A unified Palestinian leadership is a big deal. Thanks so much for sharing this, Karl, and I agree with your analysis of the situation.

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Jul 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thank you very much, Karlof. I have searched for this information without success, until I received your excellent post.

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Jul 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

I don’t think that Russia, China, et al are attempting to extract full justice at this point. I’m not even sure that we should assume the leadership of these nations is particularly concerned about justice in the grand scheme of things. They are realists.

That doesn’t mean they view the Palestinians as pawns in a great game. Only that they’re dealing with the art of the possible. A two state solution is essentially on the books of international law, and both Beijing and Moscow are keen on international law. They want it and they also recognize that appealing to it is an excellent foil against the US.

It should be kept in mind that forcing Israel to accept the two state solution, even in part, would be an existential defeat for Zionism. It’s unlikely Israel would survive it, not to mention the spasms of violence that the Zionist right wing would put the country through. Everyone knows it, so it boxes Israel and the US into another unwinnable position. In the end they’ll have to accept it. Israel can’t even defeat the Gazan resistance much less Hezbollah. The US is too committed to Zionism and this is the last reliable outpost in West Asia. The US could manage the empire without Israel and smart imperial leadership would cut the Israelis loose in a very public way. But like Ukrainians on the battlefield, the US doesn’t do tactical or strategic retreat.

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Jul 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

hey lex... the defeat seems baked in at this point... i appreciate your viewpoint, but i think it is already unfolding in the worst possible way for zionism and israel.. and it will get worse..

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Jul 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

We are waiting for a first foot forward. There would need to be some triggering moment, not one I can see. We may have to wait for the US Foreign Policy Team, following Jan 20 and even then, I do not see much change forthcoming.

I do not foresee internal changes in Israel. There is nothing forcing action, again, without some triggering event.

More status quo for the rest of the year, we don't have to like it.

The UNSC may get more noise at some point, likely made by the Chinese.

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Jul 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

i was following the conversation, but no one has come up with a plan that includes force at this point.. who is going to?? certainly not china at this point.. in fact, it can be argued the usa will provide just the opposite in order to maintain its ''special'' relationship with israel.. until something in that mess changes - your question remains and no one on the world stage is giving an answer to it karl... cheers..

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It's as if all players are waiting for God to come to their aide and prove them right, but China follows no deity.

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Jul 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

well i think china is doing something very similar... this is like playing a game of poker, although the god analogy is good too.. i think it takes time to untangle a large knot.. everyone wants it to be untangled immediately, but i think that is unrealistic.. meanwhile the leadership of israel is demonstrating it's true colours here.. that might have little to do with the people themselves, but until they find a better vision and leader - they are on a fairly serious downhill slope here.. and i am sure china sees that too...

forcing the issue is something i would ordinarily, but not here.. lol - this reminds me of snaring lavrov's dog on moa.. it took a bit of time..

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Jul 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thank you for the information and explanation. I hope the Palestinian people unite and that China and Russia and other countries will support this! I use google translate.

I’m just a simple soul but I wonder who is that so-called Western elite who has been pulling and divided and ruling power for centuries? With the help of AI I have asked to make an estimate of Involved Persons in the West, who are inciting the conflict.

The Economic Power as Top management of large investment companies: CEOs, CFOs, board members. Middle and upper management that makes strategic decisions. Let’s assume that the top 10 investment firms each have an average of 50 strategic leaders. Estimated: 500 people.

Political Power Top figures within the government: Presidents, prime ministers, ministers of Economic Affairs, Finance, and Foreign Affairs. Key members of political parties and policy makers. Assumed that in the main countries (US, Israel, UK, EU countries) each country has about 100 strategic political figures. Estimate: 1000 people.

Intelligence services (CIA, Mossad, MI6)Top figures and strategic leadership of intelligence services.Important operatives and analysts. Each agency has a core of about 200 strategic figures. Estimate: 1000 people

Suppose that about 1000 people also play an important role. Military, police. Think tanks.

Then we are talking about a total of 3500 to 4000 people. If these are partially switched off or put out of play, can this perhaps occur further bloodshed? In any case, it will have a deterrent effect for ‘happiness seekers’ who may want to fill the gaps and can perhaps form the basis for Peace? In my opinion it seems to be a relatively small group that humanity doesn’t have to leave a tear and that takes the whole world hostage. I don’t know if violence should necessarily be used to eliminate them, because mirroring the tactics from which they derive their power, boycotts, etc. may also do her job (I’m one of the last pacifists:)

Russia and China need to know who is at the helm and have this data ready I think? It is high time, because I understand that the group is strengthening their grip on the population through total personal control and with the current AI and Starlink technology. for example It is also expected in the West that Ukraine will be able to take full control of the battlefield in a year.

Just a thought...

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IMO, both Russia and China know the members of the "secret team" are and seek to outmaneuver them with a strategy that's now 12 years old using organizations that are somewhat older and growing in both popularity and power, the aim being to avoid global nuclear war by ending the Age of Plunder by other means.

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T.C. RE: "Pulling, Divided & Ruling Power for Centuries" actually >7000 years.

WHAT GOOGLE nor AI DO NOT HAVE THE INTELLIGENCE TO UNDERSTAND (i.e. Garbage-in, Garbage-out') Little known but evident is Oligarch ('Rule-by-the-few') acquired power to mint & issue National & International fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory', today digital 'amnesia'). 'Memory' is core to collective human existence & collaboration, so when the same family lineage of Oligarchs took this power 7000 years ago in once thriving abundant 3-dimnensional Polyculture Orchard, lake, creek & River filled Babylon, which they turned to 2-D desert through their violent linear command & control. Previously & subsequently being destroyed in invasion after invasion & destruction, all 'Indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') humanity employed the Time-based, equivalency accounting upon the String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island / North-America, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in once indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all Islands). https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

6000 years ago this centre of power has fled-to, invaded & moved to Palestine, as the strategic LAND-BRIDGE between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia & Africa, which these Jewish invaders call 'Israel'.

From 4000 BC (6000 years ago) to 0 AD the Israel Kingdom collaborates or dominates the City States of Tyr, Sidon, Byblos, Beirut etc of the Levant as Phoenicia. Phoenicia for 4000 years violently colonizes, extracts resources & exploits people throughout the Mediterranean sea as an empire. It is in this linear Top-down, fake 'money' amnesic process through which Oligarch steals its great fake wealth & power. This 2-D extractive linear exploitive mind becomes incapable (innumerate) of understanding the loving living world we live in. The Phoenicians (Jews & Arabs) as Oligarch directed Colonial invaders, imposed such colonies as Carthage. These colonies cut down North Africa's vast abundant Polyculture Orchards to harvest the hardwoods for weapons of war, ships, forts & consumptive suburbs. At the 30-35 degree Latitude, with such vertical sun, they destroyed 3-D Polyculture SYLVALIZATION & created the 2-D Sahara & Sahel Deserts.


SYLVALIZATION (Latin 'sylva' = 'tree'). As Oligarch commanded empires spread, hungry for the hardwood Oak for weapons of war, forts, arms, ships etc. the main productivity loss is the indigenous, carefully cultivated 3-D POLYCULTURE ORCHARDs of all humanity's worldwide 'indigenous' ancestors, which because of:

a) Polyculture's 92-98% Photosynthesis compared with 2-D 'agriculture' (L 'ager' = 'field') 2-8% photosynthesis. Agriculture’s all settlers & 1st Nations had left to 'farm' (French 'ferme' = 'contract of servitude by the peasant imposed by the armed aristocrat')

b) Deep Polyculture roots descending many 10s of metres into the substrate mining minerals, pumping water, developing extensive nutrient colonies etc. being 100 times = 10,000% more productivity than agriculture. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/b-ecological-design/1-indigenous-welcome-orchard-food-production-efficiencies

Israel continues this desertification in Palestine today, now with the longest most severe drought of recorded history, caused by destroying the Polyculture Palestinians were re-establishing up to 1948.

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Jul 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thanks for the response, I’m not very good in history and also thought more about the here and now and coming up with a kind of a solution. I tried to find a number and a face with the so-called elite and a solution to eliminate them:)

In terms of history. As far as I learned more than 60 years ago, did 1 god’s faith arise about 4000 years ago? The tribes that lived in Canaan before had several gods. Like Baal a weather god. God of natural agriculture and climate. And Astarte the goddess of fertility, sexuality and love and war. Gods we should still appreciate imo:) but the one and only God thought otherwise. Exterminate Those idol worshippers…

Joshua was commissioned to conquer Canaan and kill all residents of cities like Jericho. All Men, women, children and animals had to die....

I partly understand what you want to say But honestly I don’t understand everything.

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IMO, the question to ask is Why did humans create gods? It's highly likely that humans have worshiped something for tens of thousands of years, well before anything was written that could be preserved. But people did create what are interpreted to be spiritual images inside caves. Another question: How to interpret dreams, for the human brain is essentially the same and hypothetically operates the same today as it did perhaps as far back as Homo Erectus 1.8 million years ago. How to explain these images that enter the mind when sleeping? Did I put them there or were they placed there by some outside force?

In other words, understanding Metaphysical arguments for the existence or non-existence of one or a number of gods is one place to start. Indeed, much can be done without consulting any book just by observing Nature and human nature. Must one worship a god to be spiritual, and what does being spiritual entail? If an Asian or any other person for that matter has the Tao, then what else is required?

Sorry. Lots of questions with few explanations. Zionism is an Imperialistic philosophy for the taking of other people's land that's deliberately conflated with the Hebrew religion known as Judaism. Zionism in its essence seeks to replace Yahweh, the Hebrew God, who according to Torah is the only entity capable of bestowing a new homeland for his tribe, and to merit that they must behave. Behind the idea of Zionism were very rich people in positions of power within the British Empire who sought further enrichment--Pleonexia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleonexia And the rest as they say is history.

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Jul 25Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thank you, I read an interesting article about this, it is in Dutch, but google translate has eliminated the Babylonian speech confusion.


I would also like to mention Ayn Rand who especially glorifies selfishness. Greed is good…:(


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This essay by Dr. Hudson is from 2010 but it remains correct from a policy standpoint and also looks at similar problems within the EU. What Hudson's done with his research and writing is to inform us how we reached this point and how Neoliberalism affects nations and their peoples. https://michael-hudson.com/2010/11/schemes-of-the-rich-and-greedy/

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Jul 26Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thanks Karl for the link, one to keep and pass on….

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Jul 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

From John Pang who writes to these diamonds in the dust:



Looks like worthy sources.

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Jul 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thank you Karl. Gymnasts might also appreciate this excellent discussion between Kevork Almasian and John Pang on this very topic. Syriana Analysis'


It is an worthy 48 minutes.

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Jul 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

"So, we're left with only one solution--the Original Mandate Palestine--but to attain that outcome, force will be required to remove illegal Zionist squatters/occupiers, but remove them to where?"

My solution: moving the Zionists to a uninhabited island far away from everywhere else, so that they cannot hurt anyone!

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Jul 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

Brooklyn? ;) /s

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Jul 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

Interesting read and good hear some of more rational MoA commentators voices interleaved with your own. While this unification is perhaps good news in terms of having one negotiating entity/voice, my cynical nature suspects this is a thin veneer over very old and entrenched divides. I hope for the regions sake it works out.

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Jul 29·edited Jul 29Liked by Karl Sanchez

Crypto Palestani Netanyahu extremism* to bring total war against Iran in order to end up the Zionist Entity (ZE) - although unwillingly.

*Extremism is some very frequently occuring structural mental impairment (psychosis) based on irrepressible death angst. The affected people live permanently under an unbearable feeling of imminent death, this leading the subject(s) toward radical solutions that tend to transform their irrational obsessive anxiety into self fulfilling prophecy.

This ailment appears to be highly contagious - no vaccine fake nor real known.

Suicide by cop being a common form of termination for the disease.

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Yes Zionist Israel coveted Palestine as the LAND-BRIDGE between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia & Africa, now for 7000 years, often invading & massacring Amalek, Philistine, Canaanite, Tyr, Sidon, Byblos & Beirut City States. According to the extensive 'Out-of-Africa' genetic studies across the Mega-continents, almost all 7 billion people have ancestral roots to those who have lived in or passed through Palestine, perhaps least of all Ashkenazi. Zionist European Ashkenazi Jews (some of my family in 3 branches) are there primarily for the central GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION over trade, goods, services, energy & people flow. The holiness of Palestine is for its peoples as stewards of the Land-Bridge to welcome & include what has been the ancestors of most of humanity over 100s of millennia. From the 1930s onward brutal murders & expulsions (eg. Nakba) by Zionist Irgun, Lehi, Stern-gang, Hagenah, Mossad of millions of Palestinians, was illegally armed & supplied supported by the UN Blue Helmet soldiers of WW2 dominant nations from 1920 onwards in various phases.


As all humanity's once worldwide 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') COUNCIL-PROCESS traditions of South Africa, 1st Nations & all humanity's ancestors cultivated everywhere. This formal distributed dialogue process among all citizens & leaders requires Both-sided, Equal-time, Recorded & Published Dialogues, where both individuals reciprocally listen & speak. As well for recognizing ONE Palestine-Israel state for all, once Truth & Reconciliation is underway with all expatriate Palestinians having the right-of-return.

Truth & Reconciliation is best started among individuals wherever we live around the world in our families, workplaces, schools, commerce & communities, as well as eventually in Palestine-Israel. Such 'debate' (French 'de' = 'undo' + 'bate' = 'the-fight') is a BOTH-SIDE-NOW process which people inherently understand as the genuine core of human relations. Human expectation will soon return that we all have Dialectic (both-sided) rights & obligations wherever we are. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1-both-sides-now-equal-time-recorded-dialogues

CONVERTING SOCIAL 'MEDIA' (L. 'medium' = 'middle' implying both-sided inputs to articles or balanced reporting) FROM MONO TO DIALOGUE During the Oligarch rollout of Social-Media, we missed the opportunity to implement 'Debate' buttons to online articles & Comment Sections, enabling an individual & collective process for challenging statements made, for convening debate among diverse stakeholder groups, choosing Spokespersons, Engaging with Authors, Commenters & publishing together. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/d-participatory-structure/1communication-converting-social-media-from-mono-to-dialogue-libya

NUCLEAR UMBRELLA: What China & Russia, as the only trusted technically capable nations, with essential Satellite based observation & communication systems as well as advanced Nuclear & Conventional weapons can do is arm soldiers from those willing Arab nations like Iran, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan to act as occupation forces within the 1948 borders as the ICJ as the UN's official world court, has officially sanctioned. This Arab force occupation must be Counter-force guaranteed with the advanced missile & drone firepower of China & Russia, protecting these multiple Arab capital cities, peoples, infrastructure & troops. To start with, these Arab troop buildups are secured in Palestine's neighboring nations.

So far some one million Israeli Dual-citizens have already fled back from their Israel vacation homes back to their countries of origin. Millions more Zionists will flee & Israel as its viable national mostly war-(65% of Israel's GDP as arms, munitions, military-security systems) economy will have completely collapsed.

Every war for the past 75 years, which the Arab world has suffered immensely with millions of deaths, absolute destruction of infrastructure & sanction-frozen economies are based in the Zionist fake 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch minority but triangulated control of the US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England, Bank-of-International-Settlements. All western nations are puppet fake Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med, Agri-business COMPLEX Zionist controlled. Anyone who has read the Torah (Old Testament) about Noah's 3 sons Japheth for Eurasia, Shem (hence 'Semite') for Levant-Arabia & Ham for Africa will realize how long this brutal colonial military & economic strategy has been involved in the colonial empire genocide & murder of the past 7000 years with some billion victims, all with this sick empire indoctrinated strategy in mind. The false 'religion' (Latin 'religio' = 'to-relate' i.e. 'not to indoctrinate or dominate') Torah & Talmud justify & glorify genocide in order to keep colonized populations submissively & subjectively controlled.

ECONOMIC CONTROL DRIVERS Its 7000 years, since Babylon's 'fall' through fake metal-coin 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch violent colonial interference into West-Asia, the Middle-east & North Africa. This lineage of 'exogenous' (Latin 'other-generated') Oligarchy has & continues to degrade this once lush area through extraction, exploitation & war, now with parasitic feelers for human energy worldwide.

ENDING PERPETUAL WAR = ENDING OLIGARCH HEGEMONY with its Palestine Land-Bridge as central to their brutal world system. With centralized fake money, Oligarchs impose Amnesia from the Top-down, among the people, for all the diverse contributions each person & collective entities make. Previous to metal-coin, all humanity's 'indigenous' worldwide time-based, equivalency accounting, upon the bottom-up String-shell Value system (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island/N. America, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in once indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands) for collective contributions, buying, selling & co-investment. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy

This 'exogenous' (L. 'other-generated') Oligarch imposed amnesia extends to limit humanity's Cultural recall of its abundant, peaceful & prosperous, many 10s of 1000s of years of ancestral indigenous systems heritage, which was sidelined for Oligarch hidden fake metal-coin-money dominance of the past 7000 years since Babylon.

All humanity's once worldwide indigenous 'Great-Good-Way-of-Kindness' aka 'Great-Law-of-Peace' aka 'Constitution' outlined in the interdisciplinary Indigenous CIRCLE-of-LIFE. interdisciplinary system worldwide. Key 'indigenous' proactive positive Laws are 1) the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Apartment, Townhouse & Village) where 70% of people live today, 2) Time-based equivalency Accounting & 3) Council Process. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/a-home/3-indigenous-circle-of-life

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