about the reality within the Empire, but then so are those now running the Empire. Krainer thinks Team Trump is less moronic that Team Biden. I see them as another side to the same coin.
Thanks Karl, it is good to see what other Russian thinkers are saying. While it is good that relations with the US might be improving, it is also good that the Russians aren't getting carried away.
You can get the sense that the US attitude is more for show than substance, until something actually changes on the ground. I don't think that the US has any intention of surrendering its position of Global Hegemon and the feelers sent out towards Russia are a shadow play while they maneuver against China.
In this regard, I agree with Brian Berletic that everything that Trump does is towards taking control of the Deep State and sharpening its focus, not it's abolition, and that Trump's view of peace is everyone shutting up and doing as they are told, while he rakes in the cash. Time will tell.
Surely the Russians are under no illusions about the US and its intentions? Is Putin so desperate to end the SMO? It strikes me Russia are in a position of strength and the US are struggling to find a way forward. Do they think Putin can be bought? I suppose the real issue here is whether its Trump's 'thinking' that rules or, whether there are two forces at work here, one public and the other hidden?
What Putin wants at the moment is for relations to reset to normal so further discussions can occur. The SMO will continue until a finalized peace treaty with new security system is finalized. As all top Russians have said, what must be done first is to reestablish some degree of trust, and that can only be accomplished via deeds.
Agreed but Trump and co can't be trusted. I know how the Russian diplomats operate, they operate according strict diplomatic code, it goes all the way back to Soviet tiimes. Agreements, treaties are sacrosanct but the gringos can't be trusted. What was it Kissinger said about being a 'friend' of the US? I assume that since Yeltsin, Putin and his team have wised up. Yes, they want a 'level playing field' in their dealings with the US but all the while, the US are scheming. There's a world at stake.
Agreed. And he has enough people around him to hold him back from his wish. thanks Karl for answering me, I always look at your posts, although I don't always read them through. So much bureaucracy in politics. I don't know where you find the patience. but I know its very important.
Thank you, Karl. The most illuminating claim is right at the end and it applies (I think) to most of us: [we are] groping in the darkness as are so many others”.
The Russians only need to heed their own warnings about the United States--particularly those from some fellows named V. Putin and S. Lavrov.
S. Lavrov has accurately described America as being "non-agreement capable."
While V. Putin minced no words when he famously declared the United States to be an Empire of Lies.
So, when the USA backstabs Russia, it won't because of ignorance of American treachery.
It will be because pro-American oligarchical factions in Russia demanded a devil's deal with Uncle Satan--even though it betrays the enormous sacrifices made in the Ukraine War for yet another Minsk Accord "peace" sham.
I don’t see any evidence of “pro-American oligarchical factions” within the Russian government or its primary business and research sectors. Yes, there are a few isolated liberals, and Putin’s support isn’t 100%—it’s at 80%—while steadfast support for the SMO remains at about 70%, which is much more when the maybes are included.
John Helmer, a journalist who lives in Russia, has discussed the so-called Ukraine "peace" negotiations and how they are significantly driven by oligarchal interests--both American and Russian:
The Oligarchs’ Picnic – What’s on the Menu When Trump’s Oligarchs Negotiate with Putin’s Oligarchs
This topic is so vast, complex and dynamic that it is difficult to approach it, one does not really know where to start. The only solid reference is, in my opinion, the incontrovertible military victory of Russia. Neither the United States nor the European Union have today a reference as solid and transcendental as that one. All future events are centered and depend today on the effects of that Russian victory on the rest of the world. And I say on the rest of the world because that victory (as in 1945) has definitely shifted the balance of power. Contrary to what the imperial conglomerate expected, that is, that Russia would take a step back, Russia has taken a decisive and forceful step forward, pushing the US and its vassal states to play an unexpected score.
Russia has taken the lead of the orchestra knowing that the symphony is extremely complex and long. The US has had no choice but to adopt a "peacemaking" role to hide its defeat. But one should not trust the "good intentions" of the outlaw Empire. Russia must assert its victory and ignore the seductive siren songs it will undoubtedly hear from now on. Russia must reincorporate Novorossiya into its territory, which of course includes the liberation of Odessa. The Collective West can, if it so wishes, continue on its delusional, Hollywood-style path.
Love him or loathe him Trumplethinskin has turned off the spigot, the means, the conduit which spews forth the bile that feeds the Great Unwashed. At least temporarily there's some respite from the mass 24/7 propaganda. Just think of the mass redundancies/breakdown in 5th Column global networks.
Doesn't anyone see the irony of America & the EU/UK resurrecting full blown Stasi doctrines in Eastern Europe? Vance brought this up in his meeting with Starmer who's in deep denial. Think Romania yesterday!
The Globalists have done a fine job bankrupting The West, a West unravelling like an old hooker's pantyhose. Putin & Medvedev will be having a good laugh watching this trainwreck unfold.
The US has shown over the last 50 years to be dishonest and unreliable.
At best, Russia or any country, should hold them at arms length, and focus on doing cordial mutually beneficial trade. Anything closer is fraught with risk.
I would hardly call the US economy and society of today stable. Socially we are fragmenting as never before. Our education system, if you can even call it a system, is totally disfunctional and does not prepare students with the skills and requirements to function in a modern industrial economy, much less STEM. Our society, economy, and social system at this point is only focused on providing a constant stream of wealth to the top.005% of the population.
Agreed. Lukyanov is clearly uninformed about the reality within the Empire, but then so are those now running the Empire. Krainer thinks Team Trump is less moronic that Team Biden. I see them as another side to the same coin.
There is also a constant stream to the 'dependent underclass.'
Thanks Karl, it is good to see what other Russian thinkers are saying. While it is good that relations with the US might be improving, it is also good that the Russians aren't getting carried away.
You can get the sense that the US attitude is more for show than substance, until something actually changes on the ground. I don't think that the US has any intention of surrendering its position of Global Hegemon and the feelers sent out towards Russia are a shadow play while they maneuver against China.
In this regard, I agree with Brian Berletic that everything that Trump does is towards taking control of the Deep State and sharpening its focus, not it's abolition, and that Trump's view of peace is everyone shutting up and doing as they are told, while he rakes in the cash. Time will tell.
I deeply suspect Trump’s motives and goals. I suggest watching Nima’s chat with Alex Krainer as he adds info to the cauldron,
Thank you Karl,
Let’s just trust that VVP and Russia and China know what to do.
Thank you.
"the temptation to turn to the "good old man" exists, and it is understandable. But you can't succumb to it."
Agree. No trust for the zionized empire of Lies, Loot, and Hypocrisy.
Russians must remember that the rules-based order is nothing but "might makes right."
Or "we make the rules, you follow the orders."
Surely the Russians are under no illusions about the US and its intentions? Is Putin so desperate to end the SMO? It strikes me Russia are in a position of strength and the US are struggling to find a way forward. Do they think Putin can be bought? I suppose the real issue here is whether its Trump's 'thinking' that rules or, whether there are two forces at work here, one public and the other hidden?
What Putin wants at the moment is for relations to reset to normal so further discussions can occur. The SMO will continue until a finalized peace treaty with new security system is finalized. As all top Russians have said, what must be done first is to reestablish some degree of trust, and that can only be accomplished via deeds.
Agreed but Trump and co can't be trusted. I know how the Russian diplomats operate, they operate according strict diplomatic code, it goes all the way back to Soviet tiimes. Agreements, treaties are sacrosanct but the gringos can't be trusted. What was it Kissinger said about being a 'friend' of the US? I assume that since Yeltsin, Putin and his team have wised up. Yes, they want a 'level playing field' in their dealings with the US but all the while, the US are scheming. There's a world at stake.
Quite. I suggest the Krainer/Nima chat from yesterday as it’s full of scheming,
I agree and sadly , it has in the past been Putin's wish to be friends with the US. It will never happen in this epoch.
That relations are improving should be enough for now. Still no report about today’s talks at Istanbul.
Agreed. And he has enough people around him to hold him back from his wish. thanks Karl for answering me, I always look at your posts, although I don't always read them through. So much bureaucracy in politics. I don't know where you find the patience. but I know its very important.
Well, I don’t watch sports anymore, so Great Games act as a substitute.
This is an excellent essay by Mr. Lukyanov.
Thank you, Karl. The most illuminating claim is right at the end and it applies (I think) to most of us: [we are] groping in the darkness as are so many others”.
The Russians only need to heed their own warnings about the United States--particularly those from some fellows named V. Putin and S. Lavrov.
S. Lavrov has accurately described America as being "non-agreement capable."
While V. Putin minced no words when he famously declared the United States to be an Empire of Lies.
So, when the USA backstabs Russia, it won't because of ignorance of American treachery.
It will be because pro-American oligarchical factions in Russia demanded a devil's deal with Uncle Satan--even though it betrays the enormous sacrifices made in the Ukraine War for yet another Minsk Accord "peace" sham.
I don’t see any evidence of “pro-American oligarchical factions” within the Russian government or its primary business and research sectors. Yes, there are a few isolated liberals, and Putin’s support isn’t 100%—it’s at 80%—while steadfast support for the SMO remains at about 70%, which is much more when the maybes are included.
John Helmer, a journalist who lives in Russia, has discussed the so-called Ukraine "peace" negotiations and how they are significantly driven by oligarchal interests--both American and Russian:
The Oligarchs’ Picnic – What’s on the Menu When Trump’s Oligarchs Negotiate with Putin’s Oligarchs
John Helmer: What America REALLY Looks Like Under Trump?
This topic is so vast, complex and dynamic that it is difficult to approach it, one does not really know where to start. The only solid reference is, in my opinion, the incontrovertible military victory of Russia. Neither the United States nor the European Union have today a reference as solid and transcendental as that one. All future events are centered and depend today on the effects of that Russian victory on the rest of the world. And I say on the rest of the world because that victory (as in 1945) has definitely shifted the balance of power. Contrary to what the imperial conglomerate expected, that is, that Russia would take a step back, Russia has taken a decisive and forceful step forward, pushing the US and its vassal states to play an unexpected score.
Russia has taken the lead of the orchestra knowing that the symphony is extremely complex and long. The US has had no choice but to adopt a "peacemaking" role to hide its defeat. But one should not trust the "good intentions" of the outlaw Empire. Russia must assert its victory and ignore the seductive siren songs it will undoubtedly hear from now on. Russia must reincorporate Novorossiya into its territory, which of course includes the liberation of Odessa. The Collective West can, if it so wishes, continue on its delusional, Hollywood-style path.
Love him or loathe him Trumplethinskin has turned off the spigot, the means, the conduit which spews forth the bile that feeds the Great Unwashed. At least temporarily there's some respite from the mass 24/7 propaganda. Just think of the mass redundancies/breakdown in 5th Column global networks.
Doesn't anyone see the irony of America & the EU/UK resurrecting full blown Stasi doctrines in Eastern Europe? Vance brought this up in his meeting with Starmer who's in deep denial. Think Romania yesterday!
The Globalists have done a fine job bankrupting The West, a West unravelling like an old hooker's pantyhose. Putin & Medvedev will be having a good laugh watching this trainwreck unfold.
Putting in simply , because I am simple.
The US has shown over the last 50 years to be dishonest and unreliable.
At best, Russia or any country, should hold them at arms length, and focus on doing cordial mutually beneficial trade. Anything closer is fraught with risk.