lets see if his presidency matches the commentary he appears to have voiced here.. thanks..

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If Trump is serious about his words, he will get the same treatment as JFK. I doubt if he is serious about his words though.

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Your doubts are shared. But this wasn't done as campaign rhetoric to gain votes. It was push-back at Team Biden, which ought to have generated a lot of media--where is it?

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Yes, he'd already won, but as in his 1st term, right after he won he loaded up w. neocons and Soros people including his "star," Jared Kushner. I have zero hope that he'd take the necessary actions even if he believed what he was saying. He already said at CPAC in 2022 that it takes 5-15 yrs to fire 1 bureaucrat, congress would have to pass new law to change that. Further, in Aug. 2017 congress voted to remove all Russia matters from him. The whole world saw he was a powerless clown. It was his "pal" Lindsey Graham who in Jan. 2017 started the ball rolling to get Don demoted. If Don wanted to stay in politics--which he desperately did--he knew he had to surrender to Lindsey Graham and the neocons--if he didn't already agree with them. Don nullified his own election, no need for the JFK treatment. In return, Lindsey said Lara Trump was the "future of the Republican Party." Medvedev even commented at the time that Trump had been humiliated & there was no chance for a relationship w. Russia. In July 2017 Don went on tv and said he'd changed his mind, now thinks endless Mid East wars are necessary.

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Really, how about declaring them as treasonous and terrorists/cartel criminals and carting them off to Gitmo.

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Still doesn't answer the important question about the lack of media mud-slinging. The main point is Trump's 100% correct in his prognosis, which few seem to want to agree with since that means agreeing with Trump.

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Media v Trump today is entirely different than it was in his 1st term. Of course they have to continue to feign objections from time to time (otherwise there's no "news") but they've learned they have no reason to fear Don, that despite his rhetoric he's a coward who folds for the war state like a cheap camera. Further, he has made politics the new "Trump family business" and he's not about to get his family kicked off the payroll. Media protected him all during 2nd campaign, letting him brag on and on about how he told Putin he'd bomb Russia. Media knew Trump had no power to do such a thing so they never corrected him. Media also remembers Trump sitting in White House w. Saudi prince and showing a map of the US and where in US all the weapons makers are located, and how great it was for US "jobs" to be making weapons for Saudis. Media knows Trump would never close down all the US weapons makers and put thousands of Americans out of jobs. Media ignored this speech because they know Trump could never carry out his words even if her were serious. He'd be putting his entire family out of work.

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Jebus Susan, I wish you were wrong, but I fear your interpretation is the most accurate of all. New bosses...same as the old bosses.

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Trump evidentially is a running self-contradiction.

He is a default confabulator. When he doesn’t have access to particular realities, he makes them up. Then he doesn’t remember making them or what he made up. So he has to confabulate them again.

He doesn’t remember his own actual experiences, only a generalisation of them, from which he can’t reconstruct them in distinct particular.

He doesn’t have mnemonic access to the actual occasions of his episodic experience, so he has to make up what would have happened, what ought to have happened which he fills in from his general mental model of reality with its abstract moralities and persuasions. He declares what he needs or would like things to be. Then asserts that his declarations are really how things are or will be.

Observe how his propositions tend to be abstract, emotional, rhetorical, vaguely holistic without any details of how they might be realised.

Thus his successive confabulations tend to be self-contradictory. Problems arise when he demands that those he controls, his appointees, realise his mutable confabulations. They can’t, so he sacks and replaces them. You will see how it all plays out cataclysmically in the immediate and developing future.

Watch other politicians and scammers for similar phenomena. In my country, Boris Johnson exemplified them - airports on the mud of the Thames estuary, bridges over the Channel, and between Scotland and Ulster, 40 new hospitals, etc. His duplicitous behaviour during the pandemic.

Confabulation isn’t lying, for which you have to have access to the realities you’re denying or transforming. You know you’re lying, but not that you confabulate.

As a therapist I came across people who were trapped in this condition without being aware of it.

One man could remember the contexts of events, but not his participation in them. So he confabulated his behaviour. He couldn’t remember his confabulations, so denied he’d said them, to people who had been there. He substituted what he would have wanted to have said. This made for difficulties with his wife, which is why both came to see me. He worked successfully as a property developer.

This is difficult to think about because we are unaware of how our minds operate to turn particular experiences into general impressions of them, then reconstruct them accordingly.

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Confabulation. Well, perhaps a fitting end to what is currently called the USA.

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1. “there must also be a complete commitment to dismantling the entire globalist neocon establishment that is perpetually dragging us into endless wars” -- A great American hero Smedley Butler had named the “establishment” by writing “all wars are bankers’ wars.”

2. “We have to put America first.” -- In other words, all dual-loyalty scum must be promptly removed from the positions of power, beginning with the genocidal Blinken, and the openly subversive aipac must be FARAed without delay. Is this even possible in the zios-captured US?

3. “These globalists want to squander all of America’s strength, blood, and treasure.” -- They have already. Ziocons (euphemistically defined as “neocon establishment”) are guided by two intertwined principles: "full-spectrum dominance" and “it must be good for jews.” https://www.voltairenet.org/article217976.html

The cancerous talmudic/straussian indoctrination should have been prevented following the Henry Ford's warning “The International Jew." Instead, the American governments (filled with greedy whores) have sold the country and citizenry to bloody banking cartel and fascist mega corporations like BlackRock, Vanguard, StateStreet, Pfizer, Monsanto (Bayer), et al.

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He may not contest another election so he doesn't have to owe anybody. You can look at facts and make inferences of possibilities based on stated objectives. In his first campaign Info Wars ran a rousing speech from Trump decrying the deep state, just to paraphrase, they don't represent your interests. And then he blew his term in office.

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Well they certainly went out of their way to give him reason to loath them. So I think he will do his damnest to drive them wailing and screaking into the political and social wilderness from whence they came. May they never return.

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I want to believe but I need to see more. Huckabee anyone.

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Thus the contradictions.

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Personally, I'm one of the 'could NOT vote for Blue, no matter who' because of their sheer lunacy. I warned the Kennedy MAGAs of WARPSPEED and they still shrug me off, a nomination is not an appointment, I say. An appointment is not a sign you'll get things done. Look at the other nominees, who among them is going help RFKjr go after big ag, big pharma, big food? Look what old man McConnell just did while walking out the door. My goodness, Musk and Thiel (aka Vance) have moved the paypal mafia directly into the WhiteHouse! Ladies and gentlemen, it's just business. Big business. It's not personal and it's not about freedom, democracy or health. It's about 🏳️‍🌈 and 💲.

I eagerly await the appointments of the assistants to the criminals....let's see what the red side of the empire will give us to replace the Nulands.

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61 years ago, a precedent was established. The nation was no longer the nation we were taught about in school. This is my 70th year, and like many I've lived through numerous horrors. What's coming is another one to overcome. But the US Empire of today isn't as strong as the one 61 years ago, and that act made it weaker.

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JFK got the "Dallas haircut" on my 12th birthday. We are so incredibly dishonest here that we can't even call a "coup" a coup. I think how Trump treats the JFK files now, released or not, will be a clue to how things will shake out. We are so stupid here. I asked a liberal friend a few days ago, "who destroyed" the German-Russian pipeline and he said, without a trace of irony, "we don't know that." SMH! You can "fix" many things in this world but fixing stupid is a real slog through the wilderness.

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There are many Promises to overcomers.

Excellent piece, btw.

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If he really means it, he's signed his own death warrant.

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It's crazy that Trump is hiring people who once upon a time despised him and are also Ukraine supporters. Also how do you square Wiles and RFK, Wiles being a Big Pharma stooge and RFK Jr being

anti pharma? Tulsi/Rubio huge anti Trumper to now big Trump supporter, most of the rest both Ukraine/Izzy supporters if not fanatical supporters

My wild guess is that Wiles is running the show and Trump is already Biden 2.0 in that he is only the face of what is to come, hence RFK Jr/Tulsi/Gaetz nominations, to make it look good to his base while everyone else is deep state

Mr Reagan gaves us trickle down which gave us GHWB who gave us neoliberalism on steroids, who gave us Clinton who gave us the Heritage Foundation which gave us Dubya and the final nail in the Constitution, which gaves us hope and changey who gave us FASCISM, which gave us Mr Warp Speed who gaves us the Genocide(he laid down the groundwork for what is happening now)which gave us Genocide Joe who gave us FASCISM on steroids back to Trump who will bring us ????? The Great Reset

If I was young once again I'd hightail it outta here bigtime, Africa, South America, China, Russia being the destination. amerikkka has become what we were told Nazi Germany was

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Neoliberalism began with Carter. All the other anti-constitutional stuff began with Truman. And before all that was Wilson--Taft would've been much better. And we can roll back the clock to Polk onto Buchanan and the major political crisis of 1859-60. As Wolff and Hudson have commented for the last month, how is the declining Empire to be managed? And its political-economy will ensure that decline will continue. As I wrote, the problem is in the minds of those in power--they still see the Empire as Strong when it's Weak and growing Weaker.

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For the rentier class (oligarchy) everything appears to be working, so for them it's a feature not a bug. Up to the moment of the revolution in France everything was going so well, then it was a short trip to the Guillotine. It's the repetitive nature of history and the cycles of power accumulation and diminution. Look at how it's going for Nuttyahoo; the praetorian guard must be looking at options, anything to forestall total collapse.

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How I state this is that amerika's "best and brightest" aren't the best nor the brightest"

The chandelier is definitely missing some bulbs while the best is but an subjective adjective

used by the empire of lies

"As I wrote, the problem is in the minds of those in power--they still see the Empire as Strong when it's Weak and growing Weaker"

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"If I was young once again I'd hightail it outta here bigtime, Africa, South America, China, Russia being the destination. amerikkka has become what we were told Nazi Germany was"

Exactly. I share the same sentiment. At 73 y/o, age works against me. I feel every one of those years. It'd likely be Mexico City for me. Blend into an established international community. Keep my head down...

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Almost 72 for me, Mexico City is huge so blending in should be relatively easy?

I feel for my kids, luckily though I have no grandkids.

How our country has changed, sigh

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Thank you. Tried to find this.after I listened to Judge Nap and found nothing. Besides you and the rest of alternative media we are on our own. The only thing left is our intuition..

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As you'll see when I finally publish it, Crooke also picked it up, but from where he didn't indicate.

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Trump believe what many of the Cold War veterans believed. Thai is war in Central Europe would be nuclear in a few days.

I believe the same today if Russian Federation is pushed too far.

Biden and Harris care little for old veterans’ beliefs!

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Quite frankly, IMO Biden is completely out-of-the-picture as is Harris. There's been an internal coup since the election loss and the Neocons have the power levers, except perhaps the nuclear suitcase. The weapons recently used to escalate have long been in Ukraine. There was interesting discussion about the Biden Lame Duck status with Hudson and Wolff, I'd like to cite some of their words but no transcript yet.

As for Vets, Russia and Putin know how they're to be treated and do so lavishly. Russia's future government from 2030 onward will be staffed by many SMO vets, as will the Duma and Federal Council.

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great article thank you

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The speech is from 2023-03-16, see https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47/agenda47-preventing-world-war-iii and https://rumble.com/v2df9wo-agenda47-preventing-world-war-iii.html - amazing so many fine folks thought it from Nov 2024 without source.

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Gag me with a spoon.

I did not know he said that nor, for that matter, that he could be so articulate or approve what his speechwriter wrote, for that matter. The neocon appointments and firebrand nominees might turn out to be be a dog whistle or a disaster coming. Rubio will likely be the first to turn over. The senior White House element looks a lot like older frat boys but with a common purpose. We'll have to see how it works out.

“Cleaning out the Augean stables” is what comes to mind. Hope and change, this time.

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Watched the undoubtably a historical speech of all time . This changes everything meaning it will be seriously ignored by the violently banal.

This willful ignorance will be more crippling than using ordinance.

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Interesting. When did you watch it and on what media?

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Meaningless. Hardly a "stunner".

What we do know is that Trump says things he never intends to implement - or can't implement in the real world, both due to his own incapacity (being a moron and a narcissist) and due to the nature of the present Western governments.

In other words, this is more bombast speech which plays well to his ignorant, moronic followers but is completely impossible to implement. The reality is the US will change only when it suffers 1) a major economic blow on a par with the Great Depression, and/or 2) a major military defeat in which it loses a significant portion of its military assets (up to and including "WWIII" nuclear strikes), or 3) both. Those events are the only things which will change the US population to pay attention to the US' position in the world and the loss of freedom domestically.

In other words: "That Ain't Gonna Happen." Not soon anyway. But if anyone can precipitate such major disasters, Trump certainly has the moronic and narcissistic will to do it.

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"...In other words, this is more bombast speech which plays well to his ignorant, moronic followers but is completely impossible to implement. The reality is the US will change only when it suffers 1) a major economic blow on a par with the Great Depression, and/or 2) a major military defeat in which it loses a significant portion of its military assets (up to and including "WWIII" nuclear strikes), or 3) both. Those events are the only things which will change the US population to pay attention to the US' position in the world and the loss of freedom domestically."

I agree with your second and fourth paragraphs RSH, but imho the third one above, needs some work. In regards to your number one, I believe the 'great recession' of '08 has overwhelmingly, over taken the great depression, because of the total lack of concern, by our oligarchy. We have a homeless problem that's only growing and been growing, since that meltdown in 2008. We are collectively becoming a mostly renter's class much like the Europeon model. As for your number two, that seems to be occurring presently, with arms to Ukraine and the giveaway to the zionazis for their genocide. The latter is generating a lot of protest, but the republican's have apparently quarantined our right to free speech and protesting uncomfortable subjects. So trying to get behind some great change that'll make america great again sounds a lot like Obummer's Change campaign and where did that get us?

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No, when I say "military defeat", I'm not talking about "we pack up and go home." I'm talking losing three carrier battle groups, several hundred aircraft, 50,000 troops (as would happen in a war with North Korea in ninety days according to Pentagon war games), to the point where the US is physically unable - short of nukes - to continue the fight. And the question will be: will the US go to nukes? I think it's highly likely and when that happens, the US loses 100-200 million people.

That's collapse no matter how you want to describe it.

As for the 2008 "depression", I don't think the number of homeless matches the effect of the "Dust Bowl" of the Great Depression, but I'm not familiar with the relative scale of poverty of that period. But I don't see the comparison being accurate in terms of social impact. Most people don't even notice the homeless.

And I'm not behind some great change - I think when these things do happen, the US society will collapse - not in civil war but just a reduction to the status of England, albeit with more people. This may cause the US population to get a clue - but I doubt they will make a change for the better - probably they'll fall into a complete dictatorship. That's what usually happens when a nation is militarily defeated.

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Occasionally Trump speaks the truth. Trump also doesn't want peace. He choose the worst scum on the planet for his cabinet. He's first and foremost a con man.

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