Dec 7, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thanks Daniel. I don't know what it was that brought the morsel expression to mind!

The 'National Liberation" mission of Russia goes back, as I noted elsewhere, to 1918 and the Address to the Toilers of the East by the revolutionary government.

As it became plain, over the following years, that the 'toilers of the west' were not going to be able- such was the residual power and viciousness of the states born of the war, all of which were experimenting with the ideas that Mussolini and the industrialists of Turin and Milan perfected- to come to the rescue of the embattled soviets, the Communists naturally turned their attention to the victims of imperialism.

Amongst whom it is not fanciful to include the Russian peasants and the tiny working class that it had given birth to.

And then, as the Commissar for Nationalities insisted, there were the other victims of Great Russian imperialism, the many different national and cultural 'minorities' for whom the cause of the hated Tsar was even more of an anathema than it was to the Orthodox muzhiks.

And the rest is history- the strength of the anti imperialist heritage is to be found all over Russia in streets named after Lumumba or Ho, memories of community volunteers helping to rebuild Pyongyang, stories of the Migs in Korea and the anti aircraft defences in Hanoi. And of course the Peoples Liberation Army which registered victories in the east , in Manchuria and the rest of China commensurate with those the Red Army won in Europe against a state that was no more ruthless than Hirohito's.

There is not a liberated country in the colonised world that does not entertain fond ideas of the Russian people's assistance in the hour of their greatest need, and often when Russia itself had its back to the wall.

The moral crumbling of the Empire is the fruit of decades of hubris, racism and aversion to self examination.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

Maria's translators ought to know that the correct translation of whatever the Russian expression was is not "fat piece" but a "tasty morsel.

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This is another comprehensive session by Zakharova. She has an amazing ability to pull facts on so many topics. Her comment regarding selling Biden’s phone and computer for Ukraine funding was great. I enjoy reading her commentary.

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Yes, she's precious. But what I provided wasn't everything. I omitted info on some of Lavrov's upcoming gigs:

"On December 8-9, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will take part in the 14th Sir Bani Yas International Forum on Peace and Security in Abu Dhabi. On December 10, he is scheduled to speak at the 21st Doha Forum in Qatar.

"Sir Bani Yas and the Doha Forum are authoritative dialogue platforms where topical international issues are discussed with the participation of leading politicians, analysts, and representatives of the expert community from a wide range of countries, including the Global South and the East.

"In his remarks, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will outline Russia's vision of global development trends and talk about how we see a new, more just and democratic world order free from neocolonial influence. The Minister will pay special attention to the Palestinian-Israeli settlement and security issues in the Middle East."


"On December 13, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will speak at the plenary session of the Federation Council on the implementation of the Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation as part of the Government Hour, and will also answer questions from senators.

"Regular meetings of the Minister with parliamentarians strengthen the interaction between the executive and legislative branches of power in key areas of the country's foreign policy, make it possible to coordinate efforts to strengthen its role and place in the modern world."

Do take note that Lavrov is following Putin's trip to UAE and Saudi. Yes, the invitations were made before 7 October. Timely, yes?

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

There is no reflection of this in a Western audience, other than the one here.

The avoidance of any information that comes out of Russia is irritating in the extreme.

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That Russia's economy continues to expand and increase the wellbeing of Russians shows just how futile the West's attempts to keep it contained. I see Putin inviting me to profit from Russia's experience but I'm blocked from doing so which is I find extremely disgusting--beyond irritating.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Karl Sanchez

Thanks for posting this up. A long but very interesting read, and an opening to the Russian mind set.

As a Brit, I have been concerned for a long time now that the UK's active support for Ukraine (ie against Russia) is being characterised as a "hybrid-war". The UK media are busy pumping out mindless propaganda over the war, but doesn't seem to ask what happens if Russia wins - and how they intend to retaliate against the UK that is now percieved as an enemy seeking to bring down the Russian state using means akin to terrorism. My personal view is that Russia will have its revenge but it will take it cold, at a time of its own choosing and asymmetrically. The idiots in charge of my country poked the bear, thinking it could not escape its cage - not noticing the door was open.

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