Sep 28Liked by Karl Sanchez

If I’d heard Karl’s words when I was younger I would’ve objected. I still believed that my own country (Canada) was governed by decency and universal principles. The UN too, surely, was a place where ideals could thrive. Slowly I’ve come to realize how much of it is lies and deceit for the purpose of hegemonic control by the US and its allies. The lofty principles that I believed were the underpinnings of Western civilization are nothing but a facade, and the real structure, the hidden structure, is something entirely different. And malignant.

As I approach the end of life I wish I could be more hopeful about the future of our world. But at present I see the likelihood of many dark days ahead. Western civilization, rather than advancing into a Golden Age turns out to be rotten to its core, geopolitically and spiritually speaking. The only hope I see lies in countries outside the West. That’s where humanity’s future lies, if there’s to be one.

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We see what we are.

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Provided our eyes are open and minds are working. The question then becomes: What do we do now that we know?

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Indeed, the question. My suggestion: speak, build, think, draft, draw, starting locally, using the terms of art BRICS are generating. IOW, set the math in motion in the open as best one sees to do that. That is my suggestion.

I just published somewhat loosely on the subject:


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The essay is well put. I see happiness as having attained the four freedoms, specifically the freedoms from want and fear. Human evolution consists of a very long trail/path, with the current problems being those related to social evolution. And it's impossible to predict when and how those will be solved, but they must if Humanity is to continue and not destroy itself.

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Sep 28Liked by Karl Sanchez

This week while U.S. President Joe Biden claimed to be advocating for world peace and urging restraint, the United States signed off $8 billion in additional military supplies each to Israel and Ukraine. Other Western leaders like France’s Macron and Britain’s Starmer are equally contemptible for their double-speak and duplicity.

No accountability, plain and simple. MSM would be all over them if they had a reason.

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The political cartoon conveys superficial analysis. UK-US regalia hide another force entirely, one UK-US regalia merely front: Zionism. Absent Zionists masquerading as loyal to Britainnia and The USofA, the former would have taken the lesson handed to her in 1782, and again in 1815, and the latter would have taken the foreign policy of Washington, Adams, and Monroe seriously to heart.

Instead, and continuing, Brittania and The USofA submit to being proxies for Zionists' transactions for property mergers and acquisitions, on now four main fronts: The Levant, the West Eurasian Peninsula, Africa, and China, with a slow burn going in Latin America.

Zionists will not be happy until all nations arrive at Jerusalem in supplication of Zionist favor and to sign over sovereignty of their national territories to the same Zionist authority at Jerusalem. Which is to say, Zionists will never be happy.

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The political cartoon portrays the British and French, both of which were involved in the Imperialist plan for the Levant 200+ years ago.

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Thanks, I should have caught that. My error there does not, I estimate, affect the gist of my comment, that Zionists use the assets of sovereign nations to further their "trans-sovereignty" ("Globalist") ambitions, rather like using US-American aeronautical engineering to ram US-American architectural engineering.

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Sep 29Liked by Karl Sanchez

Zionism is a cult with global aspirations. Claiming to be "God's chosen" is perhaps the clearest proof of this. Obviously, to sustain such a colossal nonsense requires immense resources and they have to appropriate them through deception and war.

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Crooke makes observations to the same effect as yours here. In the high-profile public square today, and for some time, the "colossal nonsense" -- a dramatically accurate description, BTW -- that is a claim to be God's Chosen is left unanswered by theologians and/or is not allowed into the high-profile public square.

It is colossal nonsense. At a high-profile Zionist blog -- Power Line Blog -- I recount, frequently, that Rabbi Professor Dr. A. J. Heschel would ask his classes, What is the world's most anti-Semitic literature, and after his students took their turns naming a candidate, Dr. Heschel would announce, The Hebrew Bible.

To have questions that cannot be answered is natural. The great ratios for example, pi and phi, are questions that cannot be answered. That they cannot be answered is natural, there is no way around it. To have answers that cannot be questioned is unnatural. The great tyrannical formulations for example, It's true because I say it's true, and, The peer-reviewed consensus is [. . . .], are answers begging to be questioned. They must not be allowed to stand.

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Sep 29Liked by Karl Sanchez

I agree with you again. "To have answers that cannot be questioned is unnatural." The problem is that when these "answers" (dogmas) are accompanied by powerful armies and astronomical sums of money, catastrophe is assured. In this hellish casino, the most dangerous cards are usually hidden under the sleeves of madmen.

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Not to worry, no madman is stronger than Dharma. And Dharma protects those who protect Dharma. Yeah, it's that good.

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The bible contradicts Zionism and all other exceptionalisms that use the bible as their basis since god created all humans in his image; thus, the only exceptional is god. The only other valid argument is that since I'm unique, I'm exceptional, but I am merely me, not a whole society.

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29Liked by Karl Sanchez

The real megalomaniacs and pleonexiacs are few.

We could easily overcome and disempower them, but only if the majority of us KNOW about them. The tricky part of our recovery is overcoming their propaganda and control over all forms of media. What percentage of humanity is aware of the predator class which is constantly warring against us all?

And what percentage of those few know about Roman Law which claims all of us for the Roman Catholic church? See Unum Sanctum 1302.

How many of the willing slaves, presently clawing their way up the pyramid of power, would resign their careers and resist the predator class?

And then.... how many of those would seek and destroy the rulers?

We would be lucky to find ONE John Wick....

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You've commented on why the Gym exists. The many know so little when they need to know as much as possible. I see my role as continuing to inform those willing to read/listen. I point to others doing the same thing but covering different ground--I try not to duplicate, but sometimes that's required. I've examined your closing Q several times over the last twenty-odd years. The problem is we don't learn the need to perform such an operation until we're old and incapacitated.

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Sep 29Liked by Karl Sanchez

Exactly! I do my best to share what I know with the young too. I write illustrated articles in an entertaining and interesting style, hoping that they will be shared on social media.

I think the younger generations now benefit from the internet, so some improvements are being made. My readers asked me to compile a compendium which can be shared easily. You may like to see it:


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I see you have many followers at your 'stack. Your work intersects with that of Dr. Hudson's on some points, perhaps more when examined further. The capture of the West by a false religion is certainly true but very few know the truth behind the lies. I see the ancien regime as atheists and Libertines--their interests and their interests alone matter, nothing else.; and they'll do whatever it takes to continue to pursue their interests, except perhaps blowing up Humanity since they are also parasites that exist on Humanity--it wouldn't be in their interest to blow up their host.

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Sep 30Liked by Karl Sanchez

That is not how they see it. They see us as the parasites living on their planet.

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Quite. We're the Hydra, not them. Francis Bacon wrote an advertisement for genocide be administered to the mob in the early 1600s. Very brutal people. You may have read "The Many-Headed Hydra;" it not, I highly suggest it.

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I Second the Bravo to Karl. Great words.

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I could argue that a new international organization born out of a new world conflict could be considered repeating the mistakes of the first (1920 league of nations created) and the second (1945 united nations created).

However the words spoken today do not and for the previous eighty years have never resolved anything.

And so, returning to "security can either be equal and indivisible for all, or it will not be for anyone". If this is true and not just more beautiful words and warm air, then it is difficult to rationalize anything but a global conflict as being the mistake that needs to be repeated.

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Curious POV. IMO, it's possible to get China's Global Security Initiative to a workable stage as the world continues to divide into two major Blocs that differ greatly from the previous time during the first phase of the Cold War. The major problem has always been the Outlaw US Empire's perceived untouchability thanks to the two oceans and hegemony exercised over its two neighbors. The Empire can now be very seriously damaged without the use of nuclear weapons for the first time in its existence. IMO, it's that possibility Russia and China are trying to get the Neocons to understand before having to teach them a lesson. Lots of thoughts on that topic nowadays.

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Bravo Karl, I don't suppose that either WAPO or the NYT let you put this article in their opinion section, nah

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Oct 1Liked by Karl Sanchez

I believe in the last 3 paragraphs, you have misframed your list of ‘imperialist’ entities in history. The European states you mention first were leading mercantile colonial powers exercising direct military occupations of subject nations to directly confiscate the wealth of those lands. By the end of the first war the method of control of subject nations was via finance capitalism. Only control via finance capital is considered ‘imperialism’ in certain circles, which consider this the mechanism of subjugation of neocolonialism. Prior capitalist countries are considered ‘mercantilist’ colonialists using a corporatist model (Dutch West Indies Corp., for example). Banks played a role, but not the dominant one as in neocolonialism. Empires like the Swedish, Tsarist, Ottoman and earlier ancient empires were feudal in character, extracting tribute from the conquered peoples far differently than either European empires from 1500 to 1900 or so, or our modern neocolonialist powers. ‘Empire’ and ‘Imperial’ may share etymological roots, but to blur the modern distinction means one would have to discuss the Incan, Aztec and every other empire in history. That’s a different discussion. You are of course free to use any framing you want, and obtain interesting results. But to me the distinction between so-called mercantile colonialism and modern neocolonialism is more pertinent

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Sep 29Liked by Karl Sanchez

'No other nation on earth has violated international law and the rights of other nations more than the United States in its criminal pursuit for global dominance. In that criminal objective, it has been aided and abetted by Western minions, primarily Britain and other European members of the NATO axis.'

Imperium is a human disease; and treatable.

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Sep 29Liked by Karl Sanchez

The allegorical statue of Justice is often depicted with her eyes covered, holding a scale in one hand and a sword in the other. Poor (or rather, impoverished) countries that lack a sword often cling to the scales, trusting in justice. Imperialist countries remove or put the blindfold on justice as it suits them and with the sword they cut off the hand holding the scales. The West loves the "ideal", but in reality it has no will to walk towards it.

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IMO, that originated with Rome.

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Sep 29Liked by Karl Sanchez

"Earth and life will survive, although it’s very likely Nature’s experimentation with humans will end. Earth will be consumed by its local star when its corona expands in roughly 5 billion years"

Some do like to comment that the planet would be better off without us, but what if life and its evolution is actually the function of the universe, what if the planet is actually specifically here for us, and life here is not just an accident?

In the meantime the wars continue, greed and corruption thrive, seems we will need those 5 billion years to evolve to something better.

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Life is produced by Nature in the stars, which create the elements required for life to occur. Whether life evolves to produce creatures like us or if we're some sort of anomaly is unknown. That's why Mars is so curious as is Triton and Jupiter's clouds. Most life is microscopic, at least on this planet.

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UN is failed since day 1,,, it could not stop Israel barbaric action.. Soekarno of Indonesia has it right as he was exiting Indonesia from UN, UN as useless as hell,,, covid scamdemic chemtrailling weather modif … is UN design,,, it is sick organization, unfortunately many countries are late realizing ut

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Blaming all the 'isms' is useless - it's like blaming termites for being termites and they won't listen to you anyways.

Here's the real question: How long will the millions of American and most of Western churchianity keep pretending to worship Jesus while actually serving DaSynagogue of Satan? Who dat?

Most folks - secular or churchian - don't even believe it exists. While Old Scratch has convinced the whole world that it doesn't exist - it literally runs the show by subterfuge and deception through the multiplicity of manifestations which we see and blame for our socio-economic problems. Old Scratch's best game is 'you and him go fight' - and we are his best suckers - just study history.

Think not? And before you jump out of your self-righteous pew or pulpit, read the evidence - https://crushlimbraw.blogspot.com/search?q=Churchianity+synagogue+satan&m=1 - all of them! That's just for starters.

I have been all of these - Russia hater, anti-communist, zionist neocon, end-time religionist......did I forget any?

It took me decades - yes, discovering truth and reality is a process - never an end state. And the hardest part is - it takes effort and perseverance - www.crushlimbraw.com - that's basically my story, right or wrong. That literally is the HARDEST part for most folks - they cannot admit they were wrong - thus continuing in their delusional worldview.

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The species needs to internalize the face that it is a hierarchical primate species, i.e., chimpanzees - and chimpanzees should not try to run a civilization because they're not good at it.

To Quote William S. Burroughs yet again:

"The history of the planet is a history of idiocy highlighted by a few morons who stand out as comparative geniuses. To date, no super-genius has managed to achieve what might be called normal intelligence in terms of potential functioning of the human artifact. The first thing that would impress a visitor from outer space is the tremendous inexplicable gap between potential and performance. No species that isn’t fundamentally flawed could be this stupid this consistently."

There is really zero chance of avoiding a nuclear WWIII. The only possible alternatives are a military coup in the US by those who want to avoid such a fate, or a resulting civil war internal to the US for the same reasons, or an end-run by Russia and China that manages to out-maneuver the US in such a way that the US can't launch a nuclear strike (I have no idea how that might be done.)

Otherwise, all of us in the West are going to die within the next 5-10 years if not much sooner (i.e., months at best.)

As I've said before, given adequate warning, at the first sign of serious shooting between the US and Russia/China, I will be heading to northern Utah which is the only place in the US where the fallout maps indicate little to no fallout.

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