Aug 22Liked by Karl Sanchez

The "West" doesn't have any values- it lost them all in adopting capitalism and imperialism, both forms of naked exploitation and looting. Then it tried to cover it up by developing, with the eager co-operation of institutions which had been built by remembering to 'render unto Caesar" what they were told to render, the sort of organised hypocrisy that is recalled as Victorianism.

Actually the Bolsheviks and socialism in general were a reaction against the demolition of values, such as human solidarity, neighbourliness and mutual aid, promoted by the first class society that insisted on total submission. Feudalism, much abused and ill remembered, had no conception of private property rights trumping social claims- the land belonged to the people.

To link the imperialists' desecration of bssic human values with the Bolsheviks is not just cheap demagogy- a crass appeal to fascist and reactionary opinion- but a misrepresentation of some of the idealistic flourishes that accompanied a social revolution which allowed free expression after generations of authoritarian clerical and state repression.

To argue for a free sexual community is not to impose it- there was never a chance that "women would be communalised " (one of the oldest slanders in the book of lies) simply a brief period in which people were allowed to express their ideas, however weird or perverse.

The objection to the idiocies of currently fashionable 'woke' dogmas is that they are designed to distract and obscure at a time when reality is becoming so simple as to be undeniable. It is another form of Victorianism, the other side of the coin and is born of the insistence that 'up ' is 'down' and transparency is opaque. It is an old bag of tricks- we saw it in full evidence during the Epstein hysteria when all the world was telling itself that young women were unattractive to all but perverts unless they had celebrated their eighteenth birthdays. Everyone knew it to be nonsense- men knew it, girls knew it- but nobody dared to emulate Major de Coverley and call it out.

The value that is missing is that of honesty- truth telling. Our society has been corrupted by setting out to anticipate the wishes of our rulers and earn their patronage by singing the songs that please them. What is called education is clearly indoctrination in what we are supposed to pretend to believe.

That the latest idea is to pretend to believe that men can become pregnant or that men dressed in women's clothing are emblems of wisdom is no more surprising than the idea that vaccines should be sold for profit rather than used to suppress disease or that children should be left to die of hunger unless they are wealthy or that Oil Companies should be allowed to pollute the planet , despite the interests of billions born and unborn.

It was one of the great discoveries of the critics of early capitalism that all that they valued in the world was endangered by the worship of Mammon (as our old friend puts it) and that the "new" ideas of the liberals and the political economists were radical uprootings of all that was worthy of conserving as a basis for development. To return to the values that they cherished, whether in sectarian religious forms or in the simple secular practises of humans treating each other decently, involves not just a turning from the more exotic ideological emanations of a sick society but a demolition of a social system built upon private ownership of the means whereby we make our living.

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At Beslan, Putin said Russia's enemies are devoid of morals and ethics; that they have human form but aren't human; that all they have are interests. Yet, there's silence in response. Aside from the Kremlin, I'm the only one I know of that reported the visit.

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Aug 22Liked by Karl Sanchez

Russia is morally head & shoulders above all western nations. It's total insanity the way my own country & the other Western nations are heading. Russia is showing the most rational way for a decent future.

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Aug 22Liked by Karl Sanchez

As always, thank you. I was trying to find the site/link to that (sort of) graph named: “neoliberalism in a nutshell”, but I cannot figure out from where it is from. I wonder who created it, because one thing is clear by now — the rhetoric of the free market is just a rhetoric and not reality. Neoliberalism is the rule of the oligarchs, corporations, financial capitalism via monopolies. Nothing to do with that ideal of the free market. It is interesting how this idea keeps living its Zombie existence.

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As Hudson quips, the market is free for the monopolists and financial institutions to do whatever they want sans regulation by the state--that's the genuine free market as articulated by the Chicago School.

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Karl, thanks for translating the document. The need for more population is certainly true as the collective west hides it's decline via a push/pull of other countries populations. Russia will get the most able of west's young so I expect at some point once the trickle looks to become a flood barriers will be erected ergo that anglophone garrison state. As the US is already a faltering entity the other four eyes may be left to their own devices; this in spite of the Brits and their Montpelerin ambition to use Australia as its base into Asia.

With an accumulating lack of talented leadership (this is visible across the four eyes by the quality of PM and Cabinet) who can only operate from neoliberal templates. If the confrontation with China continues and economic consequences such as rupturing trade eventuate I cannot see the existing state architecture being viable.

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Aug 22Liked by Karl Sanchez

Rotten nuts are only good for fire. Let them burn then.

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Aug 22Liked by Karl Sanchez

"the program is designed to appeal to “far-right figures and conspiracy theorists.”

I guess being offended by those barbies puts me in the conspiracy theory camp, still a society without a moral core will not endure long.

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They were a shock which was the point. The exposure of genitalia in Western culture was deemed obscene for centuries, a rejection of naturalness that had its own profound problems, and now the crazed extremes being touted as norms. A society so square all animal cartoon characters lack genitalia, whereas if you are raised on a farm you're exposed to nature and its ways at a very young age. But in today's West, barely 5% of the people are exposed to that.

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Aug 22Liked by Karl Sanchez

interesting questions at the end.... but i would like to emphasize a quote you made early in the article - "What’s missing is a definitive listing of those anti-values, or “destructive neoliberal ideals”; and I’d also like to see a better term used than the blanket “minorities” when the vast majority of minorities are also against the Neoliberal Totalitarian imposition that’s occurring. " perhaps articulating the values in a clear manner would be even better..

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Aug 22Liked by Karl Sanchez

Perhaps some of the difficulty is that “the rules” are an ever-changing target (intentionally?) , just as they are also at the global level… thankfully, the famous words that “you can’t taper a ponzi” will likely apply to this too … and actual cultures (like Russia ) will go on

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Aug 22Liked by Karl Sanchez

true about the rules changing, and more specifically designed to keep the top dog as top dog forever... rules are written by the powerful.. the concept of justice is often absent in the writing of them..

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Aug 22Liked by Karl Sanchez

Marx noted that history repeats itself and, later, Mark Twain noted that it rhymes. Perhaps we can simply assert that history, at least, has a sense of humour?

At one time, and not very long ago, those who were advocates of a more collectivist, socialistic arrangement of society might be ridiculed by suggesting that they "move to Russia". Of course this was just a way to silence such people and to avoid addressing any argument they had to make.

It was pretty effective too; then, as now, the political environment was so super-saturated with Russophobia that to make such an argument one had to wade through a sewage lagoon of criticism in which all sorts of "floaters" would invariably stick.

But now things have changed so much that the shoe is on the other foot.

Someone can and will write a great book about this topic. The sooner the better.

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There will be lots of land and jobs in Ukraine for these new immigrants, a good start for Putin to repopulate Ukraine with good people.

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The aim isn't to repopulate the former Ukraine but to attract the minimal 3-4 million skilled workers Russia's economy requires today.

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Aug 22Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thanks for the article!

Interesting times… wonder also how many former zionists will apply?!

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In his recent hour-long conversation with Danny Haiphong, Escobar noted the problem Russia faces with those people thanks to Russia's constitution, and not just related to repatriation.

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Aug 22Liked by Karl Sanchez

Ah, thanks for this!

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Aug 22Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thank you Karl! Unfortunately I am too old and I have some problems with my health but for years I say that I like to live in Russia and would also like a winter stay in China:) I have read a lot of Russian literature (translated)from the 19th and 20th centuries and I think that is also a way to get to know “the Russian”. Unfortunately, I miss a language nodule

I am sick of the liberal elite dictators in West Europe where I live. I think Putin understands that it,s just a small group who are responsabele.

As a non-believer I would almost say Redeem us from evil…

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One needn't be a believer to have a proper sense of morals and ethics--the moral compass it was once called. Yes, this situation's been smoldering for years, but with the West's open support for the Zionist Genocide, the world now knows very well what the West's purported values are.

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Haven’t actually read it, but also reminds me of “the sovereign individual “ thesis:

That states will eventually have to actually compete for citizens

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