Excellent work! Thank you! A long and interesting read... worth of it!

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This is a very interesting report, given all the Press representations of India playing a double game, unfaithfully and so on, between the US and China/Russia

And the related Russia is isolated reports

As with Kim the evident ease and sympathy

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thanks karl

..... 23 million births a year.

i can't see how this is sustainable for the planet.. maybe i am being narrow minded...

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Most other countries are losing population fast - so India has a lot of work to do just to keep population from declining too dramatically

Once a country can not reproduce itself the decline continues to accelerate, reversal of which becomes impossible, immigration from India a temporary palliative only on the path to extinction

The curse of capitalism- https://americanaffairsjournal.org/2022/11/capitalisms-overlooked-contradiction-wealth-and-demographic-decline/

- China and Russia are doing something about this, see VVP's Executive order May 7 2024 - and Karl's reports here

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thanks gerrard.. i have read the articles karl has shared on this... i will look at the article you've shared..

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Here's a China article - which does seem to outline some decent and adequate economic and ideological reasons and practices for a collective approach to fertility rate reversal


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the other article is good.. i haven't quite finished it... i have an ideological bias... i think there are too many people on the planet already... i don't think it is sustainable.... i will check this out as well..

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Population expansion - and economic expansion - is built into modern societies as a requirement for success - reduction, on the relatively short time scale observed has proven to be exceptionally rapid and resistant to any treatment

Expansion may be uncomfortable, but reduction is to zero

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i am not sure if you are right about that..... there are different systems of living on and with the planet... not all of them are as destructive as the one we presently are supporting.. i have never been a fan of economics over environment.. this is what it looks like to me in 2024...

thanks for your interesting links...

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A very good article that explains the demographic problem we are facing.

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If you appreciated this article I would recommend this China article mentioned above


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I don't like Bibi's friends, even if they are Putin's friends.

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