Sep 30Liked by Karl Sanchez

"France’s National Rally was only beaten in legislative elections in July by a strategic voting agreement between centrist and left-wing blocs..."

This is a half truth, unfortunately not unusual in Russian media reports of European electoral politcs.

The truth is that the Left- Fronte Populaire- would have benefited from the natural alliance between Le Pen's supporters and Macron's, they both come from the same past of collaboration with fascists, both are fascists as anyone who has seen Macron's Cops in action over the past years will understand.

And what has happened since the election confirms this view: the Left won the most seats, but falling short of a majority cannot prevent Macron from appointing his own government because the Le Pen Ralliement will, if pressed, prefer Macron's government to one recommended by the Fronte Populaire.

On the more general situation in Europe I will confine myself to the cuntry I know best-the UK, where there is every indication that a party like the AfD or the Freedom Party would win an election if one were called. The current government, bankrupt in the womb, of Labour is just the latest in the absolute surrender of Social Democrats to neo-liberalism. This happened in France (Macron'xs first appearance in politics was as a minister in a Socialist!!! governmen. And it happened in Italy. Most notably it happened in Germany where Scholtz is presiding over a Social Democrat led government.

Starmer is but the latest in a string of US agents (he probably works for MI6 which as any James Bond reader will know is joined at the hip with the CIA) scattered over Europe and heading almost all the 'socialist' parties who, not always consciously, are clearing the way for fascism by erasing all traces of democracy and socialism from the 'left' parties. This is what Weimar did and it is what Starmer and the liberal Establishment set out to do when they nipped the Corbyn movement in the bud and drove the left off the political stage.

This would be bad enough, what makes the situation all the more dangerous is that socialists are associated with mass immigration (entirely the result of successive imperialist adventures whose only opponents were Socialists such as Corbyn) while one of the few bases of support for the anti imperialist foreign policy of the Labour Left is the muslim community.

And then there is the fact that all these faux populist parties are subsidised by Israel and its fascist, racist (no that is not redundant) backers.

Sara Wagenacht shows the way- Corbyn should follow it and Britain's thousands of sectarians and holier than thou pseudo-trotskyists should roll up their sleeves and rebuild the movement which will be required to fight fascism in the very near future.

What frightened the NATO Establishments about Corbyn was the thing that frightens them most, it was not his policies or even the possibility of his coming to office but the rapid expansion of the Labour Party from a moribund 100,000 old folk and slimy young careerists into a six hundred thousand, on the way to a million and more, socialist movement of the sort that could turn Parliamentary Office, based on electoral victories into political power.

I will only add that one of those responsible for this tango to death is the liberal oligarchical clique in Moscow which is as scared of socialism as the pseudo-socialists and radicals, like the SPD and the Greens, who have thrown in their lot with actual existing nazism in Kiev under the banner of anti-imperialism and the defence of popular government. Thus it is that we end up with almost all Europe's left wing parties supporting the Babi Yar party in Kiev while the forces of order on the right fall on the side championed by history, Russia.

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Sep 30·edited Sep 30Liked by Karl Sanchez

Nice one bevin. Loved the definition/spelling error, 'cuntry ' - freudian slip perhaps - for UK. Hopefully the half million joinees of a Corbyn led Labour Party have left it now that the Starmfuhrer has been (sel)elected. I think you are correct that the prospect of active political engagement by the people frightens the UK Establishment more than anything else, and they should be.

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Sep 30Liked by Karl Sanchez

Ta Bevin for your description of the great inversion of politics as we know it, unfortunately bad times are ahead in Europe and Britian.

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Sep 30Liked by Karl Sanchez

The Democrats in The US have returned to their historic role of being the war party.

The European electorate has had its fill and is slowly being able to articulate it better. I am no fan of Geert Wilders, never was, but his increasing prevalence shows the disgust and lack of alternatives. Same in Germany, same in France, same in Austria.

There is still insufficient critical mass at present and the leadership could stand improvement. Credits to Orban and the Czech Prime Minister for surviving. Getting Germany not to be America's poodle will take a lot of doing. Germans do not like sticking their neck out.

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Sep 30Liked by Karl Sanchez

My father a WW II veteran said for years the “democrats got US in all the wars.”

Since Wilson!

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Sep 30Liked by Karl Sanchez

karl. thanks. it is a pain in the ass to be traveling and stuck on an ipad which is why i am not commenting while travelling, but i am having a great trip here in nova scotia!

on the topic of this label right or far right, i highly encourage you and others to read a few articles at moon of alabama by thomas fazi on his substack.. articles labelled part 2 and 1. he beautifully explains. much of this with regard to the european union and i highly recommend his substack articles.. now back to reading only until i am home next week..

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Sep 30Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thank you Mr. Sanchez. I couldn't state I'm at all familiar with Austrian politics or would otherwise be aware of their people's choice, thank you. Blessings.

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Oct 2Liked by Karl Sanchez

The Left has always been pro war and pro violence dating back to the French Revolution. The only time they were acting anti war was during Vietnam, when the spoiled college brats were becoming worried they might get drafted and sent off to jungle. It was rather an act of self preservation than of ideological nature. Of course the Left has successfully brainwashed the masses into believing the Right are the sole warmongers which is an unabashed lie.

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Thank you Karl Sanchez for this most recent update on Austria's '$'election. These right-wing 'company' (Latin 'com' = 'together' + 'pan' = 'bread' & 'Corporate' (L. 'corp' = 'body') organized parties are playing against a stacked deck of political cards designed to keep them marginal.

Rather than playing the LEFT-RIGHT game, we should be understanding how fake Oligarch issued 'money' (Greek 'mnemosis' = 'memory') is flowing through the system because there is a direct correlation with hidden campaign financing & outcomes, but on a more vast scale than most people imagine.

Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy etc. are captured nations for 79 years but were once participants in the worldwide 50 nation AXIS powers. National laws & basic corporate culture involved the right of Multistakeholder Participatory investment, ownership & Board representation by individuals & businesses as Founders, Worker, Manager, Supplier, Townspeople & Consumer Stakeholder investment & process contributors. In a system of Progressive ownership earned over one's career. Such individual invested interest permits Corporations to delegate Decision-making & some finance into Workshop, Department, Division Councils & other functions particular to each stakeholder function & interest i.e. All people are empowered in RELATIONAL ECONOMY from the bottom-up, rather than endlessly waiting & appealing to those Oligarch owned captured politicians at the top. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy


Axis (Achsenmachte-German, Polenze dell’Asse-Italian, Sujikukoku-Japanese, Greater-East-Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere 1936-45) Powers & aligned collaborating governments & >50 nations as part of: Tripartite & Anti-Comintern, Pact-of-Steel Agreements & alliances with: Germany, Italy, Vichy France, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Slovakia, Czechia, Soviet Union, Romania, Montenegro, Macedonia, Greece, Crimea, Bulgaria, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Spain, Italy, Syria, Iraq, Palestine, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia, Eritrea, Ethiopia, West Africa Dakar, Azad Hind India, Jammu, Kashmir, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Inner-Mongolia, The Participatory movement focused on helping people organize their own Livelihood as #1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axis_powers

NATIONAL COMMUNITY SERVICE in SECULAR POLITICS from the Bottom-up using Indigenous First Nation (eg. Celtic & Slavic Peoples of Europe), still Sovereign Economic Democracy system, we can arrive at the distributed decentralized system we all need & be stronger for it as a nation & indeed a world. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/9-secular-politics

"Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"

RIGGED FAKE POLITICAL 'DEMOCRACY' Western-worldwide hidden minority but triangulated multi-trillionaire Oligarch share holders: of the US-Federal-Reserve, Bank-of-England/City-of-London & Bank-of-International-Settlements, control the issue of our fiat fake money as forgivable loans to Family, Friends & Associates. Top-down Loans imply business investments, so Oligarchs with the power to mint & issue western fake 'money', have unearned control over their corporate networks of 'Capital' (Latin 'cap' = 'head' supposedly meaning Collective-Intelligence) & Currency systems. This fundamental control provides unhindered integrated Oligarch command & control over the captured fake: Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial, Pharma-med & Agri-business COMPLEX, now controlling Oligarch colonized for 7000 years since Babylon.

Politics & Government operations on national, state & most other passive political levels of organization are overly expensive, inappropriately scaled & administered public service systems, for average people & even most corporations, in terms of Mass-media Publicity, meetings & Networking reach-out, Offices, Staff salaries, Equipment & much more reaching out to whole populations.

All Humanity for 10s of 1000 of years prospered in peace & abundance with distributed yet global 'indigenous' (Latin 'self-generating') laws, economy, accounting & governance practices with ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY as the key foundation for Political Democracy, Economic Democracy in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village), specialized Production-Society-Guilds & time-based equivalency-accounting on the String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands). Know your ancient heritage. All humanity is originally indigenous. https://sites.google.com/site/indigenecommunity/c-relational-economy/8-economic-democracy

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Okay, first off; all hierarchies are AUTHORITARIAN. Every world government is a HIERARCHY. Therefore it's impossible to have a democratic hierarchy. That's an oxymoron and explains why everything seems upside down right now.

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