Indeed. Thank you Anna, those englanders in the City of London must be seething. Will we see novichok in Amsterdam or even Paris. I would not put it past them.
Last month they had to ship out 400 tons of gold to its owners in the USA and now the paper holders are seeking real gold for their receipts. Has Trump and Wall Street defanged the City? Time will tell.
What is Trump's instruction being given to Starmer at their forthcoming meeting? What vile tricks will we see unfolding in the next month or two? My guess it will be a false flag biological war attack on some unsuspecting Ukrainian village. After all the Russians are in the process of replacing their CBW leading General, the UKUSA has a well stocked and intact network of labs in place in the west Ukraine province and the Porton Down crew have well established form in these things. Its called the Salisbury False Flag method :(
Trump seems to understand the war is lost and the great need to cut losses ASAP; so, what would a false-flag accomplish but to add additional costs to an already lost cause? Bioweapons are considered a WMD, and their use would provoke an extremely strong reaction by Russia likely to be one or several Oreshniks. And such an action would kill the peace talks causing Russia to seek an unconditional surrender and complete dismantling of NATO.
Trump will be happy to see UKEU continue the war as he is absolutely committed to support the rise and rise of the right in this region. Thats what anti left people do and have done since the first Communist Manifesto. Having the western europe anti left continue the war just supports the development and consolidation the so called sovereign states rights movement against US bases and wars. Good for the US as it can withdraw a base or two, pat the afd or Farrage party on the head as good boys and girls.
Look at the line up - consider the success of the WEF and Klaus Schwab in getting all the trained lapdogs in place. Count the leaders who are rightists now. No need any more for US bases as they are passe and old thinking, now the fifth column is virtually installed throughout europe, nordics, england. Trump will annoy some of these leaders, sure but europe is under severe US energy indebtedness and committed to minimise Russian gas etc. So its economic competitiveness is fractured. That suits MAGA. They have achieved what they set out to achieve and the UKEU did it all to themselves. The USA just cemented the deal by blowing the NS2 pipeline and getting Zelensky to close the Ukrainian pipeline.
And then to top it off Trump can then withdraw all those expensive US bases and yabba on about letting Europe have sovereign control and defence.... and sell them lots of US intermediate range missiles too ;)
A funding cut would be useful, and even more useful would be cutting them loose so governments can identify and deal with these threats. Perhaps that's hoping for too much. Regime change will undergo some new branding now USAID is "gone".
And I feel now like I did 1989 when the Berlin wall came down... that I can spread out my arms and hug both the two at the same time... .
VP Vance's speech yesterday was the best since JFK's speech in Berlin... I think that was 1963...
Putin and Trump's 90 minutes phone call the day before was a THANK GOD moment...
And now today Rubio calls Lavrov... etc etc ... yes sanctions are going... for sure... etc etc etc.
I am glad, happy, thrilled... and grateful...
This is like waking up from a nightmare and find out it was just a nightmare... but the nightmare was so bad... you need to shake it off... take a cup of coffee, or something stronger all according to taste.. listen to something GOOD... get busy with planning out good stuff... in short put your mind and body onto something get the nightmare to evaporate...
Of course the MSM and ''democrats'' and European Union will try to remind you of your nightmare
but you have recovered just dismiss them all as liars...
SO here we are... and here I am a happy camper to live to 84 so far and live to see THE CHANGE.
Well, Vance did make a speech. However, I wouldn't rate it so highly. It was devoid of historical context and filled with projection and double-talk. It was a grenade and had the intended affect.
I'd agree, partial truth telling which I'm sure is for a reason (I'll be charitable at this stage) has been crafted to put blocks in place and advance other items on the menu of choices. The eurocrats are old school globalists whose time is over, they'll be replaced for sure, which explains their feverish responses; they only have the power to vent their frustrations on their populations.
He spoke truth... something totally new in US politics... and spoke what many of us know... sometimes say but are drowning in the loud lies... the room was very quiet, in shock, clapping very sporadic... done by a few either polite or courageous fellows...
He said what no one has said to the EU and NATO ...TO THEIR FACE... it was beautiful...
well delivered... and a relief to hear after the years with Obama's snake talk and Biden's bable bable... ''I hate you all'' talk.
Yes he did indeed give them the rough end of the pineapple as we say here in the forest. And do those rsoles deserve it!! But on the illegal genocider of Palestine he speaks with forked tongue. On the brilliant rise and rise of China and BRICS he is on the side of the haters. So I am glad he slapped the eu around a little but not moved to applause right now.
Vance's speech on tech/AI should put to bed any notion of substantive change, so much projection about a trojan horse of tech from authoritarian regimes; if it's free you're the product! I expect after the exuberance and discussions it will end in tears and recrimination.
Yeah. I wouldn’t have invited Trump to May 9 until all Russia’s stolen goods were returned. We’ll see how well things progress as there’re 2.5 months to go.
The MFA constantly gets first names wrong and has other issues in its readouts that I constantly correct. Miguel is Michael, while Marco is Mark in Spanish→English translation. As I explained earlier, I saw the M but not the rest, otherwise, I’d have corrected it as usual.
I just hope that Russia isn't swept off its feet by the dashing Prince Charm Offensive from DJT's presidency. I also hope that DJT is sincere and that after years of hubris and arrogance from the west we get a more pragmatic and co-operational dialogue between the two.
We all recall Putin's oft-stated maxim that the US is agreement incapable. Presidents come and go, and without some form of iron-clad agreement the next President could just pull the plug on whatever has been achieved and revert to baseline exceptionalism and hegemony.
Not sure where this will go and what will happen, but I guess we should all be grateful that we've moved away from the max confrontation line authored by those intellectual heavyweights Blinken and Sullivan.
Everything is not simple. First there is the problem with negotiating. Generally Europeans believe negotiating is the practice of reconstitution and rearming of forces until such time as violating agreements are convenient to them. In fact they already admitted this, Minsk.
They also believe this is the way to begin preliminary negotiations, link.
This possibly is western media nonsense but the leader of an enemy is directly quoted, so it has to be considered aggressive and contrary to the stated intentions, therefore insincere and untrustworthy.
I exclude US, who are also guilty of this treacherous practice, because at least she is pragmatic and will talk.
I do not believe there will be a positive conclusion, after all the Ukrainian regime is in violation of its own constitution, therefore it is illegitimate.
Yeah, there was more than that as push-back, which is why no Europeans are going to Saudi Arabia. I wrote this comment and posted it at Martyanov’s:
I've taken to framing the conflict between the West and Russia in its three variants as an undeclared war, particularly this last chapter from 2014 to now. Everyone's talking about "peace" talks to end the "war', so IMO to make it formal a declaration of war needs to be made by the US Congress that sent billions to Ukraine and used rhetoric akin to that used during an "official" war. Of course, I doubt that step will be taken. A narrative stressing the Outlaw US Empire knowingly started a war with Russia with the 2014 Coup using Ukraine as a weapon needs to be emphasized, and Russia counter-attacked against what was a NATO offensive in February 2022 after its last attempt to get NATO to cease its aggression failed. NATO led by the Outlaw US Empire started the war and is now suffering defeat, which is why it's begging for a cease fire. Russia demands a complete cessation of the war that digs up its roots to the point where the weed cannot grow again--the weed being NATO, and its use as a war tool against Russia since its inception.
There's much more to the entire story that began roughly 1000 years ago. The end of the current war won't end that saga. Only a massive change in mindset by the Russian haters will finally terminate the saga, and that won't be an easy accomplishment as the Munich Conference reveals.
I’m sure the above will meet with approval by many Russians.
I believe that with the combined machinations of Institute for Statecraft plus Integrity Initiative (exposed by Kit Klarenberg) and the absolute evil of the UK there will be more dirty tricks and false flags than in the Irish troubles.
I know Musk has 'exposed' Integrity Initiative as being a USAID funding recipient but that neither means the funding is prohibited via the State Department nor does it mean that the UK govt wont stump up a few dollars more.
Lets not get ahead of reality here. The text merely says
"the foreign ministers agreed to maintain a channel of communication to resolve the accumulated problems in Russian-US relations in the interests of removing the unilateral barriers to mutually beneficial trade, economic and investment cooperation inherited from the previous administration." the interests of removing... and that is a long long way from actually removing, especially in the familiar parlance of the casino capitalism rampant in the USA. There are not enough forks at a banquet to equal the forked tongue language of these Trumpian casino croupiers. So lets wait and see. Clearly they are both comfortable with this procedure being long and detailed. imo this points to sufficient time to drive Ukraine to capitulation and europe berserk.
Yes USA is in a rush to split Russia and China and yes they will do almost anything to achieve that goal. But they wont and cannot and when they realise that failed approach, other events will appear and then local inanities will get louder and louder and oil will get dearer and dearer and UKEU will bounce back with dirty tricks, false flags, sovereignist leaders and parliaments.
There are many grassy knolls between now and the end of the year of the snake. Grab popcorn, beer, and pizza as this is beginning to shape up as a desperados circus.
Yes, the list of things to redress is very long and somewhat detailed, and from the Russian negotiating position must be done to serve as good faith indicators. If I were Team Putin, I'd say return the monetary and real estate assets seized as a condition to talk just as was Russia's release of the US spy.
It may be my imprefect understanding of the diplomatic language, but I do not read a direct reference to the removal of sanctions and return of stolen assets. However the read out might certainly be interpreted in this way. If so this will particularly cause Europe some major headaches as they are using the income from hundreds of billions of dollars of Russian assets to pay interest on loans granted to Ukraine. If they are forced to return the assets (and they will be) then who pays the interest? And who will ever repay the capital? Another cunning EU plan....
The EU has dug a very deep hole for itself. Solutions exist, but will never be grasped by those currently in charge. New people with eyes and ideas are required. Much that was done must now be undone. Those belonging to NATO must share their defeat, while the replacements must examine the roots closely. The diplomacy will be interesting to observe as will Europe’s social adjustment. With the war over, how many Europeans will stream East to Russia for that’s where the opportunities are for all Europeans?
It's better than obstinate continuation of failed policies. As for reversing the freeze on Russia's reserves in the western system, reversing sanctions, and of course turning SWIFT back on speaks to self interest first; it won't automatically follow that trust in the system is restored, or stop moves to BRICS institutions/arrangements. Besides starting a trade war with China and being locked out of Tungsten and other industrial inputs will stymie attempts to move industries to the US. I just can't see the US side taking the step of prosecuting war criminals and without this I see reform as incomplete and recidivism in the future.
The leg chains are off but the handcuffs remain in place.
Is Russia's 'arrest warrant' issued on Lindsey Graham still active for his Ukraine comments?
Will Putin man up and insist that Nuland, Blinken and O'Sullivan (others) be handed over to a Donbass Special SMO Tribunal for War Crimes?
Will Trumplethinskin initiate proceedings against those involved in the Russiagate Hoax, domestic and vassal European usurpers?
Not wishing to piss on everyone's cornflakes but last month the US Empire was the largest terrorist organisation in the world by a landslide and changing a few deck chairs in that Evil Empire don't mean jack-shit.
Therefore unless I see Blinken, Nuland, O'Sullivan tied to the front of a tank on the May Day Parade with Trump present then this contradictory, less than half-hearted psychobabble is just that.
I like that last par. It reminded me of The Great Shark Hunt where Hunter S Thompson visualised Tex Colson handcuffed the bumper of a Cadillac dragged down Sunset Boulevard. (afair... it was a long time ago when I read that excellent book :))
Justice will be hard to attain. Who actually initiated this undeclared war? Yes, roots are muy importante! The legal case against NATO and its #1 Head, always a POTUS and its team, revolves around the point of instigation and motive. It would make an excellent research paper for some PhD candidate.
The parasitic and genocidal City of London must be contained and disempowered. Otherwise, the terrorist actions against Russia will continue.
Indeed. Thank you Anna, those englanders in the City of London must be seething. Will we see novichok in Amsterdam or even Paris. I would not put it past them.
Last month they had to ship out 400 tons of gold to its owners in the USA and now the paper holders are seeking real gold for their receipts. Has Trump and Wall Street defanged the City? Time will tell.
Let's see where the dominos fall....
And I might add this excellent report today from Kit Klarenberg as it is entirely relevant:
What is Trump's instruction being given to Starmer at their forthcoming meeting? What vile tricks will we see unfolding in the next month or two? My guess it will be a false flag biological war attack on some unsuspecting Ukrainian village. After all the Russians are in the process of replacing their CBW leading General, the UKUSA has a well stocked and intact network of labs in place in the west Ukraine province and the Porton Down crew have well established form in these things. Its called the Salisbury False Flag method :(
Trump seems to understand the war is lost and the great need to cut losses ASAP; so, what would a false-flag accomplish but to add additional costs to an already lost cause? Bioweapons are considered a WMD, and their use would provoke an extremely strong reaction by Russia likely to be one or several Oreshniks. And such an action would kill the peace talks causing Russia to seek an unconditional surrender and complete dismantling of NATO.
Trump will be happy to see UKEU continue the war as he is absolutely committed to support the rise and rise of the right in this region. Thats what anti left people do and have done since the first Communist Manifesto. Having the western europe anti left continue the war just supports the development and consolidation the so called sovereign states rights movement against US bases and wars. Good for the US as it can withdraw a base or two, pat the afd or Farrage party on the head as good boys and girls.
Look at the line up - consider the success of the WEF and Klaus Schwab in getting all the trained lapdogs in place. Count the leaders who are rightists now. No need any more for US bases as they are passe and old thinking, now the fifth column is virtually installed throughout europe, nordics, england. Trump will annoy some of these leaders, sure but europe is under severe US energy indebtedness and committed to minimise Russian gas etc. So its economic competitiveness is fractured. That suits MAGA. They have achieved what they set out to achieve and the UKEU did it all to themselves. The USA just cemented the deal by blowing the NS2 pipeline and getting Zelensky to close the Ukrainian pipeline.
And then to top it off Trump can then withdraw all those expensive US bases and yabba on about letting Europe have sovereign control and defence.... and sell them lots of US intermediate range missiles too ;)
IMO, we’ll see soon enough how much is theatre and how much isn’t.
So America will suddenly stop being a terrorist nation? Hmm.
Doubtful. As far as I know, the Terrorist Foreign Legion is still active in Africa and West & South Asia.
A funding cut would be useful, and even more useful would be cutting them loose so governments can identify and deal with these threats. Perhaps that's hoping for too much. Regime change will undergo some new branding now USAID is "gone".
And I feel now like I did 1989 when the Berlin wall came down... that I can spread out my arms and hug both the two at the same time... .
VP Vance's speech yesterday was the best since JFK's speech in Berlin... I think that was 1963...
Putin and Trump's 90 minutes phone call the day before was a THANK GOD moment...
And now today Rubio calls Lavrov... etc etc ... yes sanctions are going... for sure... etc etc etc.
I am glad, happy, thrilled... and grateful...
This is like waking up from a nightmare and find out it was just a nightmare... but the nightmare was so bad... you need to shake it off... take a cup of coffee, or something stronger all according to taste.. listen to something GOOD... get busy with planning out good stuff... in short put your mind and body onto something get the nightmare to evaporate...
Of course the MSM and ''democrats'' and European Union will try to remind you of your nightmare
but you have recovered just dismiss them all as liars...
SO here we are... and here I am a happy camper to live to 84 so far and live to see THE CHANGE.
CHEERS.... :-)
Well, Vance did make a speech. However, I wouldn't rate it so highly. It was devoid of historical context and filled with projection and double-talk. It was a grenade and had the intended affect.
I'd agree, partial truth telling which I'm sure is for a reason (I'll be charitable at this stage) has been crafted to put blocks in place and advance other items on the menu of choices. The eurocrats are old school globalists whose time is over, they'll be replaced for sure, which explains their feverish responses; they only have the power to vent their frustrations on their populations.
He spoke truth... something totally new in US politics... and spoke what many of us know... sometimes say but are drowning in the loud lies... the room was very quiet, in shock, clapping very sporadic... done by a few either polite or courageous fellows...
He said what no one has said to the EU and NATO ...TO THEIR FACE... it was beautiful...
well delivered... and a relief to hear after the years with Obama's snake talk and Biden's bable bable... ''I hate you all'' talk.
Yes he did indeed give them the rough end of the pineapple as we say here in the forest. And do those rsoles deserve it!! But on the illegal genocider of Palestine he speaks with forked tongue. On the brilliant rise and rise of China and BRICS he is on the side of the haters. So I am glad he slapped the eu around a little but not moved to applause right now.
The cynic might say "Hope and Change" you can believe in, but that's been used. I say hope, but verify. I'll wait for the facts on the ground.
Yes, we need to wait and see if US is consistent. Too much observed "not agreement capable"!
Hope is a Cardinal virtue.
Vance's speech on tech/AI should put to bed any notion of substantive change, so much projection about a trojan horse of tech from authoritarian regimes; if it's free you're the product! I expect after the exuberance and discussions it will end in tears and recrimination.
If so, no wonder I regard Hope as a silly trifle.
Yes, thanks for this, Karlof. It did need reporting I heard nothing elsewhere. :)
Thanks Artur! Here's Hudson's latest,
The diplomats must start by ending the economic war, also know as theft of RF and its citizens' goods and rights.
This should be done before the 80th anniversary of Victory in Europe day!
If Trump and Vance would get the message straight!
Yeah. I wouldn’t have invited Trump to May 9 until all Russia’s stolen goods were returned. We’ll see how well things progress as there’re 2.5 months to go.
Brother Brian Berletic has a resounding and solid take on the Vance speech at the New Atlas:
16 minutes of the good oil and acute perspective as only Brian can deliver...
Ain't his name Marco Rubio not Miguel?
Not that it matters
Gosh! I missed that. Saw the M and not the rest. I’m going to let the typo live since it’s way too late to amend.
Rubio has been referred to as Miguel previously by the foreign ministry - perhaps because of his Cuban roots (?).
Also thanks for the Michael Hudson link - last two chapters is good news for those like me awaiting the next book.
The MFA constantly gets first names wrong and has other issues in its readouts that I constantly correct. Miguel is Michael, while Marco is Mark in Spanish→English translation. As I explained earlier, I saw the M but not the rest, otherwise, I’d have corrected it as usual.
I just hope that Russia isn't swept off its feet by the dashing Prince Charm Offensive from DJT's presidency. I also hope that DJT is sincere and that after years of hubris and arrogance from the west we get a more pragmatic and co-operational dialogue between the two.
We all recall Putin's oft-stated maxim that the US is agreement incapable. Presidents come and go, and without some form of iron-clad agreement the next President could just pull the plug on whatever has been achieved and revert to baseline exceptionalism and hegemony.
Not sure where this will go and what will happen, but I guess we should all be grateful that we've moved away from the max confrontation line authored by those intellectual heavyweights Blinken and Sullivan.
Russia is sticking to its demands and will have the upper hand in the coming negotiations. A deeper look at them will come later.
The world championship squad against the Sunday amateur league players. An interesting game we will watch.
Agreed. The only few, good US diplomats are retired.
Everything is not simple. First there is the problem with negotiating. Generally Europeans believe negotiating is the practice of reconstitution and rearming of forces until such time as violating agreements are convenient to them. In fact they already admitted this, Minsk.
They also believe this is the way to begin preliminary negotiations, link.
This possibly is western media nonsense but the leader of an enemy is directly quoted, so it has to be considered aggressive and contrary to the stated intentions, therefore insincere and untrustworthy.
I exclude US, who are also guilty of this treacherous practice, because at least she is pragmatic and will talk.
I do not believe there will be a positive conclusion, after all the Ukrainian regime is in violation of its own constitution, therefore it is illegitimate.
Yeah, there was more than that as push-back, which is why no Europeans are going to Saudi Arabia. I wrote this comment and posted it at Martyanov’s:
I've taken to framing the conflict between the West and Russia in its three variants as an undeclared war, particularly this last chapter from 2014 to now. Everyone's talking about "peace" talks to end the "war', so IMO to make it formal a declaration of war needs to be made by the US Congress that sent billions to Ukraine and used rhetoric akin to that used during an "official" war. Of course, I doubt that step will be taken. A narrative stressing the Outlaw US Empire knowingly started a war with Russia with the 2014 Coup using Ukraine as a weapon needs to be emphasized, and Russia counter-attacked against what was a NATO offensive in February 2022 after its last attempt to get NATO to cease its aggression failed. NATO led by the Outlaw US Empire started the war and is now suffering defeat, which is why it's begging for a cease fire. Russia demands a complete cessation of the war that digs up its roots to the point where the weed cannot grow again--the weed being NATO, and its use as a war tool against Russia since its inception.
There's much more to the entire story that began roughly 1000 years ago. The end of the current war won't end that saga. Only a massive change in mindset by the Russian haters will finally terminate the saga, and that won't be an easy accomplishment as the Munich Conference reveals.
I’m sure the above will meet with approval by many Russians.
Agree. It is almost impressive that US is working this way. I read your recent post. Europeans are now surplus to requirements, discarded almost.
I believe that with the combined machinations of Institute for Statecraft plus Integrity Initiative (exposed by Kit Klarenberg) and the absolute evil of the UK there will be more dirty tricks and false flags than in the Irish troubles.
I know Musk has 'exposed' Integrity Initiative as being a USAID funding recipient but that neither means the funding is prohibited via the State Department nor does it mean that the UK govt wont stump up a few dollars more.
Expect mischief, murder and whiskey on the rocks:
Starmer meets with Trump next week ;))
The parade of vassals coming to kiss the toe continues. Yes, I expect the Brits to carry on until they’re carried out.
Lets not get ahead of reality here. The text merely says
"the foreign ministers agreed to maintain a channel of communication to resolve the accumulated problems in Russian-US relations in the interests of removing the unilateral barriers to mutually beneficial trade, economic and investment cooperation inherited from the previous administration." the interests of removing... and that is a long long way from actually removing, especially in the familiar parlance of the casino capitalism rampant in the USA. There are not enough forks at a banquet to equal the forked tongue language of these Trumpian casino croupiers. So lets wait and see. Clearly they are both comfortable with this procedure being long and detailed. imo this points to sufficient time to drive Ukraine to capitulation and europe berserk.
Yes USA is in a rush to split Russia and China and yes they will do almost anything to achieve that goal. But they wont and cannot and when they realise that failed approach, other events will appear and then local inanities will get louder and louder and oil will get dearer and dearer and UKEU will bounce back with dirty tricks, false flags, sovereignist leaders and parliaments.
There are many grassy knolls between now and the end of the year of the snake. Grab popcorn, beer, and pizza as this is beginning to shape up as a desperados circus.
Yes, the list of things to redress is very long and somewhat detailed, and from the Russian negotiating position must be done to serve as good faith indicators. If I were Team Putin, I'd say return the monetary and real estate assets seized as a condition to talk just as was Russia's release of the US spy.
It may be my imprefect understanding of the diplomatic language, but I do not read a direct reference to the removal of sanctions and return of stolen assets. However the read out might certainly be interpreted in this way. If so this will particularly cause Europe some major headaches as they are using the income from hundreds of billions of dollars of Russian assets to pay interest on loans granted to Ukraine. If they are forced to return the assets (and they will be) then who pays the interest? And who will ever repay the capital? Another cunning EU plan....
The EU has dug a very deep hole for itself. Solutions exist, but will never be grasped by those currently in charge. New people with eyes and ideas are required. Much that was done must now be undone. Those belonging to NATO must share their defeat, while the replacements must examine the roots closely. The diplomacy will be interesting to observe as will Europe’s social adjustment. With the war over, how many Europeans will stream East to Russia for that’s where the opportunities are for all Europeans?
It's better than obstinate continuation of failed policies. As for reversing the freeze on Russia's reserves in the western system, reversing sanctions, and of course turning SWIFT back on speaks to self interest first; it won't automatically follow that trust in the system is restored, or stop moves to BRICS institutions/arrangements. Besides starting a trade war with China and being locked out of Tungsten and other industrial inputs will stymie attempts to move industries to the US. I just can't see the US side taking the step of prosecuting war criminals and without this I see reform as incomplete and recidivism in the future.
Da Comrade!
The leg chains are off but the handcuffs remain in place.
Is Russia's 'arrest warrant' issued on Lindsey Graham still active for his Ukraine comments?
Will Putin man up and insist that Nuland, Blinken and O'Sullivan (others) be handed over to a Donbass Special SMO Tribunal for War Crimes?
Will Trumplethinskin initiate proceedings against those involved in the Russiagate Hoax, domestic and vassal European usurpers?
Not wishing to piss on everyone's cornflakes but last month the US Empire was the largest terrorist organisation in the world by a landslide and changing a few deck chairs in that Evil Empire don't mean jack-shit.
Therefore unless I see Blinken, Nuland, O'Sullivan tied to the front of a tank on the May Day Parade with Trump present then this contradictory, less than half-hearted psychobabble is just that.
I like that last par. It reminded me of The Great Shark Hunt where Hunter S Thompson visualised Tex Colson handcuffed the bumper of a Cadillac dragged down Sunset Boulevard. (afair... it was a long time ago when I read that excellent book :))
I likes how you built to a crescendo with your last paragraph!
Justice will be hard to attain. Who actually initiated this undeclared war? Yes, roots are muy importante! The legal case against NATO and its #1 Head, always a POTUS and its team, revolves around the point of instigation and motive. It would make an excellent research paper for some PhD candidate.
Justice, like Beauty, ONLY exists in the eye (the mind) of the beholder.
Spotted on MoA. Ta.
Communications are open.
So is the future.
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Breathing a huge sigh of relief. Thank you for reporting this valuable news!
Due Dissidence dumps on Vance speech:
A thorough and very well put rebuttal of this parasites hypocrisy.