This piling on of sanctions requires no reaction. They exist simply because the Empire is crumbling away- imperialism is dying. And the imperialists are desperately hoping that they can provoke Russia and China and the rapidly expanding BRICS to change course, even if doing so risks a war from which humanity will not soon recover.
Medvedev is right to note what the imperialists are doing and to make it clear that, in future, they will pay for their misdeeds but for Russia to change its course would be very dangerous. And exactly what the criminals, who are utterly oblivious to any public interests and regard their policies as moves in a game (their nature is revealed in the daily news from Gaza) are trying to achieve.
The course of history is set- after five centuries the Empire built by european states and now dominated by Europe's creole culture, the USA, is breaking up. What Medvedev needs to do is to find some popcorn and watch- these sanctions will only accelerate the Empire's demise.
Certainly, righteous indignation. It was very welcoming to read what Putin said today during his chat with scientists and the optimism it contained. I saw Medvedev's rant got picked up by RT, although it didn't publish it all. Dugin will applaud it. But yes, the Empire's throwing a tantrum because it's losing.
VVP must be appreciating his hound dog's barking, so he can sail diligently and focused on his trajectory towards multipolarity by keeping his house in order.
I don't know if I would call it "getting used to" in the ordinary sense of the word, but otherwise yes.
I would be really interested in being an invisible witness when they discuss policy and strategy - for the sake to get a better feel about what is posturing and what is true rage. As the latter would pose a break point ... which would surprise me considering VVP tenure as the president of THE RF. Running such a super tanker around Cap Horn with madman I consider impossible. Which leaves open the question, whether you have to be a "madman" from the outset/setup to end up in such a place - which I have an inclination to lean towards.
You never really know with Medvedev exactly how serious he is. They’ve been playing things fairly cagey so far and it has been working. I feel like we’re coming to the part of the program now where things have the potential to go south. I feel at some point Russia will need to deal with some element of the provocation to stop it or force the issue. Don’t get backed into a corner.
IMO, Russia needs to expand its offensive and go for Odessa. Putting military pressure on Kiev can be done almost anytime. IMO, securing facts on the ground now outweigh forcing negotiations at this point. I note lots of activity around Kerson and attrition in the area surrounding Odessa.
Despite his fire-and-brimstone language, I suggest that Mr. Medvedev isn't invoking Total War. After all, he's just responding to another round of sanctions by the US. That's not something that justifies an all-out conflict. Instead, Medvedev is invoking (or at least threatening) Hybrid War, something Russia has refrained from engaging in to this point. What could that mean on Russia's part? How about 'Nordstream 2.0' against Western pipelines? How about sabotage against American infrastructure? How about cutting off Europe from all Russian products - gas, oil, metals, food? The West is already feeling great economic pain, and those kinds of actions would add additional turns of the screw.
These, I think, would be the next logical escalating steps for Russia to take, rather than invoking full on conflict. And when you separate Mr. Medvedev's fiery rhetoric from what he's actually threatening, those are the steps he's talking about.
Agreed. Medvedev's rhetoric is playing to a segment of Russia's polity. But since few are aware that the Russian naval visit to Cuba was planned a year ago, BigLie Media will be spooked when they link the two, and they will. As for Pink Floyd's "Dogs of War," IMO that perfectly describes the unipolar world the Empire was attempting to forge.
Yes, no doubt Mr. Medvedev is being verbally rough to satisfy elements of his domestic audience. But what he's actually threatening is unmistakable. It's a step, and a big one, up the escalation ladder. To this point Russia has refrained from engaging in the hybrid warfare that the West has used. That in itself is remarkable. My sense is that if Russia goes for it, no one in the Global South is going to object.. They might actually enjoy watching US/NATO countries turning on a spit.
Oh, I agree with what he's threatening. What stumps me is how such actions would be applied since Russia's policy IMO has been to spare the civilians of the unfriendly nations as much as possible as the sanctions boomerang and utterly idiotic energy policy did their own damage. Russia was patient enough to wait for the political tide to turn which it has in the EU. Russia IMO doesn't want to alienate the greater mass of Europeans as it hopes to attract them as Putin said during his chat today. The EU has ruined itself economically and morally while Russia has boosted those two characteristics which will act like a magnet. The nation most deserving Medvedev's "treatment" is the USA. Fortifying Venezuela and booting it out of Africa are already policy, however.
I think you're right that Russia doesn't want to make an enemy of everyone in the EU. That would be counterproductive in the long run. As for what steps Russia would take in a hybrid war, I've mentioned a couple of possibilities but I'm sure there are many more. And they all come with the same plausible deniability that the Collective West has invoked in its hybrid attacks on Russia.
One thing Russia won't do, in my opinion, is resort to terrorist attacks on civilians like the Crocus Hall massacre in Moscow.
Patience is something the US Empire doesn't understand. For over 30 years they've been able to do whatever they want, whenever they want. There was no need to play the long game. They just went with shock and awe.
But tactical and strategic patience (and the time to be able to use them) are critical tools in war. This is especially true when your opponent is as formidable as the US/NATO/EU/G7/AUKUS/ETC behemoth. Short of a world-ending nuclear war, there is no knock-out blow that Russia can deliver. So that means it's a war of political, economic and military attrition. You don't win a war like that without patience.
ABSOLUTELY - but with a caveat. It is incomplete. As the core of the matter goes much deeper, straight into the marrow of the bones or even spinal cord of each and every individual - on both sides. Let me explain the picture being created in my mind.
There is this saying - like a three year old, right. And then there is this marshmallow experiment. And considering the results of this experiment and real life observations in this regard one can safely conclude, that if you are paying close attention to what is going on in REALITY - not the smoke and mirrors in (which has been put into) your mind - and your ability to refrain to act upon your "limbic" impulses - which in high level positions is very rare, as it depends very much on your "mental setup", the (political/economic) system you are operating in, the strength/existence of FAITH, your position in the pecking order ... , which each are interdependent on each other - you will have a higher chance of acting on a trajectory of a more desirable outcome. For example women will act very emotionally/ irrationally, especially if left to their own devices/without MALE guidance. And there are numerous examples I could cite here. So in essence women can be very effective executors but are very bad strategists - compared peer to peer. As EVE - and of course there surely is a wide spectrum within the group, which I don't believe can be measured reliably, which also is unnecessary in order to grasp the idea - leap more enthusiastically at every opportunity/are scared by steadfast "opposition". VVP is a perfect example of such "opposition". And those "hens" on the world stage of politics/economics - spewing constantly their latest mind garbage - is the other side of this coin - Brandon/Dick swinging clown falling for their own reasons into the same spectrum - ADAM falling under the spell of EVE/MOTHER. The only element in this equation that increases the level of uncertainty is the fickel masses, which themselves have to be seen through this lens. But considering that "the global south" has weathered EVE'S/ADAM'S propaganda onslaught for so long and EVE'S/ADAM'S lies are exposing themselves one after the other TIME AND STEADFASTNESS IN THE TRUTH are paramount.
If Ukraine's capacity to continue resisting were to utterly collapse, it seems to me that would leave the west with nowhere useful to go. All the prevailing notions about launching strikes deep into Russia, introducing F-16s, sending in troops from NATO countries, and so on and so forth, would be rendered pointless.
Some people think that's exactly what Russia has in mind with what John Helmer calls their "Electric War":
"Yves here. It is odd how little attention Russia’s campaign against Ukraine’s electric grid is getting, given that it is the sort of blow that the West and Ukraine can’t stop or even blunt. The kinetic war is getting vastly more attention, presumably because it is much more familiar and also consuming lots of funds, weapons, and men. Helmer points out below that the Washington Post has quoted Ukraine sources saying at least 86% of Ukraine’s generating capacity has been destroyed.
It is beneficial to Russia that far more attention is going to the traditional battlefield. This means that the officials who have been focusing on the line of contact, still in their minds, will be at a very embarrassing loss when Ukraine starts collapsing. Russia is controlling when that happens, but the 86% figure and the limited alternatives (discussed below) says that things are pretty close to becoming catastrophic. It will be interesting to see if US and NATO leaders try outrage or mumble shuffle, since they do not appear to have prepared the media at all for this outcome."
It seems to make a lot of sense and, best of all, there really isn't anything either Ukraine or the west can do about it. As a bonus, it might radically compress the timeline required to end this war.
So perhaps the sorts of escalations that Medvedev is fulminating about are yet another distraction to give Russia time to "secretly" wrap this up and present its opponents with a fait accompli.
Thank you for the ‘shout out’ for Jill Stein’s candidacy! Her discussion with Michael Hudson (on YouTube and linked at his website) is a must-see and will likely change the minds of many people who thought they could never support a Green Party candidate, much less any third party candidate (“I’d be throwing my vote away!”)
As for Medvedev, he sure doesn’t “pussy-foot around “!
I won’t disagree- the Euro Greens certainly are - so is Joe Biden and D. Trump- but Jill Stein is definitely NOT a joke. And the Green Party is on the ballot in every state (I’m pretty sure) for the presidential election in November- she’s got my vote!
Wow. Is this the the largest comment section so far?
Using the short quote, "it is necessary to continue to look for critical vulnerabilities of their economies and hit them in all spheres." highlighted earlier I was going to suggest that such a procedure is unnecessary.
One only has to look around - I'm in the UK - to observe the lack of quality throughout the managerial hierarchy within the UK's political economy with regard to its organisational capabilities. I'm not sure which brewery or bordello they received their training or early work experiece but their inability to organise or even to understand how to organise either a party or orgy is self evident. The general lack of ability is systemic and terminal; it looks much like the fractal drawings generated from a single shape.
Mr Medvedev (what a brilliant surname) only spelled out what the Waste will claim in the future to explain our inevitable fate. One explanation of the urgency and irrational decision-making could be the real effect of the 2008 credit crisis and the 'finger in the dyke' solutions to that crisis, which have now manifested national debts that equal or exceed national value production. I suggest the hope was to grab the natural resources of Ukraine and greater Russia to off-set irretrievable balance sheet loses.
However, I'm just spouting stuff off the top of my head. I don't really know what I'm talking about, but I do have opinions about everything.
Well as I understand the Duran guys, they hold that Medevedev is on script and used as the intemperate verbal attack dog, not having a diplomatic role as such. So in that case it is worth listening to him and taking what he says seriously.
The war was never supposed to bring regime change in Russia, that was the role of the sanctions and the inevitable collapse of the Russian economy after they were implemented. Well everyone has a plan until they get hit in the face. Personally it was always my view that Russia had many years to plan to overcome sanctions and - if they went to war - then realised they would be inevitable. So I always thought their impact would be much less than intended. As it has turned out they have been very counter-productive in Europe, though the USA has gained. Well short term, the US has gained, longer term it has accellerated the decline of the dominance of the USD$.
Anyway, it has always been likely that Russia will respond to war against it, even if that war is only economic - and of course it isn't. However I have always held that their responses will be asymmetric and at a time and place of their own choosing. It odd that ammo plants keep exploding? Anyway, western economies and societies are fragile things now, relying on JIT techniques, long supply chains, energy and interconnectedness. There is little resilience built into the systems. The West is vulnerable to attack in these spheres and it looks like that vulnerability may be tested.
Whatever about Leviticus, Medvedev appears to have a touch of neo-Amalekitis here - or maybe he is simply trying to out-Karaganov Karaganov?
More seriously, we again see here the emphasis on possible asymmetric response of RF in supplying 'deadly toys' to those who oppose Western interests for whatever reason. A few candidates for such largesse come to mind ....
The dogs of war are capable of killing their own leaders if they do not provide them with the blood they demand. I doubt Jill Stein has a real chance of winning (unfortunately), if she had a chance of winning her life would be in serious danger. There are only two countries that can stop the rabid pack: Russia and China.
Goes into Britain's old enmity with Russia as part of the Great Game. Am not convinced he has the whole story, esp viz who was driving the British Empire's train about which Disraeli dropped quite a few hints, but he seems to have uncovered a wealth of goo on British Intelligence involvement in the bolshevik movement and overthrow of the Tzar, murder of Rasputin etc. which isn't in most histories.
In any case, there is bad blood between Albion and The Bear. Which partly explains why puny-seeming Britain has been so often flying her Prime Ministers over to sweet talk the Yiddish-speaking Puppet in Kiev. And Medvedev's understandable bile. But also perhaps he is simply trying to impress upon those in the West willing to listen that they shouldn't mistake Putin's magnanimous even-handedness for lack of Russian resolve to defend their Motherland and destroy, if necessary, any threatening her very existence.
I fear he just shot himself in the foot. TPTB are already DOING all that stuff to us, the people. Now all TPTB have to do is say to us, "See?! The Russians did all this to you! They even admit it!'
"Are they afraid of anarchy and an explosion of crime in large cities? We need to help in disorganizing their municipal authorities! ...
Let everything stop for them, everything will go bad, everything will go to hell!
Are they afraid of social explosions? Let's arrange them! It is necessary to throw all the most sinister night terrors into their media sphere, to use all their terrible phantom pains. No more sparing their psyche! Let them tremble in their cozy homes, let them shake under the blankets.
Are they yelling about our use of fake news? Let's turn their lives into a continuous insane nightmare, in which they will not be able to distinguish wild fiction from the realities of the day, infernal evil from the routine of life."]
Agreed. The west is self destructing inexorably. All we need is a completely brainwashed western public to become galvanized in support of the big lie most already believe.
Wanting revenge for the MILLIONS of innocent victims of US imperialism is only human. But it's not a legitimate motive to start a war. The beauty - if I can call it that - of Russia's war with the US and NATO is that it's not motivated by revenge. Russia has gone to war with the US and NATO because they've threatened Russia's legitimate security interests. However, one can hear the cheers of millions of America's victims loud and clear.
There's a difference between a war of aggression and a war of defence. But whether you initiate a war or enter the conflict defensively, you go to war. It's normal English language.
Yes it is English, however the construction of a sentence and word choices can skew meanings for people that don't know the details, just look at the MSM for examples.
Well, like it or not, Russia has gone to war with another country. In fact, they struck first by invading Ukraine. Even though I support what Russia has done, speaking plainly about it is what I do. And I add context if possible. However that's not the MSM. They support the West but don't speak plainly about what it does. They conceal, they obfuscate, they outright lie to support their side.
But I get it that your mileage may vary with my choice of language, and that's your business of course. Hopefully in general you will think my comments are worth reading.
The war was already going when Russia launched the SMO. Insofar as it wasn't yet direct hot conflict phase btwn. Russia and Ukraine (read: FUKUSNATO and some Banderite natzos set up by the aforementioned), that's semantics. Way more legitimately than any previous US war or battle within a larger war, Russia is both invoking R2P and defending itself. Feb 22 to present only represents a reaction to a long indirect phase in the "free and democratic" west's ongoing attacks on the RF. That's what Minsk I and II were all about. Gearing up so that Ukraine could go on the offensive into and past Donbass as the tip of NATzO's spear.
I was willing initially to give you the benefit of the doubt.
I assumed you just didn't know how to articulate yourself correctly, but with the statement "In fact, they struck first by invading Ukraine" you have shown yourself to be either an ignoramus or a lying troll.
This piling on of sanctions requires no reaction. They exist simply because the Empire is crumbling away- imperialism is dying. And the imperialists are desperately hoping that they can provoke Russia and China and the rapidly expanding BRICS to change course, even if doing so risks a war from which humanity will not soon recover.
Medvedev is right to note what the imperialists are doing and to make it clear that, in future, they will pay for their misdeeds but for Russia to change its course would be very dangerous. And exactly what the criminals, who are utterly oblivious to any public interests and regard their policies as moves in a game (their nature is revealed in the daily news from Gaza) are trying to achieve.
The course of history is set- after five centuries the Empire built by european states and now dominated by Europe's creole culture, the USA, is breaking up. What Medvedev needs to do is to find some popcorn and watch- these sanctions will only accelerate the Empire's demise.
Certainly, righteous indignation. It was very welcoming to read what Putin said today during his chat with scientists and the optimism it contained. I saw Medvedev's rant got picked up by RT, although it didn't publish it all. Dugin will applaud it. But yes, the Empire's throwing a tantrum because it's losing.
VVP must be appreciating his hound dog's barking, so he can sail diligently and focused on his trajectory towards multipolarity by keeping his house in order.
I don't know if I would call it "getting used to" in the ordinary sense of the word, but otherwise yes.
I would be really interested in being an invisible witness when they discuss policy and strategy - for the sake to get a better feel about what is posturing and what is true rage. As the latter would pose a break point ... which would surprise me considering VVP tenure as the president of THE RF. Running such a super tanker around Cap Horn with madman I consider impossible. Which leaves open the question, whether you have to be a "madman" from the outset/setup to end up in such a place - which I have an inclination to lean towards.
You never really know with Medvedev exactly how serious he is. They’ve been playing things fairly cagey so far and it has been working. I feel like we’re coming to the part of the program now where things have the potential to go south. I feel at some point Russia will need to deal with some element of the provocation to stop it or force the issue. Don’t get backed into a corner.
IMO, Russia needs to expand its offensive and go for Odessa. Putting military pressure on Kiev can be done almost anytime. IMO, securing facts on the ground now outweigh forcing negotiations at this point. I note lots of activity around Kerson and attrition in the area surrounding Odessa.
Odessa is the geo-strategic jewel in Katherine's crown ....
Despite his fire-and-brimstone language, I suggest that Mr. Medvedev isn't invoking Total War. After all, he's just responding to another round of sanctions by the US. That's not something that justifies an all-out conflict. Instead, Medvedev is invoking (or at least threatening) Hybrid War, something Russia has refrained from engaging in to this point. What could that mean on Russia's part? How about 'Nordstream 2.0' against Western pipelines? How about sabotage against American infrastructure? How about cutting off Europe from all Russian products - gas, oil, metals, food? The West is already feeling great economic pain, and those kinds of actions would add additional turns of the screw.
These, I think, would be the next logical escalating steps for Russia to take, rather than invoking full on conflict. And when you separate Mr. Medvedev's fiery rhetoric from what he's actually threatening, those are the steps he's talking about.
Agreed. Medvedev's rhetoric is playing to a segment of Russia's polity. But since few are aware that the Russian naval visit to Cuba was planned a year ago, BigLie Media will be spooked when they link the two, and they will. As for Pink Floyd's "Dogs of War," IMO that perfectly describes the unipolar world the Empire was attempting to forge.
Yes, no doubt Mr. Medvedev is being verbally rough to satisfy elements of his domestic audience. But what he's actually threatening is unmistakable. It's a step, and a big one, up the escalation ladder. To this point Russia has refrained from engaging in the hybrid warfare that the West has used. That in itself is remarkable. My sense is that if Russia goes for it, no one in the Global South is going to object.. They might actually enjoy watching US/NATO countries turning on a spit.
Oh, I agree with what he's threatening. What stumps me is how such actions would be applied since Russia's policy IMO has been to spare the civilians of the unfriendly nations as much as possible as the sanctions boomerang and utterly idiotic energy policy did their own damage. Russia was patient enough to wait for the political tide to turn which it has in the EU. Russia IMO doesn't want to alienate the greater mass of Europeans as it hopes to attract them as Putin said during his chat today. The EU has ruined itself economically and morally while Russia has boosted those two characteristics which will act like a magnet. The nation most deserving Medvedev's "treatment" is the USA. Fortifying Venezuela and booting it out of Africa are already policy, however.
I think you're right that Russia doesn't want to make an enemy of everyone in the EU. That would be counterproductive in the long run. As for what steps Russia would take in a hybrid war, I've mentioned a couple of possibilities but I'm sure there are many more. And they all come with the same plausible deniability that the Collective West has invoked in its hybrid attacks on Russia.
One thing Russia won't do, in my opinion, is resort to terrorist attacks on civilians like the Crocus Hall massacre in Moscow.
Given where Russia's investigation has led, it will probably indict leading USG figures for funding that crime.
ONLY PATIENCE - TIME will solve ... THE EMPIRE will implode eventually, taking all its disciples with it!
Patience is something the US Empire doesn't understand. For over 30 years they've been able to do whatever they want, whenever they want. There was no need to play the long game. They just went with shock and awe.
But tactical and strategic patience (and the time to be able to use them) are critical tools in war. This is especially true when your opponent is as formidable as the US/NATO/EU/G7/AUKUS/ETC behemoth. Short of a world-ending nuclear war, there is no knock-out blow that Russia can deliver. So that means it's a war of political, economic and military attrition. You don't win a war like that without patience.
ABSOLUTELY - but with a caveat. It is incomplete. As the core of the matter goes much deeper, straight into the marrow of the bones or even spinal cord of each and every individual - on both sides. Let me explain the picture being created in my mind.
There is this saying - like a three year old, right. And then there is this marshmallow experiment. And considering the results of this experiment and real life observations in this regard one can safely conclude, that if you are paying close attention to what is going on in REALITY - not the smoke and mirrors in (which has been put into) your mind - and your ability to refrain to act upon your "limbic" impulses - which in high level positions is very rare, as it depends very much on your "mental setup", the (political/economic) system you are operating in, the strength/existence of FAITH, your position in the pecking order ... , which each are interdependent on each other - you will have a higher chance of acting on a trajectory of a more desirable outcome. For example women will act very emotionally/ irrationally, especially if left to their own devices/without MALE guidance. And there are numerous examples I could cite here. So in essence women can be very effective executors but are very bad strategists - compared peer to peer. As EVE - and of course there surely is a wide spectrum within the group, which I don't believe can be measured reliably, which also is unnecessary in order to grasp the idea - leap more enthusiastically at every opportunity/are scared by steadfast "opposition". VVP is a perfect example of such "opposition". And those "hens" on the world stage of politics/economics - spewing constantly their latest mind garbage - is the other side of this coin - Brandon/Dick swinging clown falling for their own reasons into the same spectrum - ADAM falling under the spell of EVE/MOTHER. The only element in this equation that increases the level of uncertainty is the fickel masses, which themselves have to be seen through this lens. But considering that "the global south" has weathered EVE'S/ADAM'S propaganda onslaught for so long and EVE'S/ADAM'S lies are exposing themselves one after the other TIME AND STEADFASTNESS IN THE TRUTH are paramount.
Time will tell anyway!
If Ukraine's capacity to continue resisting were to utterly collapse, it seems to me that would leave the west with nowhere useful to go. All the prevailing notions about launching strikes deep into Russia, introducing F-16s, sending in troops from NATO countries, and so on and so forth, would be rendered pointless.
Some people think that's exactly what Russia has in mind with what John Helmer calls their "Electric War":
"Yves here. It is odd how little attention Russia’s campaign against Ukraine’s electric grid is getting, given that it is the sort of blow that the West and Ukraine can’t stop or even blunt. The kinetic war is getting vastly more attention, presumably because it is much more familiar and also consuming lots of funds, weapons, and men. Helmer points out below that the Washington Post has quoted Ukraine sources saying at least 86% of Ukraine’s generating capacity has been destroyed.
It is beneficial to Russia that far more attention is going to the traditional battlefield. This means that the officials who have been focusing on the line of contact, still in their minds, will be at a very embarrassing loss when Ukraine starts collapsing. Russia is controlling when that happens, but the 86% figure and the limited alternatives (discussed below) says that things are pretty close to becoming catastrophic. It will be interesting to see if US and NATO leaders try outrage or mumble shuffle, since they do not appear to have prepared the media at all for this outcome."
It seems to make a lot of sense and, best of all, there really isn't anything either Ukraine or the west can do about it. As a bonus, it might radically compress the timeline required to end this war.
So perhaps the sorts of escalations that Medvedev is fulminating about are yet another distraction to give Russia time to "secretly" wrap this up and present its opponents with a fait accompli.
Thank you for the ‘shout out’ for Jill Stein’s candidacy! Her discussion with Michael Hudson (on YouTube and linked at his website) is a must-see and will likely change the minds of many people who thought they could never support a Green Party candidate, much less any third party candidate (“I’d be throwing my vote away!”)
As for Medvedev, he sure doesn’t “pussy-foot around “!
Green Party is nonsense
I won’t disagree- the Euro Greens certainly are - so is Joe Biden and D. Trump- but Jill Stein is definitely NOT a joke. And the Green Party is on the ballot in every state (I’m pretty sure) for the presidential election in November- she’s got my vote!
Allegedly Mark Twain "“If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.”"
What is it about her platform that you like?
Considering what we have done and are doing to them, his response sounds completely rational to me.
Wow. Is this the the largest comment section so far?
Using the short quote, "it is necessary to continue to look for critical vulnerabilities of their economies and hit them in all spheres." highlighted earlier I was going to suggest that such a procedure is unnecessary.
One only has to look around - I'm in the UK - to observe the lack of quality throughout the managerial hierarchy within the UK's political economy with regard to its organisational capabilities. I'm not sure which brewery or bordello they received their training or early work experiece but their inability to organise or even to understand how to organise either a party or orgy is self evident. The general lack of ability is systemic and terminal; it looks much like the fractal drawings generated from a single shape.
Mr Medvedev (what a brilliant surname) only spelled out what the Waste will claim in the future to explain our inevitable fate. One explanation of the urgency and irrational decision-making could be the real effect of the 2008 credit crisis and the 'finger in the dyke' solutions to that crisis, which have now manifested national debts that equal or exceed national value production. I suggest the hope was to grab the natural resources of Ukraine and greater Russia to off-set irretrievable balance sheet loses.
However, I'm just spouting stuff off the top of my head. I don't really know what I'm talking about, but I do have opinions about everything.
Just watched this:
which seems to illustrate what should have - but could not have - been done in 2008 credit crisis.
You need to be organized to make good beer, so they weren't brewers. 64 comments so far isn't quite #1 yet but it does have a chance.
Well as I understand the Duran guys, they hold that Medevedev is on script and used as the intemperate verbal attack dog, not having a diplomatic role as such. So in that case it is worth listening to him and taking what he says seriously.
The war was never supposed to bring regime change in Russia, that was the role of the sanctions and the inevitable collapse of the Russian economy after they were implemented. Well everyone has a plan until they get hit in the face. Personally it was always my view that Russia had many years to plan to overcome sanctions and - if they went to war - then realised they would be inevitable. So I always thought their impact would be much less than intended. As it has turned out they have been very counter-productive in Europe, though the USA has gained. Well short term, the US has gained, longer term it has accellerated the decline of the dominance of the USD$.
Anyway, it has always been likely that Russia will respond to war against it, even if that war is only economic - and of course it isn't. However I have always held that their responses will be asymmetric and at a time and place of their own choosing. It odd that ammo plants keep exploding? Anyway, western economies and societies are fragile things now, relying on JIT techniques, long supply chains, energy and interconnectedness. There is little resilience built into the systems. The West is vulnerable to attack in these spheres and it looks like that vulnerability may be tested.
Whatever about Leviticus, Medvedev appears to have a touch of neo-Amalekitis here - or maybe he is simply trying to out-Karaganov Karaganov?
More seriously, we again see here the emphasis on possible asymmetric response of RF in supplying 'deadly toys' to those who oppose Western interests for whatever reason. A few candidates for such largesse come to mind ....
lol... the guy is over the top.. maybe it is warranted... thanks karl...
The dogs of war are capable of killing their own leaders if they do not provide them with the blood they demand. I doubt Jill Stein has a real chance of winning (unfortunately), if she had a chance of winning her life would be in serious danger. There are only two countries that can stop the rabid pack: Russia and China.
Just stumbled on a book today (via X) about which an article:
Goes into Britain's old enmity with Russia as part of the Great Game. Am not convinced he has the whole story, esp viz who was driving the British Empire's train about which Disraeli dropped quite a few hints, but he seems to have uncovered a wealth of goo on British Intelligence involvement in the bolshevik movement and overthrow of the Tzar, murder of Rasputin etc. which isn't in most histories.
In any case, there is bad blood between Albion and The Bear. Which partly explains why puny-seeming Britain has been so often flying her Prime Ministers over to sweet talk the Yiddish-speaking Puppet in Kiev. And Medvedev's understandable bile. But also perhaps he is simply trying to impress upon those in the West willing to listen that they shouldn't mistake Putin's magnanimous even-handedness for lack of Russian resolve to defend their Motherland and destroy, if necessary, any threatening her very existence.
And when you loose control,
you'll reap the harvest you have sown
And as the fear grows,
the bad blood slows and turns to stone
And it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around
So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone
Dragged down by the stone
I gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused
Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used
Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake off this creeping malaise
If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this maze?
Deaf, dumb, and blind, you just keep on pretending
That everyone's expendable
and no-one has a real friend
And it seems to you the thing to do would be to isolate the winner
And everything's done under the sun
And you believe at heart, everyone's a killer
Thanks! I'd forgotten that one from Animals.
I fear he just shot himself in the foot. TPTB are already DOING all that stuff to us, the people. Now all TPTB have to do is say to us, "See?! The Russians did all this to you! They even admit it!'
"Are they afraid of anarchy and an explosion of crime in large cities? We need to help in disorganizing their municipal authorities! ...
Let everything stop for them, everything will go bad, everything will go to hell!
Are they afraid of social explosions? Let's arrange them! It is necessary to throw all the most sinister night terrors into their media sphere, to use all their terrible phantom pains. No more sparing their psyche! Let them tremble in their cozy homes, let them shake under the blankets.
Are they yelling about our use of fake news? Let's turn their lives into a continuous insane nightmare, in which they will not be able to distinguish wild fiction from the realities of the day, infernal evil from the routine of life."]
Yes, you raise an excellent point.
Agreed. The west is self destructing inexorably. All we need is a completely brainwashed western public to become galvanized in support of the big lie most already believe.
Actually, belief in BigLie Media has crumbled. I have a draft article about that which awaits a closer approach to the Conventions.
Revenge for all the innocent victims
Wanting revenge for the MILLIONS of innocent victims of US imperialism is only human. But it's not a legitimate motive to start a war. The beauty - if I can call it that - of Russia's war with the US and NATO is that it's not motivated by revenge. Russia has gone to war with the US and NATO because they've threatened Russia's legitimate security interests. However, one can hear the cheers of millions of America's victims loud and clear.
"Russia has gone to war with the US and NATO"
No, they have not "gone to war" at all, they have reacted defensively to attacks against them. There is a difference.
There's a difference between a war of aggression and a war of defence. But whether you initiate a war or enter the conflict defensively, you go to war. It's normal English language.
Yes it is English, however the construction of a sentence and word choices can skew meanings for people that don't know the details, just look at the MSM for examples.
Well, like it or not, Russia has gone to war with another country. In fact, they struck first by invading Ukraine. Even though I support what Russia has done, speaking plainly about it is what I do. And I add context if possible. However that's not the MSM. They support the West but don't speak plainly about what it does. They conceal, they obfuscate, they outright lie to support their side.
But I get it that your mileage may vary with my choice of language, and that's your business of course. Hopefully in general you will think my comments are worth reading.
The war was already going when Russia launched the SMO. Insofar as it wasn't yet direct hot conflict phase btwn. Russia and Ukraine (read: FUKUSNATO and some Banderite natzos set up by the aforementioned), that's semantics. Way more legitimately than any previous US war or battle within a larger war, Russia is both invoking R2P and defending itself. Feb 22 to present only represents a reaction to a long indirect phase in the "free and democratic" west's ongoing attacks on the RF. That's what Minsk I and II were all about. Gearing up so that Ukraine could go on the offensive into and past Donbass as the tip of NATzO's spear.
I was willing initially to give you the benefit of the doubt.
I assumed you just didn't know how to articulate yourself correctly, but with the statement "In fact, they struck first by invading Ukraine" you have shown yourself to be either an ignoramus or a lying troll.