"no more milk runs over Lebanon for Zionists or anyone else."

That works for me and I would like thank Iran for sharing their weapons.

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As with Ansarallah, Hezbollah also has design and manufacturing ability. Tech sharing with those already enabled is easier than shipping weapons that might get interdicted.

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That make senses. Thanks

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"The clear interest of most Europeans is to cultivate friendly relations with China and Russia". That is absolutely true, and it would also be evident in the political sphere if European leaders took into account the desires of their people.

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It's all about the US pushing its weight. Take Australia as an example, lots of mineral and agricultural exports, and happy real estate investors. The trouble really started after Rudd/Gillard completed a bilateral AUD/RMB trade deal. A visit from Obama, marines stationed in the NT, and it's been downhill since then with Huawei out derailing Oz telecoms plans for 5G rollouts. Now there's a move to have Australia's resources sector come under US control as a strategic asset. A few months some trade issues got sorted out, and now there's a prospect of a forced sale of Chinese stake in rare earths. So one step forward and then another backwards.

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In a way, the Anglo-Saxon elites that today govern the American Empire are direct heirs of those who founded the British Empire. Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, more than colonies, are provinces of the current American hegemon.

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Can you imagine what they could do with some Russian hypersonic technology.

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Can you imagine why USS Eisenhower is 50o km north of Jeddah?

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Yeah, Ansarallah ran it off.

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Like so many USN ships it shows signs of rust which indicates to me that simple maintenance isn't being done. Vaunted western naval power is in the shade as the US has foisted old tech onto it's chihuahuas; so gunboat diplomacy is over. It's MSM reliant western audiences that are in the dark.

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The never-ending paint detail aboard USN ships that was a bane to so many tars seems to be a woke victim. It also seems we have a boatload of Capt. Queegs. I can imagine what my step-grandfather ex tin-can commander at Okinawa et al would say about today's USN, and he didn't swear much.

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I've always wondered about the Russians energy technology. I had recently watched an episode of the Whyfiles on YouTube that went in depth about all the scientists who had found and made progression in zero point energy hydrogen and other systems that ran on clean earth energy such as water. Unfortunately most of these inventors died of strange circumstances when they submitted info for patents. If this tech is let out of the bag it will be a game changer for the world. And will destroy the US Ruling Class and it's corrupt corporate masters and It's grip on civilization. There maybe hope for us and the planet yet. May BRICS free the planet from the slavery that has controlled the human race for thousands of years. Perhaps love will find a way.

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Russian energy research also impacts metaphysics as the Kremlin noted today.

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For those interested, I have commented the latest UNSC resolution on Palestine in context with other events here: https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/the-latest-unsc-resolution-on-palestine

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Wow! What impressive technology! And I so agree with the things BRICS came up with about what they want and don't want. Thanks for posting, Karl.

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