No question. A healthier era produces more men like this. Still, hard times have a way of producing great men too. There will be many once the rubble of bourgeois politics is cleared in the US. They are approaching their Waterloo. It shouldn't be long.
Brilliant. The American revolution was a huge advance for all mankind, as was the civil war. Too many want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The revolutionary beginning of the US still lives in the hearts of millions of American workers. Unlike the ruling elite, it is not a joke to them or a source of shame, nor should it be.
Note how Wallace was buried after 1946 and then for good in 1948. A Progressive Republican with deep Social Gospel roots. Wallace was the type of Good Man many aspired to become. He was very prescient and was unafraid to speak the truth. There're no men of stature like he was in the USA's political world today. Theu are all grubs compared to him.
thanks karl... not being american, i never heard of henry wallace.. thanks for highlighting him.. i agree with your reading thru the lines - the usa has fallen far, from when he was speaking.. where is anyone of his stature, anywhere near the area of political power? i am not sure bernie sanders was even close..
RFK jr is perhaps not the man to cleanse the Augean stables, but he speaks his mind with great clarity and to this day is still getting away with it. It is too early to tell whether it heralds any change.
For Joe Biden to deny him Secret Service protection is a tell of sorts. It also makes Joe look like a petty tyrant. Magnanimous is not a word that would come to anyone's mouth with that grifter.
Wallace was never a Yes Man. He was a much greater champion of the Common Man than FDR was by several orders of magnitude. He pressed Truman hard in the 1948 POTUS campaign and ran as an Independent. Truman had to engineer the Berlin War Scare to keep his position; otherwise, Wilke would have won as many predicted.
As for Biden, he's an enemy of the Common Man as he's proven so well over his career. That men like Biden are able to gain power within the USA shows the dysfunctional decline that occurred since 1940. Biden's no tyrant; he's a megalomaniac.
You were fed the smear campaign against Wallace. I see that more of his works are now available than when I last looked several years ago. Wikipedia has an incomplete list. "A world of hope, a world of fear : Henry A. Wallace, Reinhold Niebuhr, and American liberalism" is a very hard book to find, although thanks to The Archive it can be read,
I recently discovered Wallace's journal notes he made on his trip to Russia and China in 1944, which is rather revealing about the attitude toward Russia displayed while transiting Alaska. It's clear the ground work for the post WW2 Red Scare was already being laid which was unsettling to Wallace. And then I see there's a sensationalist novel out that completely rebrands and tars Wallace, "President Henry Wallace: And the Sleeping Prophet." Another work I've yet to read by John Nichols is, "The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party: The Enduring Legacy of Henry Wallace's Anti-Fascist, Anti-Racist Politics." And then there's Thomas Devine's 2015 "Henry Wallace's 1948 Presidential Campaign and the Future of Postwar Liberalism." I'll be curious to see how those two treat their subject and how they differ from earlier sources. Poking around some more, I've discovered much more is available than when I did my research into Wallace and wrote about it during the 2000s. I'll try to carve out some time to update myself.
You speak as if what is happening, what has been happening for .... ever, is something that the general public opposes, that they are simply tricked into allowing it all to happen. You are wrong! That is just wishful thinking. All of this has been done out in the open for anyone to see but none chose to see it. For my part I have seen it clearly for over 50 years and have spoken out about all of it. Doing as I have done will get you no where, in fact it makes for a miserable existence and if you are a person of position and influence it gets you killed.
99.9% of people I have ever met would vehemently deny and disagree with your premise. My proof?... just look at what has happened and where we are.
Even the RoW which is now coming into their own are beginning to disregard the lessons of western civilization. The only problem has been that they were not allowed at a shot at becoming rich. They all talk about win win, equality, fairness but as the jobs start to fade, the ability to tap into the economic frenzy and "make real bank" starts to fade already we see massive uprisings. They are burning things down, tearing things down because equality is not being spread to other people. it is because they want their shot which is what ALL societies promise.
Wallace is just as relevant now as he ended up being back then.
The Multipolar movement is just as reliant on capitalism, with or without special twists, as the west is. They are also just as reliant on strip mining the planet and beyond for energy and other resources and will crank up the pollution exponentially along with it.
Please skip all the pretty words, the hopeium, the cornicopianism, the fantasy no matter how much you wish it to be so and start writing about reality based issues wrt the great change that is happening so that we just might have a chance of success.
Sorry for the rant but I for one really want this to work for real this time.
I am sure you have heard the term "if you find yourself in a hole stop digging". What this means in essence is that we must first understand and acknowledge the problem, then STOP doing it.
The problem is capitalism...period! Capitalism, no matter the added "special characteristics", will not solve the problem of capitalism and in case you haven't noticed the BRICKS+ are kicking capitalism into overdrive for over ten times the population of the US. It can only end bad but hey stick to the dream and maybe magic will happen.
P.S. I do have the pathway that will work. It is at once the easiest thing in the world and the one thing that nobody can accept....Oh Nose...what do we do???
I agree completely. It has been my driving force for many decades.
Lets just not cheer on or encourage that which has been the main driver of inequality and in fact we owe it to the future of humanity to warn against it. We got to this place by not standing up and saying NO to capitalism, not because we didn't say no to empire.
Ironic that he wrote about the dangers of fascism. The Germans had an agent in his staff partly thanks to his association with Roerich. From an interview with German Intelligence Officer Muller after the war:
" Roehrich was a Russian and a friend of the Roosevelt family. He claimed to be a mystic with connections in Tibet and other places. Wallace believed this creature was sent by God to help
him and became involved. Eventually, they had a falling out and Wallace abandoned him, but Roehrich had contacted the Germans in around 1934 to see if they were interested and the name came into my hands after Roehrich and Wallace were no longer friends. It was a good contact and it enabled me to place a Gestapo informant onto Wallace’s personal staff. I would call that a coup.
Q I would think so.
M And as well, Wallace’s sister had married the Swiss Minister to the United States, one Bruggmann...let me spell it for you B R U G G M A N N. Wallace told him everything he knew as soon as he knew it and Bruggmann sent this material to Bern. We were then able to read the traffic and someone in the Swiss Foreign Office filled in the holes. I then had a fascinating view of Roosevelt’s cabinet meetings within a few days of their happening. Unfortunately, the Abwehr also was reading this material but they did not have an agent in place so while they had considerable information, I had more. We had lengthy reports on Roosevelt’s most important decisions almost as soon as he made them, thanks to Comrade Wallace. I knew from the beginning that Roosevelt was trying every road he could to push your country into a war with Germany. He used every provocation imaginable but it did not work with Hitler. I know Hitler was very angry about the convoys and the aid to Britain but he was clever enough not to snap at the bait. Then Roosevelt turned his eyes towards the Japanese who were not as clever and they walked right into the trap.
So until 1944, I had a source only one step away from the President and I would say a very accurate and valuable, if unwitting, source. Of course, given his Communist leanings, if Wallace had known about these things, he would have probably shot himself. Or at least he should have. Still, all countries have their lunatics in high places. We had Hess, you had Wallace, the British had Churchill and the Soviets have Stalin."
Muller's information had to get verified - as much as possible. He was offering it in return for asylum, which he got and rumor has it that his descendants are doing very well in USG or some such. In any case, Wallace was in pretty thick with communist Russia but was not so much an agent as a dupe - according to Muller. Hopkins was more of an agent and also closer to FDR.
According to the following report, Wallace was duped in Russia during a visit there, but this report could be disingenuous - like anything in any media.
Fortunately, Wallace kept a journal of his Magadan trip that's extremely precise about a great many things. Accusing Wallace of being a leftist is a howler. His voluminous works prior to and during WW2 show him to be a patriotic Progressive of the sort that arose from the middle tier of states beginning in the 1880s. That he was against conglomerates, monopolies, and the Big Money machine was well known and those interests attacked him until he died.
Whenever a fight persists overlong, a hidden 3rd-party is promoting it.
Spot the heretofore hidden 3rd-party and the combatants will unite to handle the matter.
Any competent mediator needs to be so advised .
And thanks Karl for your awesome work.
It's good to read a reply from you, Chu Teh. They're always motivational.
No question. A healthier era produces more men like this. Still, hard times have a way of producing great men too. There will be many once the rubble of bourgeois politics is cleared in the US. They are approaching their Waterloo. It shouldn't be long.
Brilliant. The American revolution was a huge advance for all mankind, as was the civil war. Too many want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. The revolutionary beginning of the US still lives in the hearts of millions of American workers. Unlike the ruling elite, it is not a joke to them or a source of shame, nor should it be.
Note how Wallace was buried after 1946 and then for good in 1948. A Progressive Republican with deep Social Gospel roots. Wallace was the type of Good Man many aspired to become. He was very prescient and was unafraid to speak the truth. There're no men of stature like he was in the USA's political world today. Theu are all grubs compared to him.
thanks karl... not being american, i never heard of henry wallace.. thanks for highlighting him.. i agree with your reading thru the lines - the usa has fallen far, from when he was speaking.. where is anyone of his stature, anywhere near the area of political power? i am not sure bernie sanders was even close..
RFK jr is perhaps not the man to cleanse the Augean stables, but he speaks his mind with great clarity and to this day is still getting away with it. It is too early to tell whether it heralds any change.
For Joe Biden to deny him Secret Service protection is a tell of sorts. It also makes Joe look like a petty tyrant. Magnanimous is not a word that would come to anyone's mouth with that grifter.
Wallace was never a Yes Man. He was a much greater champion of the Common Man than FDR was by several orders of magnitude. He pressed Truman hard in the 1948 POTUS campaign and ran as an Independent. Truman had to engineer the Berlin War Scare to keep his position; otherwise, Wilke would have won as many predicted.
As for Biden, he's an enemy of the Common Man as he's proven so well over his career. That men like Biden are able to gain power within the USA shows the dysfunctional decline that occurred since 1940. Biden's no tyrant; he's a megalomaniac.
I enjoyed this pice and Wallace's words appear to be very prescient to the modern day west, and the USA in particular.
I had always been led to the belief that Wallace was some dangerous red under the bed type. I will need to expand my reading on the man and his life.
You were fed the smear campaign against Wallace. I see that more of his works are now available than when I last looked several years ago. Wikipedia has an incomplete list. "A world of hope, a world of fear : Henry A. Wallace, Reinhold Niebuhr, and American liberalism" is a very hard book to find, although thanks to The Archive it can be read,
I recently discovered Wallace's journal notes he made on his trip to Russia and China in 1944, which is rather revealing about the attitude toward Russia displayed while transiting Alaska. It's clear the ground work for the post WW2 Red Scare was already being laid which was unsettling to Wallace. And then I see there's a sensationalist novel out that completely rebrands and tars Wallace, "President Henry Wallace: And the Sleeping Prophet." Another work I've yet to read by John Nichols is, "The Fight for the Soul of the Democratic Party: The Enduring Legacy of Henry Wallace's Anti-Fascist, Anti-Racist Politics." And then there's Thomas Devine's 2015 "Henry Wallace's 1948 Presidential Campaign and the Future of Postwar Liberalism." I'll be curious to see how those two treat their subject and how they differ from earlier sources. Poking around some more, I've discovered much more is available than when I did my research into Wallace and wrote about it during the 2000s. I'll try to carve out some time to update myself.
A helpful start to my reading list.
You speak as if what is happening, what has been happening for .... ever, is something that the general public opposes, that they are simply tricked into allowing it all to happen. You are wrong! That is just wishful thinking. All of this has been done out in the open for anyone to see but none chose to see it. For my part I have seen it clearly for over 50 years and have spoken out about all of it. Doing as I have done will get you no where, in fact it makes for a miserable existence and if you are a person of position and influence it gets you killed.
99.9% of people I have ever met would vehemently deny and disagree with your premise. My proof?... just look at what has happened and where we are.
Even the RoW which is now coming into their own are beginning to disregard the lessons of western civilization. The only problem has been that they were not allowed at a shot at becoming rich. They all talk about win win, equality, fairness but as the jobs start to fade, the ability to tap into the economic frenzy and "make real bank" starts to fade already we see massive uprisings. They are burning things down, tearing things down because equality is not being spread to other people. it is because they want their shot which is what ALL societies promise.
Wallace is just as relevant now as he ended up being back then.
The Multipolar movement is just as reliant on capitalism, with or without special twists, as the west is. They are also just as reliant on strip mining the planet and beyond for energy and other resources and will crank up the pollution exponentially along with it.
Please skip all the pretty words, the hopeium, the cornicopianism, the fantasy no matter how much you wish it to be so and start writing about reality based issues wrt the great change that is happening so that we just might have a chance of success.
Sorry for the rant but I for one really want this to work for real this time.
Yes, you produced a rant. Now produce a manifesto providing the pathway so it will "work for real this time."
I am sure you have heard the term "if you find yourself in a hole stop digging". What this means in essence is that we must first understand and acknowledge the problem, then STOP doing it.
The problem is capitalism...period! Capitalism, no matter the added "special characteristics", will not solve the problem of capitalism and in case you haven't noticed the BRICKS+ are kicking capitalism into overdrive for over ten times the population of the US. It can only end bad but hey stick to the dream and maybe magic will happen.
P.S. I do have the pathway that will work. It is at once the easiest thing in the world and the one thing that nobody can accept....Oh Nose...what do we do???
Eventually, equity will reign. If not, humanity won't survive. How to effect equity to humanity is the issue, IMO.
I agree completely. It has been my driving force for many decades.
Lets just not cheer on or encourage that which has been the main driver of inequality and in fact we owe it to the future of humanity to warn against it. We got to this place by not standing up and saying NO to capitalism, not because we didn't say no to empire.
Ironic that he wrote about the dangers of fascism. The Germans had an agent in his staff partly thanks to his association with Roerich. From an interview with German Intelligence Officer Muller after the war:
" Roehrich was a Russian and a friend of the Roosevelt family. He claimed to be a mystic with connections in Tibet and other places. Wallace believed this creature was sent by God to help
him and became involved. Eventually, they had a falling out and Wallace abandoned him, but Roehrich had contacted the Germans in around 1934 to see if they were interested and the name came into my hands after Roehrich and Wallace were no longer friends. It was a good contact and it enabled me to place a Gestapo informant onto Wallace’s personal staff. I would call that a coup.
Q I would think so.
M And as well, Wallace’s sister had married the Swiss Minister to the United States, one Bruggmann...let me spell it for you B R U G G M A N N. Wallace told him everything he knew as soon as he knew it and Bruggmann sent this material to Bern. We were then able to read the traffic and someone in the Swiss Foreign Office filled in the holes. I then had a fascinating view of Roosevelt’s cabinet meetings within a few days of their happening. Unfortunately, the Abwehr also was reading this material but they did not have an agent in place so while they had considerable information, I had more. We had lengthy reports on Roosevelt’s most important decisions almost as soon as he made them, thanks to Comrade Wallace. I knew from the beginning that Roosevelt was trying every road he could to push your country into a war with Germany. He used every provocation imaginable but it did not work with Hitler. I know Hitler was very angry about the convoys and the aid to Britain but he was clever enough not to snap at the bait. Then Roosevelt turned his eyes towards the Japanese who were not as clever and they walked right into the trap.
So until 1944, I had a source only one step away from the President and I would say a very accurate and valuable, if unwitting, source. Of course, given his Communist leanings, if Wallace had known about these things, he would have probably shot himself. Or at least he should have. Still, all countries have their lunatics in high places. We had Hess, you had Wallace, the British had Churchill and the Soviets have Stalin."
Muller's information had to get verified - as much as possible. He was offering it in return for asylum, which he got and rumor has it that his descendants are doing very well in USG or some such. In any case, Wallace was in pretty thick with communist Russia but was not so much an agent as a dupe - according to Muller. Hopkins was more of an agent and also closer to FDR.
According to the following report, Wallace was duped in Russia during a visit there, but this report could be disingenuous - like anything in any media.
In any case. Wallace is quite a controversial figure, both during his own time and in history.
The Heinrich Muller material comes from:
Gestapo-Chief: The CIA & Heinrich Müller by Gregory Douglas of TBR News.
Fortunately, Wallace kept a journal of his Magadan trip that's extremely precise about a great many things. Accusing Wallace of being a leftist is a howler. His voluminous works prior to and during WW2 show him to be a patriotic Progressive of the sort that arose from the middle tier of states beginning in the 1880s. That he was against conglomerates, monopolies, and the Big Money machine was well known and those interests attacked him until he died.