Of course it was a LIHOP. People constantly forget what TRIGGERED the al-Agsa Flood.
The Zionists shortly before October 7 had held a meeting under the al-Agsa Mosque where they declared their intention to tear it down and build the Jewish 'Third Temple" on the site.
They KNEW that this would trigger Hamas to make a move because previous provocations at the Mosque had triggered previous intifadas.
Alastair Crooke pointed this out almost instantly on Judge Nap's show shortly after October 7.
I harped on that point constantly after I learned that from Crooke. And yet throughout the last year people have been "wondering" about this issue.
Yes, there was no "confirming direct evidence" - other than myriad clues such as the moving of the Israeli music festival directly in the path of the Hamas attack, the numerous articles of warnings by the Israeli military surveillance the same day and then later evidence that the Israelis had been aware of the actual Hamas training program for the Flood for months.
So what did anyone expect - for Netanyahu to come out and admit that he and the US neocons set up this entire operation prior to October 7?
It was fucking obvious. The fact that the Israeli "response" was to start an ethnic cleansing in Gaza, and launch attacks everywhere else in the region, with direct US military support sent to the region, should have been confirmation from day one.
People need to start paying more attention to the Big Picture and stop just reacting to the 24 hour news cycle. Even Ritter and the rest of the Judge Nap crowd are locked into that mistake. Only Crooke, Escobar, Berletic, Elijah Magnier, and maybe Wilkerson and Macgregor seem to have a clue.
Read my lips: This upcoming Middle East war was PLANNED probably for months before October 7 - and was intended for YEARS, if not decades, as proven by Berletic's analysis of the 2009 Brookings Institute report. It is INEVITABLE. Nothing will stop it (short of nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine.)
I'll dispute nothing you wrote. What's always been lacking for me is evidence that's not circumstantial, and what b dug up and provided is the sort of evidence that's been lacking. The Zionist Narrative must be upended, and hard evidence is required for that to occur. Such evidence appears to have finally been found.
I mean, just look at the lies of MSM after the Macabbi football riot in Amsterdam. There was immediate accurate reporting which was later trashed by Sky to form a totally different - read opposite - narrative.
There's no way they will ever let this go mainstream.
I understand your POV, but globally there are other readers--2/3s of my subscribers are global, not US-based. Same goes with my VK site that's almost 100% international. With the internet and social media, the West no longer has primacy over the global information field. And given how people get their news nowadays, what does 'Mainstream" actually mean? The term legacy media is now being used more and more since it's more accurate.
The shift away from mainstream media is obvious, not only in the declining audience numbers, but more recently in the various attempts to co-opt or commandeer alternate media outlets, some of which have unfortunately been successful. Add to that all the one-horse operations on social media which only add more noise to the mix, whether intentional or not.
If you can no longer command the media heights, then sow confusion and discord everywhere else seems to be the strategy. I even hesitate to add my own voice at times since I may unwittingly be contributing to the problem.
I also recall reading somewhere that the rave venue was relocated closer to the Gaza fence just 2 days before it started. No explanation, but loud techno music all night long was great bait, and a bunch of kids on MDMA cannot put up much resistance. They tried to flee in their cars and were blasted by Hellfire missiles fired by IDF helicopters, adding a massive amount of fatalities to an event that obviously wasn't a surprise. So to me this sounds more MIHOP than LIHOP, and so was 9/11.
As an early observer of the 'rave scene' characterized by small illegal venues centered in the London area, I soon became disillusioned by the narcissistic, self-absorbed behaviour of participants in what later became an international phenomenon with major events in places like Goa and Ibiza, as well as Burning Man and the Glastonbury Festival. Central to this phenomenon was conspicuous consumption of MDMA, or "Ecstasy" a major producer of which was, you guessed it... Israel.
At first I didn't make the connection between the early LSD scene of the 60's and 70's and what was happening in the so-called DJ culture of the 90's up to the present, of which the event in Israel is just one example. It now seems obvious to me that this is yet another mind control program, only this time with a far more sophisticated approach.
The reason why I did not make such a big story out of it is because anyone who has been following the situation in Palestine and the wider Middle East for the last year or so, like me, should have already realized that what happened on 7th October 2023 was a LIHOP... but, for those who still struggle to believe it, I am planning to write a post on it when I have enough free time, hopefully during Christmas holidays.
P.S.: Readers interested in the Middle East crisis may want to subscribe to my substack: geopolitiq.substack.com
I don't mind your self-promotion. I've tap-danced around the LIHOP/MIHOP aspect of 7 October preferring to echo the works of others and tried to keep to the relation of Occupied Palestine's role in global US Imperialism within my writings here. I've loathed the Zionists since the '67 war which is when I learned of their terrorist essence. Soon after I read the Warren Commission Report and its lies. The 1968 D-party convention and police riot in Chicago, the assassinations and riots of that year that all began with Tet in Vietnam all happening before my 13th birthday that year. Yes, the times were etched into my being and I've been asking Why ever since. And collectively, the amount of history one must know is massive if one wants to find the answer to Why.
How best to make a difference? Given what Gym subscribers seem to read the most, mirroring what b published seemed basic as the West Asian crisis is the most read article category. Geopolitically, the APEC meeting in Peru is more important than b's detective work. But as one newsman said long ago: If it bleeds, it leads.
For me the smoking gun was the last minute relocation of the music festival, which I read was objected to by the regional military commander who was then overruled by higher-ups. So who made that decision? If an operation was planned to take hostages and you knew about it, what better way to use it to your advantage than by having not only young Israelis taken hostage, but attendees from all over the world, most of whom probably had no idea of the danger they were being placed in.
You are exactly right. The last minute relocation of “Tribe Of Nova Proudly Presents UNIVERSO PARALELLO ISRAEL EDITION 6-7 October 2023 SUPERNOVA Sukkot Gathering”—a major event on the international trance circuit—has been noted as extremely suspicious by very few people and investigated by almost no one. It is a much bigger “smoking gun” than the SIM card activations, which I read about a few days after 7 October 2023.
I found this reddit thread on the subject. It doesn't cast much light unfortunately. Some claim the change of venue was fake news, others who were there tell a different story.
I’ve looked into it as closely as I could, and I can assure you that it’s not fake news. There was one Ha’aretz article confirming it and disclosing some of the suspicious machinations surrounding the relocation. There are multiple pieces of evidence that collectively point to it being deliberately moved to a location that would be in the path of the resistance special forces.
I followed most of his postings at MoA, but mostly refrained from commenting. Read my reply to RSH's diatribe. On 911, I knew it was an inside job, but evidence was needed to prove it that would be capable of standing up to the hurricane-strength Establishment Narrative. BushCo made certain as much of the physical evidence would be destroyed ASAP, but the nano-thermite dust remained as did building 7 until it was brought down. And the motive was also immediately distorted and covered up. There're millions of fence-sitters that will only be convinced by hard evidence, which is what b's story provides and why it's mirrored.
Limits. What happens when the Big Lie becomes too big?
From the web: "Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like this known as the "illusion of truth" effect."
When the Big Lie is exposed, trust has been defeated, and regaining the former position is difficult, or in the case of Israel probably impossible.
The genocide is bigger than the US and the West. It is a crime against humanity.
Russia and China sit on the sidelines watching the enemy self destruct.
I finally watched Brian Berletic's video that focused on the "2009 US Policy Paper that Laid out Future Israel-Iran War" RSH constantly cites, and if you haven't, I suggest investing 26 minutes to do so. I've not watched him as much as I should, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO5ywKinsG0
This is evidence that there had been warnings, based upon activities such as the SIM card activations, that an attack might have been imminent. But this is far from being conclusive evidence that the nature of the attack was known in advance or that it was was 'allowed to happen' in order to advance long held (basic revisionist Zionist) strategic objectives.
As was the case re 9/11, it is now clear that some people, at the highest levels, had concluded that something was about to happen, others will have welcomed any crisis of which advantage could be taken, others will have argued that the evidence of a coming attack was not conclusive.
The scenario advanced by Librul et al (like that put forward after 9/11) is not one of intelligence agencies having concluded that an attack was imminent but of Israel (or in the 911 case the US) being the author of the attack.
This implies, inter alia, that the Gaza militants were dupes, carrying out an Israeli plan and that Israel like the US can never be defeated unless it wants to be.
The truth is that if Israel did, consciously, acquiese in the Al Aqsa Flood it made a big mistake, because it has been losing ever since that day- the Zionist project has never been closer to defeat, the Palestinians have never been closer to a victory which will be hailed by the great bulk of the world's governments-to say nothing of public opinion.
As MbS recently made clear, before October 7th the big hitters in the Arab and Muslim worlds were close to agreeing with Abrahamic Accords, Russia was clearly aligned with Tel Aviv and, apart from the Iranian/shiah Axis of Resistance Palestine was virtually friendless in the world. Things are very different now- the pressure on the governments of Turkey, Jordan and Egypt is becoming almost unbearable. Even the egregious Sandhurst cadet Abdullah has spoken fiercely in the UNGA against Israel.
And throughout the NATO lands, despite every effort by authorities to suppress them, protests against Israel and failure to break relations with Tel Aviv are growing in power and numbers. For the first time in decades automatic political support for zionism is becoming dangerous electorally.
Suffice it to say that if October 7th was allowed to take place by Israel, as it might have been, the evidence is that this was a symptom not of supreme cunning by the state but of terminal hubris by zionists who really appear to believe that they are blessed by God and indefatigable. It will be another myth to console them in exile when they are back in Russia, the United States, Germany and Canada.
The results of October 7th are clear enough- Israel has torn off the mask and revealed to all sentient beings that it is bent on genocide and ethnic cleansing. It has made it quite clear that the entire Peace Process, which has amused the world for the past four decades, is and always was a total sham and that Israel remains committed to the expansion telegraphed by its refusal to define its borders.
On the other hand the people of Gaza are still fighting while the people of Lebanon are being forced to understand that there is no alternative to surrender except armed resistance, while throughout the Arab world millions of young men are ready to take up arms and march to the assistance of Palestinians.
Outside the foetid enclosed world of the imperialists, where men pore over obscure meanings, post modern symbols and auguries of evil, most of humanity understands very well what is going on in Gaza and Lebanon- evil land pirates are looting and killing because that is what they do until restrained. And restrained they must be, for their own sakes as well as ours. And they will be.
Is anyone aware of the theories that the British were behind the "Indian Mutiny"? Or that the City of London was behind the Communist Revolution? And that Trotsky was an agent of haute finance?
"The truth is that if Israel did, consciously, acquiese in the Al Aqsa Flood it made a big mistake, because it has been losing ever since that day- the Zionist project has never been closer to defeat, the Palestinians have never been closer to a victory which will be hailed by the great bulk of the world's governments-to say nothing of public opinion...
"Suffice it to say that if October 7th was allowed to take place by Israel, as it might have been, the evidence is that this was a symptom not of supreme cunning by the state but of terminal hubris by zionists who really appear to believe that they are blessed by God and indefatigable."
Indeed, much like 911. Thanks for your comment, bevin!
Of course it was a LIHOP. People constantly forget what TRIGGERED the al-Agsa Flood.
The Zionists shortly before October 7 had held a meeting under the al-Agsa Mosque where they declared their intention to tear it down and build the Jewish 'Third Temple" on the site.
They KNEW that this would trigger Hamas to make a move because previous provocations at the Mosque had triggered previous intifadas.
Alastair Crooke pointed this out almost instantly on Judge Nap's show shortly after October 7.
I harped on that point constantly after I learned that from Crooke. And yet throughout the last year people have been "wondering" about this issue.
Yes, there was no "confirming direct evidence" - other than myriad clues such as the moving of the Israeli music festival directly in the path of the Hamas attack, the numerous articles of warnings by the Israeli military surveillance the same day and then later evidence that the Israelis had been aware of the actual Hamas training program for the Flood for months.
So what did anyone expect - for Netanyahu to come out and admit that he and the US neocons set up this entire operation prior to October 7?
It was fucking obvious. The fact that the Israeli "response" was to start an ethnic cleansing in Gaza, and launch attacks everywhere else in the region, with direct US military support sent to the region, should have been confirmation from day one.
People need to start paying more attention to the Big Picture and stop just reacting to the 24 hour news cycle. Even Ritter and the rest of the Judge Nap crowd are locked into that mistake. Only Crooke, Escobar, Berletic, Elijah Magnier, and maybe Wilkerson and Macgregor seem to have a clue.
Read my lips: This upcoming Middle East war was PLANNED probably for months before October 7 - and was intended for YEARS, if not decades, as proven by Berletic's analysis of the 2009 Brookings Institute report. It is INEVITABLE. Nothing will stop it (short of nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine.)
I'll dispute nothing you wrote. What's always been lacking for me is evidence that's not circumstantial, and what b dug up and provided is the sort of evidence that's been lacking. The Zionist Narrative must be upended, and hard evidence is required for that to occur. Such evidence appears to have finally been found.
And it will gain ZERO traction in western media.
I mean, just look at the lies of MSM after the Macabbi football riot in Amsterdam. There was immediate accurate reporting which was later trashed by Sky to form a totally different - read opposite - narrative.
There's no way they will ever let this go mainstream.
I understand your POV, but globally there are other readers--2/3s of my subscribers are global, not US-based. Same goes with my VK site that's almost 100% international. With the internet and social media, the West no longer has primacy over the global information field. And given how people get their news nowadays, what does 'Mainstream" actually mean? The term legacy media is now being used more and more since it's more accurate.
The shift away from mainstream media is obvious, not only in the declining audience numbers, but more recently in the various attempts to co-opt or commandeer alternate media outlets, some of which have unfortunately been successful. Add to that all the one-horse operations on social media which only add more noise to the mix, whether intentional or not.
If you can no longer command the media heights, then sow confusion and discord everywhere else seems to be the strategy. I even hesitate to add my own voice at times since I may unwittingly be contributing to the problem.
Likudnik Moshe Feiglen in August *2014* implemented in 2023-2024:
Indeed. Thanks for the link.
I also recall reading somewhere that the rave venue was relocated closer to the Gaza fence just 2 days before it started. No explanation, but loud techno music all night long was great bait, and a bunch of kids on MDMA cannot put up much resistance. They tried to flee in their cars and were blasted by Hellfire missiles fired by IDF helicopters, adding a massive amount of fatalities to an event that obviously wasn't a surprise. So to me this sounds more MIHOP than LIHOP, and so was 9/11.
correct... you would have read that on moa if you followed the comments on this back then..
There's a significant backstory here that begins in the early 90's.
As an early observer of the 'rave scene' characterized by small illegal venues centered in the London area, I soon became disillusioned by the narcissistic, self-absorbed behaviour of participants in what later became an international phenomenon with major events in places like Goa and Ibiza, as well as Burning Man and the Glastonbury Festival. Central to this phenomenon was conspicuous consumption of MDMA, or "Ecstasy" a major producer of which was, you guessed it... Israel.
At first I didn't make the connection between the early LSD scene of the 60's and 70's and what was happening in the so-called DJ culture of the 90's up to the present, of which the event in Israel is just one example. It now seems obvious to me that this is yet another mind control program, only this time with a far more sophisticated approach.
Sorry, but Moon of Alabama and Seymour Hersh are not the first in the Anglosphere to report on this. As far as I know, the first was Richard Silversten on his Tikun Olam blog on 9th November 2024: https://www.richardsilverstein.com/2024/11/09/shin-bet-warned-netanyahu-of-10-7-attack-hours-before-it-began/
...which I quoted in my article the day after, 10th November 2024:
The reason why I did not make such a big story out of it is because anyone who has been following the situation in Palestine and the wider Middle East for the last year or so, like me, should have already realized that what happened on 7th October 2023 was a LIHOP... but, for those who still struggle to believe it, I am planning to write a post on it when I have enough free time, hopefully during Christmas holidays.
P.S.: Readers interested in the Middle East crisis may want to subscribe to my substack: geopolitiq.substack.com
(Sorry for the self-promotion!) :)
I don't mind your self-promotion. I've tap-danced around the LIHOP/MIHOP aspect of 7 October preferring to echo the works of others and tried to keep to the relation of Occupied Palestine's role in global US Imperialism within my writings here. I've loathed the Zionists since the '67 war which is when I learned of their terrorist essence. Soon after I read the Warren Commission Report and its lies. The 1968 D-party convention and police riot in Chicago, the assassinations and riots of that year that all began with Tet in Vietnam all happening before my 13th birthday that year. Yes, the times were etched into my being and I've been asking Why ever since. And collectively, the amount of history one must know is massive if one wants to find the answer to Why.
How best to make a difference? Given what Gym subscribers seem to read the most, mirroring what b published seemed basic as the West Asian crisis is the most read article category. Geopolitically, the APEC meeting in Peru is more important than b's detective work. But as one newsman said long ago: If it bleeds, it leads.
For me the smoking gun was the last minute relocation of the music festival, which I read was objected to by the regional military commander who was then overruled by higher-ups. So who made that decision? If an operation was planned to take hostages and you knew about it, what better way to use it to your advantage than by having not only young Israelis taken hostage, but attendees from all over the world, most of whom probably had no idea of the danger they were being placed in.
You are exactly right. The last minute relocation of “Tribe Of Nova Proudly Presents UNIVERSO PARALELLO ISRAEL EDITION 6-7 October 2023 SUPERNOVA Sukkot Gathering”—a major event on the international trance circuit—has been noted as extremely suspicious by very few people and investigated by almost no one. It is a much bigger “smoking gun” than the SIM card activations, which I read about a few days after 7 October 2023.
I found this reddit thread on the subject. It doesn't cast much light unfortunately. Some claim the change of venue was fake news, others who were there tell a different story.
I’ve looked into it as closely as I could, and I can assure you that it’s not fake news. There was one Ha’aretz article confirming it and disclosing some of the suspicious machinations surrounding the relocation. There are multiple pieces of evidence that collectively point to it being deliberately moved to a location that would be in the path of the resistance special forces.
Yeah, that's basically how I see it.
The criminality of Netanyahu, and all those in his circle, is simply breathtaking.
karl - there were a few of us that thought it was an inside job, although librul was more outspoken about it... thanks for your work!!
I followed most of his postings at MoA, but mostly refrained from commenting. Read my reply to RSH's diatribe. On 911, I knew it was an inside job, but evidence was needed to prove it that would be capable of standing up to the hurricane-strength Establishment Narrative. BushCo made certain as much of the physical evidence would be destroyed ASAP, but the nano-thermite dust remained as did building 7 until it was brought down. And the motive was also immediately distorted and covered up. There're millions of fence-sitters that will only be convinced by hard evidence, which is what b's story provides and why it's mirrored.
Limits. What happens when the Big Lie becomes too big?
From the web: "Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels. Among psychologists something like this known as the "illusion of truth" effect."
When the Big Lie is exposed, trust has been defeated, and regaining the former position is difficult, or in the case of Israel probably impossible.
The genocide is bigger than the US and the West. It is a crime against humanity.
Russia and China sit on the sidelines watching the enemy self destruct.
I finally watched Brian Berletic's video that focused on the "2009 US Policy Paper that Laid out Future Israel-Iran War" RSH constantly cites, and if you haven't, I suggest investing 26 minutes to do so. I've not watched him as much as I should, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO5ywKinsG0
This is evidence that there had been warnings, based upon activities such as the SIM card activations, that an attack might have been imminent. But this is far from being conclusive evidence that the nature of the attack was known in advance or that it was was 'allowed to happen' in order to advance long held (basic revisionist Zionist) strategic objectives.
As was the case re 9/11, it is now clear that some people, at the highest levels, had concluded that something was about to happen, others will have welcomed any crisis of which advantage could be taken, others will have argued that the evidence of a coming attack was not conclusive.
The scenario advanced by Librul et al (like that put forward after 9/11) is not one of intelligence agencies having concluded that an attack was imminent but of Israel (or in the 911 case the US) being the author of the attack.
This implies, inter alia, that the Gaza militants were dupes, carrying out an Israeli plan and that Israel like the US can never be defeated unless it wants to be.
The truth is that if Israel did, consciously, acquiese in the Al Aqsa Flood it made a big mistake, because it has been losing ever since that day- the Zionist project has never been closer to defeat, the Palestinians have never been closer to a victory which will be hailed by the great bulk of the world's governments-to say nothing of public opinion.
As MbS recently made clear, before October 7th the big hitters in the Arab and Muslim worlds were close to agreeing with Abrahamic Accords, Russia was clearly aligned with Tel Aviv and, apart from the Iranian/shiah Axis of Resistance Palestine was virtually friendless in the world. Things are very different now- the pressure on the governments of Turkey, Jordan and Egypt is becoming almost unbearable. Even the egregious Sandhurst cadet Abdullah has spoken fiercely in the UNGA against Israel.
And throughout the NATO lands, despite every effort by authorities to suppress them, protests against Israel and failure to break relations with Tel Aviv are growing in power and numbers. For the first time in decades automatic political support for zionism is becoming dangerous electorally.
Suffice it to say that if October 7th was allowed to take place by Israel, as it might have been, the evidence is that this was a symptom not of supreme cunning by the state but of terminal hubris by zionists who really appear to believe that they are blessed by God and indefatigable. It will be another myth to console them in exile when they are back in Russia, the United States, Germany and Canada.
The results of October 7th are clear enough- Israel has torn off the mask and revealed to all sentient beings that it is bent on genocide and ethnic cleansing. It has made it quite clear that the entire Peace Process, which has amused the world for the past four decades, is and always was a total sham and that Israel remains committed to the expansion telegraphed by its refusal to define its borders.
On the other hand the people of Gaza are still fighting while the people of Lebanon are being forced to understand that there is no alternative to surrender except armed resistance, while throughout the Arab world millions of young men are ready to take up arms and march to the assistance of Palestinians.
Outside the foetid enclosed world of the imperialists, where men pore over obscure meanings, post modern symbols and auguries of evil, most of humanity understands very well what is going on in Gaza and Lebanon- evil land pirates are looting and killing because that is what they do until restrained. And restrained they must be, for their own sakes as well as ours. And they will be.
Is anyone aware of the theories that the British were behind the "Indian Mutiny"? Or that the City of London was behind the Communist Revolution? And that Trotsky was an agent of haute finance?
Two paragraphs reflect my thinking:
"The truth is that if Israel did, consciously, acquiese in the Al Aqsa Flood it made a big mistake, because it has been losing ever since that day- the Zionist project has never been closer to defeat, the Palestinians have never been closer to a victory which will be hailed by the great bulk of the world's governments-to say nothing of public opinion...
"Suffice it to say that if October 7th was allowed to take place by Israel, as it might have been, the evidence is that this was a symptom not of supreme cunning by the state but of terminal hubris by zionists who really appear to believe that they are blessed by God and indefatigable."
Indeed, much like 911. Thanks for your comment, bevin!
Are you really sorry ? Just like my mother: she beat the hell out of
us kids, always claiming "It hurts me more to do it than it hurts you !"
She was a sadist, not a masochist !!