Response to Karl Sanchez' "Russia on Veto of its UNSC Humanitarian Resolution and Crooke's Latest"

I hope you watched The Duran video from yesterday with a discussion of derivatives with "Reporterfly' who basically declared that any time now - it would only require a cold snap in Europe - the Western economy is going to collapse with literally hundreds of trillions of dollars being called to collection - a sum impossible to cover. He predicted a generational change in behavior as very few will be able to afford mortgages in the future - or perhaps, it was suggested, a "mortgage for life" would be imposed.

As for Gaza, well, b's post today pretty much made it clear that the US is intent on conducting military operations in the region. As I have predicted for years, Israel and the US can't get rid of Iran without getting rid of Hezbollah - and now it appears Israel can't get rid of the Palestinians without getting rid of Hezbollah, as well. And I've argued for the same time, Israel can not get rid of Hezbollah on its own. Even I was surprised to find that Hezbollah now has 100,000 troops and anywhere from 50,000 to over 100,000 rockets - albeit most of those are still relatively short-range. But they do have long-range Iranian missiles that can hit precision targets throughout Israel.

So I disagree with the Cradle article which suggested the US wants the PA to take over Gaza in order to salvage the Saudi rapprochement. I think that's just cover. The US doesn't give a damn about the Palestinians or the Saudis. The neocons run the US and they want Iran gone as much as Israel does. Whatever Biden is telling Israel about the PA and Gaza - if in fact he's telling them any such thing - is a smoke screen to cover the US real intentions.

The plan seems clear: Start (or fake) the Israeli ground invasion of Gaza, let Hezbollah enter the war - or equally likely, a preemptive attack on Hezbollah - plenty of grounds for that from Israel's viewpoint already - and then let the US assist from the air and sea. Then extend the war into Syria in order to kick out the Russians and finish the job Obama wanted to do in from 2011 to 2015 when the Russians entered - and even in 2016 when he contemplated a "no-fly zone". That would leave the US and Israel free to attack Iran at any time of their choosing.

The problem with involving Syria is that Russia is quite capable of sinking the entire two US carrier battle groups from as far away as the Black Sea or Caspian Sea. And if Syria gets to use however many Russian S-300 they still have, Israel and the US are going to lose a lot of aircraft, at least until Tomahawks are able to overwhelm those defenses - which will be difficult as Russia has the ECM to defeat them.

The Axis of Resistance now must calculate whether they should preempt such an attack by attacking first. The problem with that is that they will then become the "aggressors" in the eyes of the non-Arab world. OTOH, waiting for Israel and the US to attack depends on whether they can absorb the initial "punch." I suspect they can, so it might wise for them to wait until the US and Israeli commit themselves.

This war could go on for as long as the Ukraine conflict has - or longer if Iran gets involved. That will trigger an oil price rise - and then the derivatives collapse.

They really are burning down the house this time.

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I've speculated about as much as I can today as there are other matters on my plate. Brazil's UNSC resolution was to be put to a vote this evening, but no news on the outcome yet. It's morning in Beijing; I wonder what Putin and Xi are having for breakfast along with their meal? And then what; will they make an announcement? Will the US Embassy in Amman go up in flames? How many steps are on this escalation ladder?

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Who cares what happens to US Embassies? Who cares what Putin and Xi say if it's not a declaration of war against Israel (or the US)? I have my doubts anyone cares about Brazil's resolution if they shot down Russia and 30 other countries. I'm only concerned about significant actions.

What matters is who strikes first: the US/Israel or Hezbollah? That's the only escalation that really matters. Everything else follows from there. From there it's non-stop to either 1) Israel's economy and infrastructure gets trashed and it gives up, or 2) a US-Iran war. And we know how that one ends: the US loses and pulls out after trashing Iran's infrastructure for the next 20 years, just like Afghanistan - because Iran will never surrender. Of course, it could end a lot sooner once the US economy collapses.

OTOH, if the US seriously attacks Syria, including Russian forces there, well... Better have a one-way ticket to South America because the US is toast.

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Oct 17, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

US neocons are lusting for war, Iran seems to be the new enemy, despite no evidence of inclusion in the situation in Gaza.

Then the sale of US smart weapons and replacements for loses is a profit generator.

The US' "west" has no soul.

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Iran has long been the neocons' enemy, just as the Palestinians have been Israel's. Hamas is just being used to enable the Iran war as well as finishing off the Palestinians. I've predicted this since 2006 at least, if not 2003.

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Same as Iraq being blamed for Al Qaida and Osama Bin Laden’s supposed involvement in 9/11.

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ed - i agree with richard.. iran has long been the usa-israel-uk enemy.. they are not the new enemy..

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I’ve got a bad feeling that events are slipping out of control. The protests breaking out across Western Asia will put enormous pressure on those states, maybe especially because a lot of the front line security forces probably agree with the protestors. I think it was Tarik Amar who pointed out that Jordan is majority Palestinian and the border is not well fortified. Note the king snubbed Biden and cancelled the summit.

Netanyahu has lost the plot. He’s not even getting the 9/11 response public support domestically. Nor can he apparently stop Hamas from launching rockets. Foreign dignitaries are getting air raid sirens on the runway at Ben Gurien and C-17s are dropping flares just to be on the safe side.

I think the US was trying to tamp this down in its own peculiar way. Of course the Sinai Option was never going to fly, but it was the US that announced the aid convoy for foreigners at Rafah. Bibi bombed the crossing. Blinken spent 7 hours with Netanyahu and then Biden agreed to come. Now he’s going to be stuck in Tel Aviv excusing hospital bombing.

The only diplomatic solutions are unmitigated disasters for Israel and Netanyahu personally. The military solutions are probably just as disastrous. And it’s Joe Biden navigating this historic moment on behalf of “the most powerful country in history”.

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Were events ever in control?

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It’s all relative. It was only late September when Sullivan publicly talked about how calm the Middle East was. Perhaps a better way to put it is that the US is clearly losing the ability to significantly influence events and the leadership class is being forced to confront the fact that it cannot control events.

I’m watching the regional public reaction closely. I think it has real potential to push regional states to act in ways they might not normally, or would prefer not to. The KSA statement using the word “occupation” in multiple places is along those lines.

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As Iraqi PM Sudani said in Moscow during the Russian Energy Week Plenary Session, the Arab "street" was already on fire, and that was prior to the Massive hospital crime. The Zionist's embassy in Jordan was attacked but wasn't burned to the ground as those attacking it wished. I have no other news from other capitals, but I wouldn't doubt similar happenings.

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In my country,I heard it was the Palestinian , Abbas , who cancelled the meeting. Maybe Hussein of Jordan did too or my news only mentioned half the truth or got it wrong altogether. In in case, if Jordan did this it looks bad for Biden. Jordan is one of the most servile of Arab states, allowed its land to be the ISIS training ground at the US’ behest and the King himself is half -American!

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I also heard that Abbas cancelled to go back to Palestine. It probably doesn’t matter who was first. Cancelling a US POTUS meeting at the last minute is a pretty big deal.

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Oct 18, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

This will take a while to get processed by the losing side. The US increasingly looks like the bully who cannot stand contradictions, never mind an actual loss.

Afghanistan was a mere pimple compared to the defeat in Ukraine for the US and NATO. That will take some time to sink in and for all the world to see.

Whatever comes next? The US is trying to destroy anything UN, so, we'll have to wait.

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How much of all these dastardly machinations are put together and maintained by sensible men as against put together by lunatic greedy hereditary oligarchs or rulers, aristocratic families, etc., that have but short sight and narrow horizons?

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Oct 18, 2023·edited Oct 18, 2023

I wonder who those 1000 Russian citizens in Gaza are? Mainly ethnic Russian NGO personnel, businessmen or ethnic Palestinians who have immigrated to Russia in the past and their possible Part-Russian children?

Yes, it took ten days for a UN Security Council meeting to occur. The USIS of course wanted favourable events on the ground to occur so they stalled.

One notes that a Russian proposal that manages to release the Israeli hostages was still voted down . This is to be expected when Israel is desperately searching for reasons to exterminate the Palestinians. The Israelis want hostages so that they can pull at Westerners’ heartstrings ,yet Palestinian hostages don’t engender the same feelings of sympathy. How stupid or hypocritical are we Westerners when we can’t see or speak about the fact that it is the Jews who are conducting this genocide. Yes…a genocide , as stopping food ,water and power to a people necessarily leads to death and their destruction as a people. The brainwashing is so complete that most Westerners can’t even think it. Taboo!

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Laid bare for the world to see . . .

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