Shall we fill in some gaps? Somehow - as is usual with most commemorative occasions these days - the real culprit tends to get a pass. How so?

The easiest target to blame are DaNazis - but WhoTF are they? Yes, I know all about Hitler and the Ukrainian connection - but WhoTF started, generated its development and growth and BENEFITTED the most from its abominations? History, like most of reality - is a bitch - but only if you approach it with open eyes and are willing to accept its revelations. Most folks only look for something - anything true or not - just to confirm their already presumptuous presuppositions.

Here goes - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Nazis&max-results=20&by-date=false&m=1 - read for few days about Nazis etc - research is also a bitch - no 25 word or less quickie answers.

Question - who benefitted the most from WW1 and 2?



And who is still benefitting from wars?

Specifically -


Generally - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=SYNAGOGUE+OF+SATAN&m=1

Yes, I know most folks don't want this much information.....but a few do.....I'll drink to them......the rest don't matter anyway....they never have.....unfortunately!

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That’s why I expanded the epoch needing to be examined as it’s not yet over.

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Yes, the Opium Wars are an interesting starting place as there were both British and American parties/beneficiaries. The term "money power" has been stigmatized; it's clear that the central role of banking cartels in these events.

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Who benefitted the most from WWII? That's easy 🤣 The US empire, of course 🤷‍♀️

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One ought to mention the UK in the persistence of Nazism to endure as before WW1 the social aspect of the revolution was deemed a threat to the Monarchal order as was the French Revolution .

It’s a deeper struggle than realized.

Nice to see the Russians approaching a historical memory with documents .

A culture with a memory means it learns .

No learning curve seen with the “West” yet as they put a bullet in their own heads with sanctions.

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Here’s the link to the Federal Portal as it calls itself to история.рф or History Russian Federation, https://histrf.ru/

It’s all in Russian of course. The English version has a limited selection of articles, https://histrf-en.com/

The following link goes to this page about Plan Ost. Here are the translated introductory paragraphs:

“The directives on economic policy for the agricultural group of the Economic Staff "Ost", found as early as 1945 in the papers of the German High Command, are the most important addition to the well-known "Barbarossa" plan. This Nazi document contains instructions on how exactly the economic plunder of the territories of the USSR should be carried out after their capture.

The published note, it would seem, has been known for a long time. As document EC-126, presented by the American side, it appeared at the Nuremberg Trials, where the US prosecutor Whitney Harris gave the following characterization of it:

"The pages of this document reveal a pre-developed plan to kill millions of innocent Soviet citizens by starvation. The document clearly states that the murder of millions of innocents was premeditated. The document shows that this murder plan had to be carried out on such a huge scale that it exceeded all the boundaries of human imagination" (The Nuremberg Trials... Vol. 4: 282).


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Applying the methods of historical truth to the SMO is apt. Starting with “the Russian invasion of Ukraine”, a rhetorical invention which is the opposite of the truth, but is now a coinage permeating Western discourse. The proper representation of the sequence of events is the inverse of the current fable.

For me the term ‘Nazi’ is problematic. The National Socialists were never socialist, completely the opposite.

‘Ethnofascist’ is more descriptively appropriate, literally correct, and applicable outside the German context.

Ancient Greek: εθνος ethnos group, band, body; race, sex; nation; people from common stock; clan; tribe; class by occupation/place in society; —indicating an elite group by race, religion, gender, social class, occupation, commercial ownership/solidarity, …

Fascist: Italian emblem of ‘the axe in sticks’, representing magistrates’ power to inflict corporal and capital punishment, thus gaining and maintaining rule by beating and killing; the exclusive ethnic elite, their bankers and commercial corporations controlling government.

Covert presupposition: the few are the relative master race; the many are the relatively socially subhuman others.

Orthodox [correct belief] entailment: habitual privileged elite dominance over and belligerence against the deprived, socially subhuman others.

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Yes, lots of terminology needs to be overturned for an objective historical narrative to be constructed as well as the deliberately obfuscated exposed to Truth’s light. Some of that’s been done but remains esoteric relative to humanity’s understanding. IMO, the myths need to be exposed as myths and why they were made into unquestionable religious truths explained.

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