" the problem isn’t really Biden per se"

True - it's the system. But let's not cut Biden any slack, old demented fool or not. He was a corrupt war monger since forever. So are the rest of them.

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You can't help getting the impression that Russia is a country and ours are mere pretences.

Even fancy 'black tie' occasions like this look in Russia like interactions between real people where in my nation they look like orchestrated puppet shows between stuffed shirts or worse...

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I don't know how strict Putin's security regime is or how staged his events, but what I see and hear/read is a closeness between him and all Russians. And then there're the ways Russians act around other Russians--there's a comradery that you not only see but can feel. Yes, they're exceptions that are often tragic, but they are very rare compared with such incidents in the West. Russia is the true Melting Pot--a quality the USA can only dream about.

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I really feel the USA is and always has been simply on the wrong path. They thrive on what was once called 'one upmanship' for instance, or something similar.

Their nation is all about material success and flaunting it.

What's wrong with 'material success' ? Nothing. I didn't say it right. Their idea of success is all 'material'. How about that?

Their idea of strength is all about power destroying. Supposedly destroying enemies, of course, that 'deserve' destroying.

But a more European or perhaps Slavic and in fact I think - global - idea of 'strength' is long-suffering, enduring. Strength of character. Selflessness. Caring.

Back in their Civil War times perhaps they knew but they don't seem now to have idea at all of any of it. The Russians - I think - remain keenly aware of 20 million dead in the 'great patriotic war' ? The Chinese have always the memory of what happened under Mao just beneath the surface. The Japanese remember. The Germans, I'm sure, remember though it seems to be expressing itself in a very twisted way.

But the Americans seem to have no idea at all.

All they know is Hollywood. They seem to see the world in cartoon primary coloured simplistic unreal terms.

GI's in Vietnam apparently walking around with the slogan ' Yeah though I walk through the valley of death I will fear no evil for I am the meanest mother f***er in the valley'.

While going 'home' to barracks every night and ice cream and tv.

You are 'mean' and 'powerful' and 'mighty' and 'strong' and 'heroic' and ipso facto 'at the top' if you can fly over a patch of jungle and drop napalm on villages.

They've known things I'm sure. Civil war. Depression. Gangsterism. Union busting.

It has been a real nation, a real normal human story full of all the awfulness of human societies.

But today, since WWII, they seem to have 'lost the plot' entirely.

And not only them. The whole West.

Why would the English back Nazis? I don't mean their lunatic 'leaders', put all Western 'leaderships' aside, they simply don't have anything to do with the people.

I mean the people. Why would they let it happen? Why aren't they sick to their stomach and violently indignant?

Why would the Germans let the Americans destroy their cheap energy and thus their whole nation? Again, I mean the people, the German people.

And so on.

It's because the Western people everywhere have become inert oblivious ignorant sheep.

Just from having 'had it too good' for too long?

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A good rant that I don't disagree with. I was thinking about US Imperialism and its expansion during the 1870s and wondered what might have happened if a differing POV had reigned in the minds of that Era's US Elites to create a Benevolent Empire instead of merely copying the European Plundering Empires. Well, I knew why that didn't happen and decided to use that basis for an essay I'm currently composing that expands on some of my previous work about Humanity's Proper Future Path which I haven't really touched on since soon after starting this substack with this essay from July, "Humanity's New Path", https://karlof1.substack.com/p/humanitys-new-path which I initially thought would become an ongoing series exploring both the path traveled and the path ahead. Seems the time is about right for another installment.

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I believe lot of it is simply apathy. People don't really bother to know. It's easier to " go along" But you know what Plato said about indifference, or apathy'? And yes indeed we are ruled by evil men. And the saddest part is half the globe doesn't get it or/and doesn't care to get it!

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IMO, more are aware than you think as Western Caves aren't global.

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True, as witnessed by the fact that now the ME and Africa are in play.

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I really wonder if it is so simple - I.e., not caring. Jan Patočka, the Czech phenomenologist wrote about the end of Europe as a victory of habere (to have) over esse (to be). It is the stress on ‘materiality’ of everything that eliminates any other consideration. Another issue is that when modern science became the arbiter of everything, the spiritual considerations were simply swept away as ‘prejudices’. There is nothing to replace the spiritual meaning with. And it is not just the issue of Christianity and the dead of God (I.e. belief, one cannot ‘kill’ anything that is metaphysical). According to Patočka, the European culture is rooted in the Ancient Greece AND Christianity. I am still struggling with how to think . Anyway, here is the book, if you are interested: https://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=752.

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Sounds good.. I hope to see it happen...

Thanks for the link.. I'll follow it and read that one with interest. All new thought for me. 1870's ? Sounds very interesting. :)

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The 1870s is when the USA sought to attain coaling stations in the Pacific which led to the first small potatoes round of Imperialism.

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Thanks for that. Interesting. Would you have a couple of book references I perhaps ought to have a look at while waiting for your essays to come out.. ? Or is it really a kinda big need you're going to address?

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Yep, watching the Russian diplomats, politicians, and society as a whole it just illuminates how dead the countries of the west are. How clownish the politicians are. And how moronic most citizens are.

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I agree. Entirely. Got nothing to add. It's just a fact.

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we do hope he will

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I have just listened to the clip with Putin. It is really wonderful, staged or not. Maybe I can ask a strange question - “for the benefit of our Fatherland” - when is it used motherland and when fatherland? I am originally from Czechoslovakia and we say motherland in Slovak. Thank you.

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Putin uses it almost interchangeably as do other Russians whose speeches I often read and post here. Zakharova does it too, so it's not just a male thing. What I don't hear very often see used in translation is homeland despite it being the same word, родина--Rodina--but your dictionary will show other entries as it's a context dependent word. A native Russian speaker might be able to tell you the differences better than I.

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I am not sure, it is a long long time ago when I learned Russian. I am trying now to recover it, listening to Russian speakers, but it is a hard work. 🧐

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I'm more text and visual than audio with languages. Immersion would be best. My Spanish recovers quickly when I get/need to use it.

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I learned French and Russian and ended up in Australia....not much practice here with those languages 😎

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Exudes pride in his homeland. And not in a " possessive" way , there is heart there, warmth, authenticity, which the people seem to respond to and reciprocate. Nice to see after the ugliness in the US. I do believe he is on the right side of history. I pray he is.

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....brought tears to my eyes. Thank you, Karl, taking the time to gift us with your translations. Sincerely.

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Yes. I read the transcript first then watched the video and still got emotive. If Putin were allowed to campaign for POTUS, he might win.

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From what I have read on various platforms same could be said for many a nation/country according to their citizens.

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