Yes, it is important to comply with laws and work for the people. The conditions are right for Trump to be an important president but it is not clear if he has the wit and the grit to go against entrenched powers. The first thing he will do is to pardon himself from all his felonies that he can. Will he bring in competent people or go with the half-assed team members like he did in the past?
Walt, a UK a retired chemist, long time MOA contributor, posted a new substack today. He put together a video, which included some of his own work , showing hundreds of years of Chinese history: trade, colonization, geography, technology, wars, drugs, etc. This is a well done work. I enjoyed this half hour education this morning in immersed in a longer term geopolitical history.
To some extent, yes. We all know that big zionist money was a significant part of his political support. However, he has shown signs of understanding how deeply unpopular the US has become in much of the world and the damage that is doing to the US economy. He might be able to repair some of that damage and we will know whether he is willing to attempt to repair the damage by those he appoints and places around him.
What he will NOT be able to do is repair the fatal damage to the US domestic economy and to American society and culture in general. THEY have received fatal blows and NEITHER "PARTY" is willing to take the actions necessary to repair that damage. It began during the 1980s and 1990s and it is causing much of an entire generation under about 40 to literally drop out and cling to family assets or simple jobs. I don't blame them one bit.
Regardless of what Trump does or now is, the thoroughly corrupt and insanely delusional "democrat" party needs to be completely destroyed - burned to ashes, peed on, and scattered onto the wide oceans. There is nothing more disgusting than a bunch of corrupt, perverted fake leftists and lawyers. Nothing. There haven't been any real American leftists with any power since the 1960s. I will enjoy watching Trump completely destroy these poisonous, divisive creatures.
I agree the economic damage can't be undone in the near future. Socially, the Divide and Rule tools used since Colonial times and especially after the 1880s have damaged US society as a whole, but that can be repaired given the enactment of proper policies. I could comment further but any genuinely progressive policies have no chance given the political chemistry at the federal level, even with the change in administration and new congressional balance.
It will take a generation or two of policies dedicated to rebuilding industry and a stable, secure working and middle class - with all protections, benefits, secure jobs, retirement, and health care - to do that - not to mention massive amounts of technical training, re-training, and cheap or free education and little to no illegal immigration.
Our elites don't have the stomach for it. They are too cheap. Yeah... I'm an old lefty.
"that can be repaired given the enactment of proper policies"
Good luck with that.
In any event, it's a "chicken and egg" problem - you can't impose proper policies because everyone is too divided and the division can't be healed without imposing proper policies.
As I've said before, chimpanzees should not run countries. They're not good at it. They're only good in "troops". Humans however have the curse of thinking they can do more than their chimpanzee natures allow in that regard.
I had to unsubscribe from Rob Campbell's Substack because he posted a ridiculously positive review of Trump's win, despite previously making disingenuous comments about how he's "not" a "Trump Savior Syndrome" victim. He was very insulted when I previously suggested he had the symptoms. Now he's revealed a massive infection which no mRNA vaccine could possibly cure.
These people have zero intellectual integrity - doubly a problem for Campbell since he claims to be a "philosopher" - or maybe that IS his problem. Philosophers tend to be narcissists for obvious reasons. It requires a major ego to think you can comprehend the universe - one even bigger than mine (and that's saying something.)
Johnson is your standard, garden-variety "conservative" as is Ritter and the rest of the "Judge Nap crowd", except for Crooke due to being British. They are hampered by their limited ideology from actually comprehending the Big Picture, although they frequently get the details right, which does make them valuable for people like me who don't have the time to spend all day on these subjects or previous relevant experience in intelligence and the military.
However I'm coming to the conclusion, as I mentioned elsewhere, that after 17 years of watching US foreign policy about Iran, and 21 years of watching US foreign policy since the Iraq invasion, and the last two years of the Russian SMO. and the last year of watching the Gaza genocide, that when I'm provided with the necessary facts my analysis is just as good as theirs and sometimes better. That is because I do not have a limited ideology.
Anyone who thinks Trump is going to "do better this time" is a moron as bad as Trump. The man is constitutionally unable to function as anything other than what he was the first time. A moron like him hasn't learned a fucking thing and can not learn a fucking thing.
All this BS from morons about how we need to "give Trump a chance" merely indicates how incapable they are of comprehending basic human nature, let alone Trump's entire personal history. It merely reflects their own emotional desperation to have someone - anyone - save them from their own inadequacy at comprehending how the world works.
The same applies, of course, to all those morons who want Harris or Stein or whoever to save them.
There ain't no "saving you", folks. No one is coming to save you. That's on you. Deal.
me2! going through the morning inbox it was a quick unsubscribe. cancel & all gone the guy who supports the dumpster responsible for assassinating soleimani/gifting the levant with nuclear abraham accords.
Thus speaketh the convicted felon with no friends, no family and living on public assistance. A real winner right here folks.
As much as Karlof1 may dislike the truth, the USA is actually comprised of realists. Evil realists perhaps, but they still base decisions firmly grounded on military, political and economic realities.
We're done on the military front, we're done on the political front (see the fallout already in Germany; we can expect many other dominoes to fall).
And of course we're done on the economic front. $35T of debt with interest now running ahead of the MIC to take the top spot while also requiring printing just to service those payments is really all you need to know.
Johnson is a traditional libertarian-converservative like many others of his age & experience. There's a faint belief that perhaps order can be restored, but the most pressing issue is to simply stop the trajectory the USA is on at this very moment.
If Trump doesn't pursue a course of radical reform, then the USA has no chance whatsoever of being restored to a place among the leading nations. Instead, it will be defeated and allowed to fall into civil war.
When faced with the option of sink or swim, many/most people quicky learn how to swim.
One wonders why someone with an equally pessimistic view as mine has a problem with my saying the exact same things - other than the delusion that morons like the US electorate can somehow reverse the course of history.
Your 1st paragraph is as bitchy as a 14 year old mean-grrrl. "the USA is actually comprised of realists. Evil realists perhaps, but they still base decisions firmly grounded on military, political and economic realities" is a pathetic joke.
If it isn't a pathetic joke, you wouldn't be lamenting the doom-situation you go on to describe. You may recognize problems, but haven't much more than a clue on how - "pursue a course of radical reform"; details, zeetails are for wimps - to solve them.
i strongly agree with your very last line karl.. thanks.. it is highly unlikely for a leopard to change its spots, and i think the same is true for trump here, who reflects the power structure of the usa at this point in time as well... but man you are a party pooper, lol! at least give the old geezer a few days grace before the illusion drops off!!
I'm hoping Trump is smart enough to recognize he only has one possible move - initiate the retreat. Control the collapse by getting ahead of the curve, rather than allowing the market to dictate terms.
If he doesn't, if he insists on a continuation of Strauss against all reason and logic, then goodbye USA.
The article also includes the speech delivered today by Sheikh Naim Qassem, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, who purposefully neglected the topic we are all talking about, and also 5 new videos released tonight by Hezbollah, showing its military capability.
And since I am talking about Middle East, I would also like to point out an important event that has been largely ignored by Western MSM and alternative media too:
I didn't see a bubble to fill-in on my ballot to end the Forever Wars. I voted for one of the several peace candidates on the Oregon ballot. The Forever Wars are all illegal internationally and domestically. Ending them is one of the requirements for Trump not to become a recidivist.
I was surprised by Larry's reply to your comment and was deeply disappointed. Is he hoping for a berth on the Trump train? In all his posts he gives the impression that he understands the course the US elites/deep-permanent state has set itself. It's been my firm view that the best result for the world is that the US is dissolved so Americans can focus on solving their underlying problems of a failed set of Constitutional arrangements.
I do not want to be offensive but Mr Johnson is a fraud. I read the comments and then looked at his work. He copied the Alabama moon post of yesterday and recently copied the essay/article about western media change for Ukraine stories written by Mr Simpletus. He has been wrong more than right, I think that is called guessing not analysing. If it is not then it should be.
Major Ritter is another. Of course there are many "celebrity experts" worse or equally bad. And I only make him a special mention because sharing with other "gymnasts" exposes the flaws of this group.
This major banned me from a telegram group, and so when he visited offering a book and his wisdom, I went to see. Asked a question, trapped him. Free speech, what is the opinion on where it should reach it's limit. He answered, shared a long opinion, appeared excited by it. So I followed up with why he banned me from his own social media for engaging in speech with him and his idolizers.
I was expelled from the gathering.
Nobody should be very interested in them, shallow, worse than the others they constantly criticize. Many, and maybe long ago but still are guilty of crimes against the humanity they claim to be defending now. They propagandize good people with nonsense, damage movements with false virtue and such things. In fact they, the American ones, especially them, defend their empire more than their government or media.
Thanks for your comment and revelations. I allow all kinds of commentary here as long as it doesn't violate the terms of service set up by substack. Yes, ego often gets in the way as many find it very hard to admit their shortcomings and previous criminal behavior. There was a very popular cop show back in the 1960s, "Dragnet," where the LA cop's famous line was "Just the facts, ma'am, nothing but the facts." And that's how it should be--objectivity, except when you're clearly speculating or offering an opinion, which ought to be fact-based.
I was banned from his social media and expelled from his gathering here, not because of the violation of technical regulations or decency, I am, and educated, respectful even with the indisputable correct opposing view. No, I was censored for my opinion, uncomfortable truth, and this is the opposite of free speech. He is not an advocator of any free speech at all.
Unimportant anyway, but what is however, you make analysis from real information, open sources information. This is special services work actually, and this is why I follow. Articles, speeches and video linked providing the facts generally unavailable in the "celebrity" assessments. Also, a useful preface opinion and concluding opinion. Unusual format, very satisfying. Members comments are also very interesting.
I watched "Human Bomb", the first episode of series one Dragnet, 1951. Thank you for the introduction, although in this episode there were only men, so no famous line - "Just the facts, ma'am, nothing but the facts." Maybe the next will be :)
Wow! I don't recall ever watching "Dragnet" in the 1950s or episodes from that era.
Respect and open communication advances interaction and integration as Putin and others have long maintained, and those actions promote peace, development and advance the wellbeing of the soul and materially. Putin noted the basic issue driving the problem: those seeking harmonious relations are confronted by those who must be correct always--their ego cannot allow them to be seen as wrong, and thus they don't seek accommodation with others but need to dominate them, which is an example of Zero-sum behavior. There's a saying in the USA that epitomizes that: "My way or the highway." Yes, there are occasions when that's proper as with certain safety concerns, but that's no way to act when trying to build political solidarity.
Thanks for your commentary! I enjoy our interactions.
We all agree. Unfortunately America is not capable today to participate this way, so I should just talk about Dragnet or some other, because this seems serious. Although I am wrong for team America possibly.
I agree with your view on those "experts" that I used to follow. I left Ritter's TG channel before he'd ban me. His channel is managed by admins who obviously don't tolerate contradiction or debate, and who proselytize for him.
I saw Manturov mentioned combatting them is now a national project. They are caused by environmental pollution, chemicals called hormone mimickers known as endocrine disrupters. A book published almost 30 years ago, "Our Stolen Future," documented them which I called an updated "Silent Spring." It turns out I was very lucky to be born without any problems as most everyone I know was born with some sort of birth defect which is what learning disorders are.
My vote was against the inept, ill informed, cackling puppet who would be run by the neocon blob. Trump will be less so, if not a strict constructionist!
In the sole debate Trump inferred Kiev and Stalin's borders were not worth endangering nuclear war. Sort of like Obama. As with beating H Clinton, world is better if not best off.
Thank you Karl Sanchez for the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs statement on Donald Trump's victory. The key to moving forward is as Russia & China have chosen to focus international & internal relations on 'ECONOMIC' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') DEVELOPMENT of essential good & services infrastructure for everyone in RELATIONAL-ECONOMY. Rather than waste our time fixated on a bought & sold system, all of us can make a difference in our own & community lives, which does change the world.
For 7000 years since Babylon, humanity has been under fake 'money' (Gk 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch amnesic Suzerainty. The multi-Trillionaire Oligarchy controls both the Democrats & the Republican parties as puppets. Congresses ceaseless standing ovations for the genocidal war-maniac Netanyahu standing & clapping 52 times is not by accident. Control of Palestine as the LAND-BRIDGE between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia & Africa trade, resources & people, is key to Oligarch control of the world. Damn, even John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy & RFKJr are all Zionists on the same payroll! I do value RFKJr's Children's Health Defence now for 25 years & MAHealthyAgain, but not at the expense of 100,000 murdered Palestinian children & Palestinians suffering systematic genocide for over 100 years of brutal Zionist & Jewish (some-of-my-family) occupation.
The US Top-down fake 'Democracy' (Gk 'Power-of-the-people') of both elections & government is very expensive & designed to be controlled under the table by Oligarch 'contributions'. From way before 1776 Oligarchs have been in control & played a big role in writing the US Constitution & designing the structure of the Executive branches of government so they are easily commanded & controlled.
Oligarch Campaign-Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial & Pharma-med (yes even in 1776) control since inception & through many 1000s of parasitic wars is ongoing.
'Indigenous' Turtle-Island had ~110 nations organized into ~23 Confederacies beholding to a Continental Constitution called by the 'Haudenosaunee' (Iroquois 'People-of-the-extended-rafters' aka 'Welcome', 'there's always room for one more') 5 Nation Confederacy as the 'Kaianere'kowa' (Iroquois 'Great-good-way-of-kindness' aka 'Great-law-of-peace' aka 'Constitution'). 1st Nations recognized European & other settlers as subject-refugee peoples & so welcomed & economically included them into their productive abundant Continental ECONOMIC-DEMOCRACY & subset political systems. Economic Democracy in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village), specialized Production-Society-Guilds & time-based equivalency-accounting on the String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands).
Exactly! Almost every POTUS has been an Imperialist--Harrison didn't live long enough to join that club while Lincoln preserved the Empire. All POTUSs have worked to expand the Empire in some manner. I've always thought US History ought to be taught with that very important fact at the front of the class. But no, the words empire and imperialism aren't ever introduced to students during grade school, and then seldom at college. Thus, the vast majority of US citizens have no clue about the genuine nature of the nation in which they reside and of the national government they are supposed to control.
There’s no doubt that President Trump will pursue the policy of US domination as much as possible. Nevertheless, in contrast to the NeoCons, he’s pragmatic and hardly ever makes the mistake of pursuing unrealistic goals. He is also capable, in contrast to the NeoCons, of distinguishing what makes the US stronger from what makes the US look stronger.
It’s worth reading Alexander Dugin’s piece about what we may expect from Trump:
"The primary distinction between Trump and Biden lies in Trump's prioritisation of rational American national interests (known as realism). It is a practical approach based on an assessment of relations based on another country's power and resources. In contrast, Biden's is dogmatic and uncompromising: those who do not bow to the god of US-led globalism face sanctions and possibly direct intervention, reflecting the liberal approach to international relations.
For Trump, a nuclear storm that ends humanity is not an acceptable price to pay under any circumstance. For Biden and the rules of the 'new Babylon,' everything is on the table. "
Therefore, President Trump seems capable of acquiescing to the reality of a multipolar world. He’s going to see how the US may be strong in this new reality, without resorting to wars. Even more, he does understand that in the current situation, the forever-war policy is harmful to the US.
Last but not least, Trump scrapping policy of exporting and enforcing degeneracy overseas will give some breathing space to other nations all over the world. Even if it will be just a temporary change, still appreciable.
No illusions neighbor. Carrying on, calm and collected. It shall be a wild ride given the times, and my age. Prepaid cremation package and such. The days are short, the nights are long. Enjoy the seasonal change, stay well. ❤️🐴🧲
Prepaid cremation package and such, huh? They can catapult my wrinkly ol' carcass over the castle walls, for all I care! Maybe 1 of the Dr. Franksteins can resurrect me and turn me lose going the other way after the catapultists.
Hey Karl! I remember you writing a great column or maybe a post on MOA on why you define America as the Outlaw Empire. Was hoping you could direct me to that column so I could re-read it.
Finding that exact comment is nuts. The Outlaw US Empire is such because it violates the UN Chater on a daily basis and has since 24 October 1945 when it came into force. I describe why in my posting--thanks to the Constitution's Supremacy Clause, the UN Charter is an integral part of the US Constitution just as much as the Bill of Rights are. Use your favorite search engine and put supremacy clause in the search box and read it for yourself. It's really very simple.
Both Republicans and Dems are controlled by the deep state. Kamala Camel Toe winning would have been fatal for the US whereas Trump winning just delays the inevitable downfall of the US. Trump is estimated to add 10 trillion to the US debt over his term. No one knows the exact amount but rest assured the money printing press will go Brrrrr.
Trump actually will add nothing; rather, Congress will as the debt and its interest will continue to climb until revenues are increased to deal with the ongoing shortfalls. Cutting spending won't do the job as too many studies show.
Yes, it is important to comply with laws and work for the people. The conditions are right for Trump to be an important president but it is not clear if he has the wit and the grit to go against entrenched powers. The first thing he will do is to pardon himself from all his felonies that he can. Will he bring in competent people or go with the half-assed team members like he did in the past?
Walt, a UK a retired chemist, long time MOA contributor, posted a new substack today. He put together a video, which included some of his own work , showing hundreds of years of Chinese history: trade, colonization, geography, technology, wars, drugs, etc. This is a well done work. I enjoyed this half hour education this morning in immersed in a longer term geopolitical history.
Agree about Trump. Yes, Walt's work deserves promotion.
To some extent, yes. We all know that big zionist money was a significant part of his political support. However, he has shown signs of understanding how deeply unpopular the US has become in much of the world and the damage that is doing to the US economy. He might be able to repair some of that damage and we will know whether he is willing to attempt to repair the damage by those he appoints and places around him.
What he will NOT be able to do is repair the fatal damage to the US domestic economy and to American society and culture in general. THEY have received fatal blows and NEITHER "PARTY" is willing to take the actions necessary to repair that damage. It began during the 1980s and 1990s and it is causing much of an entire generation under about 40 to literally drop out and cling to family assets or simple jobs. I don't blame them one bit.
Regardless of what Trump does or now is, the thoroughly corrupt and insanely delusional "democrat" party needs to be completely destroyed - burned to ashes, peed on, and scattered onto the wide oceans. There is nothing more disgusting than a bunch of corrupt, perverted fake leftists and lawyers. Nothing. There haven't been any real American leftists with any power since the 1960s. I will enjoy watching Trump completely destroy these poisonous, divisive creatures.
I agree the economic damage can't be undone in the near future. Socially, the Divide and Rule tools used since Colonial times and especially after the 1880s have damaged US society as a whole, but that can be repaired given the enactment of proper policies. I could comment further but any genuinely progressive policies have no chance given the political chemistry at the federal level, even with the change in administration and new congressional balance.
It will take a generation or two of policies dedicated to rebuilding industry and a stable, secure working and middle class - with all protections, benefits, secure jobs, retirement, and health care - to do that - not to mention massive amounts of technical training, re-training, and cheap or free education and little to no illegal immigration.
Our elites don't have the stomach for it. They are too cheap. Yeah... I'm an old lefty.
IMO, it's a matter of brains and morals, both of which the Parasites seem to have already eaten.
"that can be repaired given the enactment of proper policies"
Good luck with that.
In any event, it's a "chicken and egg" problem - you can't impose proper policies because everyone is too divided and the division can't be healed without imposing proper policies.
As I've said before, chimpanzees should not run countries. They're not good at it. They're only good in "troops". Humans however have the curse of thinking they can do more than their chimpanzee natures allow in that regard.
I had to unsubscribe from Rob Campbell's Substack because he posted a ridiculously positive review of Trump's win, despite previously making disingenuous comments about how he's "not" a "Trump Savior Syndrome" victim. He was very insulted when I previously suggested he had the symptoms. Now he's revealed a massive infection which no mRNA vaccine could possibly cure.
These people have zero intellectual integrity - doubly a problem for Campbell since he claims to be a "philosopher" - or maybe that IS his problem. Philosophers tend to be narcissists for obvious reasons. It requires a major ego to think you can comprehend the universe - one even bigger than mine (and that's saying something.)
Johnson is your standard, garden-variety "conservative" as is Ritter and the rest of the "Judge Nap crowd", except for Crooke due to being British. They are hampered by their limited ideology from actually comprehending the Big Picture, although they frequently get the details right, which does make them valuable for people like me who don't have the time to spend all day on these subjects or previous relevant experience in intelligence and the military.
However I'm coming to the conclusion, as I mentioned elsewhere, that after 17 years of watching US foreign policy about Iran, and 21 years of watching US foreign policy since the Iraq invasion, and the last two years of the Russian SMO. and the last year of watching the Gaza genocide, that when I'm provided with the necessary facts my analysis is just as good as theirs and sometimes better. That is because I do not have a limited ideology.
Anyone who thinks Trump is going to "do better this time" is a moron as bad as Trump. The man is constitutionally unable to function as anything other than what he was the first time. A moron like him hasn't learned a fucking thing and can not learn a fucking thing.
All this BS from morons about how we need to "give Trump a chance" merely indicates how incapable they are of comprehending basic human nature, let alone Trump's entire personal history. It merely reflects their own emotional desperation to have someone - anyone - save them from their own inadequacy at comprehending how the world works.
The same applies, of course, to all those morons who want Harris or Stein or whoever to save them.
There ain't no "saving you", folks. No one is coming to save you. That's on you. Deal.
me2! going through the morning inbox it was a quick unsubscribe. cancel & all gone the guy who supports the dumpster responsible for assassinating soleimani/gifting the levant with nuclear abraham accords.
Thus speaketh the convicted felon with no friends, no family and living on public assistance. A real winner right here folks.
As much as Karlof1 may dislike the truth, the USA is actually comprised of realists. Evil realists perhaps, but they still base decisions firmly grounded on military, political and economic realities.
We're done on the military front, we're done on the political front (see the fallout already in Germany; we can expect many other dominoes to fall).
And of course we're done on the economic front. $35T of debt with interest now running ahead of the MIC to take the top spot while also requiring printing just to service those payments is really all you need to know.
Johnson is a traditional libertarian-converservative like many others of his age & experience. There's a faint belief that perhaps order can be restored, but the most pressing issue is to simply stop the trajectory the USA is on at this very moment.
If Trump doesn't pursue a course of radical reform, then the USA has no chance whatsoever of being restored to a place among the leading nations. Instead, it will be defeated and allowed to fall into civil war.
When faced with the option of sink or swim, many/most people quicky learn how to swim.
No, most people drown.
One wonders why someone with an equally pessimistic view as mine has a problem with my saying the exact same things - other than the delusion that morons like the US electorate can somehow reverse the course of history.
Unless of course he's a moron, too.
When faced with drowning, people grasp at straws.
Your 1st paragraph is as bitchy as a 14 year old mean-grrrl. "the USA is actually comprised of realists. Evil realists perhaps, but they still base decisions firmly grounded on military, political and economic realities" is a pathetic joke.
If it isn't a pathetic joke, you wouldn't be lamenting the doom-situation you go on to describe. You may recognize problems, but haven't much more than a clue on how - "pursue a course of radical reform"; details, zeetails are for wimps - to solve them.
i strongly agree with your very last line karl.. thanks.. it is highly unlikely for a leopard to change its spots, and i think the same is true for trump here, who reflects the power structure of the usa at this point in time as well... but man you are a party pooper, lol! at least give the old geezer a few days grace before the illusion drops off!!
I'm hoping Trump is smart enough to recognize he only has one possible move - initiate the retreat. Control the collapse by getting ahead of the curve, rather than allowing the market to dictate terms.
If he doesn't, if he insists on a continuation of Strauss against all reason and logic, then goodbye USA.
Narcissists don't "retreat". Neither do neocons. And neocons control Trump.
Who around here will add "And Trump is a narcissist"?
I think you may like the article I translated from Italian tonight analysing the results of the US Presidential Elections:
The article also includes the speech delivered today by Sheikh Naim Qassem, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah, who purposefully neglected the topic we are all talking about, and also 5 new videos released tonight by Hezbollah, showing its military capability.
And since I am talking about Middle East, I would also like to point out an important event that has been largely ignored by Western MSM and alternative media too:
Malaysia is preparing a UN resolution to expel Israel from UNGA!
None ought to have any illusions about a declining Empire and what it failed to learn about what created its prosperity .
This drama will be entertaining as none I think voted to continue the Forever War soap opera.
I didn't see a bubble to fill-in on my ballot to end the Forever Wars. I voted for one of the several peace candidates on the Oregon ballot. The Forever Wars are all illegal internationally and domestically. Ending them is one of the requirements for Trump not to become a recidivist.
I was surprised by Larry's reply to your comment and was deeply disappointed. Is he hoping for a berth on the Trump train? In all his posts he gives the impression that he understands the course the US elites/deep-permanent state has set itself. It's been my firm view that the best result for the world is that the US is dissolved so Americans can focus on solving their underlying problems of a failed set of Constitutional arrangements.
There's a category called Hurrah Patriot, and that defines Larry. He was CIA after all and not in Ray McGovern's class.
I do not want to be offensive but Mr Johnson is a fraud. I read the comments and then looked at his work. He copied the Alabama moon post of yesterday and recently copied the essay/article about western media change for Ukraine stories written by Mr Simpletus. He has been wrong more than right, I think that is called guessing not analysing. If it is not then it should be.
Major Ritter is another. Of course there are many "celebrity experts" worse or equally bad. And I only make him a special mention because sharing with other "gymnasts" exposes the flaws of this group.
This major banned me from a telegram group, and so when he visited offering a book and his wisdom, I went to see. Asked a question, trapped him. Free speech, what is the opinion on where it should reach it's limit. He answered, shared a long opinion, appeared excited by it. So I followed up with why he banned me from his own social media for engaging in speech with him and his idolizers.
I was expelled from the gathering.
Nobody should be very interested in them, shallow, worse than the others they constantly criticize. Many, and maybe long ago but still are guilty of crimes against the humanity they claim to be defending now. They propagandize good people with nonsense, damage movements with false virtue and such things. In fact they, the American ones, especially them, defend their empire more than their government or media.
Hurrah patriot, Mr Sanchez perfectly describes them.
Thanks for your comment and revelations. I allow all kinds of commentary here as long as it doesn't violate the terms of service set up by substack. Yes, ego often gets in the way as many find it very hard to admit their shortcomings and previous criminal behavior. There was a very popular cop show back in the 1960s, "Dragnet," where the LA cop's famous line was "Just the facts, ma'am, nothing but the facts." And that's how it should be--objectivity, except when you're clearly speculating or offering an opinion, which ought to be fact-based.
I was banned from his social media and expelled from his gathering here, not because of the violation of technical regulations or decency, I am, and educated, respectful even with the indisputable correct opposing view. No, I was censored for my opinion, uncomfortable truth, and this is the opposite of free speech. He is not an advocator of any free speech at all.
Unimportant anyway, but what is however, you make analysis from real information, open sources information. This is special services work actually, and this is why I follow. Articles, speeches and video linked providing the facts generally unavailable in the "celebrity" assessments. Also, a useful preface opinion and concluding opinion. Unusual format, very satisfying. Members comments are also very interesting.
I watched "Human Bomb", the first episode of series one Dragnet, 1951. Thank you for the introduction, although in this episode there were only men, so no famous line - "Just the facts, ma'am, nothing but the facts." Maybe the next will be :)
Wow! I don't recall ever watching "Dragnet" in the 1950s or episodes from that era.
Respect and open communication advances interaction and integration as Putin and others have long maintained, and those actions promote peace, development and advance the wellbeing of the soul and materially. Putin noted the basic issue driving the problem: those seeking harmonious relations are confronted by those who must be correct always--their ego cannot allow them to be seen as wrong, and thus they don't seek accommodation with others but need to dominate them, which is an example of Zero-sum behavior. There's a saying in the USA that epitomizes that: "My way or the highway." Yes, there are occasions when that's proper as with certain safety concerns, but that's no way to act when trying to build political solidarity.
Thanks for your commentary! I enjoy our interactions.
We all agree. Unfortunately America is not capable today to participate this way, so I should just talk about Dragnet or some other, because this seems serious. Although I am wrong for team America possibly.
Harmony will not be available. Imagine...
President Vladimir Putin - Donald Trump
Defense Minister Andrey Belousov - Mike Pompeo
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov - Marco Rubio
I agree with your view on those "experts" that I used to follow. I left Ritter's TG channel before he'd ban me. His channel is managed by admins who obviously don't tolerate contradiction or debate, and who proselytize for him.
Group think can become a problem within any faction. I'm very choosy about who I closely follow.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is necessary. Suffering from some type of psychosis. Celebrity obsession disorder or something of this nature.
Yes, but the most common afflictions are cognitive learning disorders which are also a problem in Russia.
Correct and unfortunately it is very common here.
I saw Manturov mentioned combatting them is now a national project. They are caused by environmental pollution, chemicals called hormone mimickers known as endocrine disrupters. A book published almost 30 years ago, "Our Stolen Future," documented them which I called an updated "Silent Spring." It turns out I was very lucky to be born without any problems as most everyone I know was born with some sort of birth defect which is what learning disorders are.
My vote was against the inept, ill informed, cackling puppet who would be run by the neocon blob. Trump will be less so, if not a strict constructionist!
In the sole debate Trump inferred Kiev and Stalin's borders were not worth endangering nuclear war. Sort of like Obama. As with beating H Clinton, world is better if not best off.
Thank you Karl Sanchez for the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs statement on Donald Trump's victory. The key to moving forward is as Russia & China have chosen to focus international & internal relations on 'ECONOMIC' (Greek 'oikos' = 'home' + 'namein' = 'care-&-nurture') DEVELOPMENT of essential good & services infrastructure for everyone in RELATIONAL-ECONOMY. Rather than waste our time fixated on a bought & sold system, all of us can make a difference in our own & community lives, which does change the world.
For 7000 years since Babylon, humanity has been under fake 'money' (Gk 'mnemosis' = 'memory') Oligarch amnesic Suzerainty. The multi-Trillionaire Oligarchy controls both the Democrats & the Republican parties as puppets. Congresses ceaseless standing ovations for the genocidal war-maniac Netanyahu standing & clapping 52 times is not by accident. Control of Palestine as the LAND-BRIDGE between the Mega-Continents of Eurasia & Africa trade, resources & people, is key to Oligarch control of the world. Damn, even John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy & RFKJr are all Zionists on the same payroll! I do value RFKJr's Children's Health Defence now for 25 years & MAHealthyAgain, but not at the expense of 100,000 murdered Palestinian children & Palestinians suffering systematic genocide for over 100 years of brutal Zionist & Jewish (some-of-my-family) occupation.
The US Top-down fake 'Democracy' (Gk 'Power-of-the-people') of both elections & government is very expensive & designed to be controlled under the table by Oligarch 'contributions'. From way before 1776 Oligarchs have been in control & played a big role in writing the US Constitution & designing the structure of the Executive branches of government so they are easily commanded & controlled.
Oligarch Campaign-Finance, Media, Religion, Education, Military-Industrial, Legislative, Judicial & Pharma-med (yes even in 1776) control since inception & through many 1000s of parasitic wars is ongoing.
'Indigenous' Turtle-Island had ~110 nations organized into ~23 Confederacies beholding to a Continental Constitution called by the 'Haudenosaunee' (Iroquois 'People-of-the-extended-rafters' aka 'Welcome', 'there's always room for one more') 5 Nation Confederacy as the 'Kaianere'kowa' (Iroquois 'Great-good-way-of-kindness' aka 'Great-law-of-peace' aka 'Constitution'). 1st Nations recognized European & other settlers as subject-refugee peoples & so welcomed & economically included them into their productive abundant Continental ECONOMIC-DEMOCRACY & subset political systems. Economic Democracy in the ~100 (50-150) person Multihome-Dwelling-Complex (eg. Longhouse-apartment, Pueblo-townhouse & Kanata-village), specialized Production-Society-Guilds & time-based equivalency-accounting on the String-shell Value System (eg. Wampum on Turtle-Island, Quipu in S. America & Cowrie in indigenous Celtic-Slavic Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & all islands).
Donald Trump is just like Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George Bush Sr., Ronald Reagan, etc.
Trump is an American Imperialist to the core.
That is the fundamental unstated job requirement for being US War Criminal-in-Chief.
Exactly! Almost every POTUS has been an Imperialist--Harrison didn't live long enough to join that club while Lincoln preserved the Empire. All POTUSs have worked to expand the Empire in some manner. I've always thought US History ought to be taught with that very important fact at the front of the class. But no, the words empire and imperialism aren't ever introduced to students during grade school, and then seldom at college. Thus, the vast majority of US citizens have no clue about the genuine nature of the nation in which they reside and of the national government they are supposed to control.
The biz of the USA is financial games and imperialism - you 2 updated it for Cal Coolidge.
There’s no doubt that President Trump will pursue the policy of US domination as much as possible. Nevertheless, in contrast to the NeoCons, he’s pragmatic and hardly ever makes the mistake of pursuing unrealistic goals. He is also capable, in contrast to the NeoCons, of distinguishing what makes the US stronger from what makes the US look stronger.
It’s worth reading Alexander Dugin’s piece about what we may expect from Trump: .
In particular, this fragment is to the point:
"The primary distinction between Trump and Biden lies in Trump's prioritisation of rational American national interests (known as realism). It is a practical approach based on an assessment of relations based on another country's power and resources. In contrast, Biden's is dogmatic and uncompromising: those who do not bow to the god of US-led globalism face sanctions and possibly direct intervention, reflecting the liberal approach to international relations.
For Trump, a nuclear storm that ends humanity is not an acceptable price to pay under any circumstance. For Biden and the rules of the 'new Babylon,' everything is on the table. "
Therefore, President Trump seems capable of acquiescing to the reality of a multipolar world. He’s going to see how the US may be strong in this new reality, without resorting to wars. Even more, he does understand that in the current situation, the forever-war policy is harmful to the US.
Last but not least, Trump scrapping policy of exporting and enforcing degeneracy overseas will give some breathing space to other nations all over the world. Even if it will be just a temporary change, still appreciable.
Thanks for that FYI!
No illusions neighbor. Carrying on, calm and collected. It shall be a wild ride given the times, and my age. Prepaid cremation package and such. The days are short, the nights are long. Enjoy the seasonal change, stay well. ❤️🐴🧲
Prepaid cremation package and such, huh? They can catapult my wrinkly ol' carcass over the castle walls, for all I care! Maybe 1 of the Dr. Franksteins can resurrect me and turn me lose going the other way after the catapultists.
looose, not lose..
Hey Karl! I remember you writing a great column or maybe a post on MOA on why you define America as the Outlaw Empire. Was hoping you could direct me to that column so I could re-read it.
Thank you and I really appreciate all your stuff!
Finding that exact comment is nuts. The Outlaw US Empire is such because it violates the UN Chater on a daily basis and has since 24 October 1945 when it came into force. I describe why in my posting--thanks to the Constitution's Supremacy Clause, the UN Charter is an integral part of the US Constitution just as much as the Bill of Rights are. Use your favorite search engine and put supremacy clause in the search box and read it for yourself. It's really very simple.
Both Republicans and Dems are controlled by the deep state. Kamala Camel Toe winning would have been fatal for the US whereas Trump winning just delays the inevitable downfall of the US. Trump is estimated to add 10 trillion to the US debt over his term. No one knows the exact amount but rest assured the money printing press will go Brrrrr.
Trump actually will add nothing; rather, Congress will as the debt and its interest will continue to climb until revenues are increased to deal with the ongoing shortfalls. Cutting spending won't do the job as too many studies show.