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It has been very difficult for me, Karl. Peeling myself away from the deceit, layer by layer, while those around me tell me how great we are! O, the lies! O, the trickery!

But who among us has not believed lies even when faced with evidence? We, mere mortals are easily deceived, and at times, even find pleasure in deceit.

"And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!" Matthew 5:23

Wisdom from my personal journey, she tells me: The Deceiver's primary tool is to convince me that I am right! Humbling, without doubt.

Thank you, as always, for your perspective.

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The first BigLies I confronted were those told by my parents about the mythical/magical beings--Santa Claus, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, God--and caused me to ask the question Why--why would they do that when honesty was constantly preached? When I became a parent, I wrestled with that for a short time before that marriage ended in divorce. Now I confront it again since I'm now a grandfather.

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As always, I appreciate your perspective and candidness. I enjoy reading your ideas and insight and appreciate the crazy amount of effort you put into your work, even if I might not agree with everything you may write.

I am a place of peace, as much as one can be in this world. I've spent too much time learning things that are being unlearned. I am not surprised that so few do not even sense the seismic change that is taking place. I do not fret over them, I do not need them to see things through my glasses. I want to enjoy them for themselves.

Keep writing, you are talented and your insight, as I mentioned earlier, I can't match.

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Thanks for your appraisal. Like you, I have a "place of peace" within the Empire. I have the sort of courage Truth provides, while I'm well aware of the system's brutality. My concern is for our progeny.

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