Sep 23Liked by Karl Sanchez

The Israel so tenaciously built by Hasbara has collapsed. Its true face has been revealed, emerging from a lake of blood. The world can forget a war, but not a genocide. Israel no longer really exists, it is like the headless snake that still writhes. Future generations will not see that colony reflected on maps and the Zionist Star of David will be a sign of depravity, as the swastika is today.

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"The Zionist Star of David will be a sign of depravity, as the swastika is today."

Agree 100%

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Sep 23Liked by Karl Sanchez

IMHO, it is clear as all can be that the US will not engage in anything nuclear (neither will the Russians) and that the Pentagon has set limits on the neo-con boots on the ground thinking anywhere.

That leaves it up to the Houthis to leverage what help they can get for their most successful efforts.

Iran will also not escalate, as much as NuttinYahoo would prefer.

That leaves it up to Hezbollah to set limits on Israel. They are holding back while the Nutjob tries to provoke them to save his skin.

At this point, Israel has marginalized itself beyond all repair. The global Jewish community should recognize this, including the US Jews. I'll check in with my (few) Orthodox friends with kids living in the West Banks to sound them out.

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Assuming the US won't put boots on the ground is erroneous. The US won't do it immediately, but eventually it will have no choice.

The Pentagon may be afraid of nuclear-armed Russia, but it is not afraid of Hezbollah, Syria, Iraq or Iran (although it should be, especially the latter.) So we can count on full US military engagement in those countries - including boots on the ground, to the degree that it is physically possible for the US at this point, which is problematic. The boots on the ground will be in Lebanon, less so in Syria where Russia is involved, more so in Iraq, and almost nil in Iran because of Iran's size and population.

But US air and naval power will be concentrated as much as is physically and logistically possible. The US has no choice if it wants to confront China afterward, as I pointed out in my Substack piece. It has to attempt to knock Iran out before a US-China war.

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In order for the waging of a continental war, the maritime Outlaw US Empire will need its navy to move men and material to the conflict zone. But the conflict zone is infested with ship killing missiles, and the Resistance has shown no fear when it comes to attacking Imperial forces. And the big point is logistics. Will US longshoremen who've a long history of opposing US Wars allow ships to be loaded, and what remains for them to be loaded with?

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Sep 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

Hey Karl, et al,

The real challenges for the U.S. empire in military terms are debt, internal strife at home, a very long supply chain for maintaining military operations against state and non-state actors the likes of which the empire has never seen before. Add to these challenges the fact that most of the developing world has tired of the empire's bullying tactics and are lining up for the better deal that BRICS+ has on offer and I think the eventual outcome is predictable. Hopefully the process does not incinerate us all, but I foresee a future for citizens of the U.S. that looks a lot like Weimar Germany and post-USSR Russian.

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I did say "to the degree physically possible." The face that the Navy will lose transports and warships doesn't mean they won't try.

Where people al;ways make the mistake is assuming that just because the US can't win it won't try. How many times has the US demonstrated that this is simply not true? By the time they find out that they can't win, it will be too late.

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Sep 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

"...Soviet recognition was prompted by Geopolitics and Stalin’s lack of understanding of what he was endorsing, which was the British plan for control of the levant and beyond, and against Soviet interests..."

Stalin's 'lack of understanding' was widely shared at the time-by the British, for example, who were, far from consciously pursuing a plan to 'control the levant' through Israel, not only fighting Irgun, the Stern gang and Hagannah (supported by both US public opinion and the Truman government) in a vicious anti-terrorist campaign in which hundreds of British troops were killed but, under Glubb Pasha, backing Jordan's Arab Legion in its defence of the West Bank.

That was in the days before the Hashemites had surrendered their characters to the zionist-US axis.

Stalin and the Czechs made a bad mistake but they certainly both hastened the end of British influence 'east of suez', and drove real and lasting wedges between the USA and the UK at a time when British client status had still not been irrevocably established.

Even after Korea the UK had still not resolved to subordinate itself to US policies- witness the Suez affair and the very public breach between Ike and Eden.

It is a mistake to assume that Israel's current role as regional bully is one that flows in a straight line from the Balfour Declaration. The truth is that, in 1948 the British Colonial and Foreign Office leadership understood very well the weaknesses of adopting the 'Israel can do no wrong' attitudes of Washington- they knew far better and, at the time and for a generation afterwards, had to take Arab public opinion, throughout the British dominated region, into account.

The truth is that the British diplomats and soldiers of the post war era predicted the situation now unfolding in which Israeli hubris, encouraged by idiots in Washington obsessed with domestic electoral politics, led inevitably to the end of Israel which is coming next.

Most Israeli politicians could see it too, which is why they kept the Jabotinsky fanatics far away from power. They knew that Israel to survive would have to reach a modus vivendi with its neighbours, not just the state leaders but opinion in general... would have to make peace and keep the Torah fanatics far away from government.

They knew that once those fanatics, among whom the Netanyahu family was already prominent, too the reins of power the result would be war after war until, finally, the state would be not just defeated but wiped off the pages of history.

And that is what happens next.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24

Stalin did not lack understanding. What he was trying to do domestically in Russia throughout his tenure as leader, was purge the Party and the KGB of entrenched Jewish aparatchiks, a difficult task even for a dictator. He saw the Israel initiative in this context, as a way to export the parasites out of the Soviet Union. Recall that he tried to exile them internally, several times; he created the Jewish oblast in eastern Siberia, to little effect, and in desperation he was working to deport the Jews internally to the deep Arctic of Taymyr Peninsula---it is alleged that his assassination was plotted to forestall to that plan. The Israel aliyah, the migration of diaspora Jews to the newly created territory, was seen by him in that context, as an opportunity to get rid of the pernicious Jewish element in the USSR. That is why he supported it; he was fully aware that he was creating a problem for someone else.

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Sep 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

Well met, Karl. I have enjoyed your comments on Moon of Alabama for sometime now, and have recently discovered your own blog, which appears to have a huge amount of excellent content. I look forward to reading much more of your analysis and hopefully can support soon.

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Thanks. Neil, and welcome to the Gym. Close to 600 articles in the archive!

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"Hizbullah will retaliate, but in a way that is different from the way it has responded until now"

I agree. It seems that the Axis has decided to stop the "tit-for-tat" game and started to turn up the heat on the "boil the frog" process.

There is still some desire to insure that Israel receives all the blame for the Middle East war, but given Israeli actions such as the pager terrorist attack, this is no longer particularly difficult, as the entire world (except US morons) can see Israel for what it is: a terrorist state.

There is is also the desire on the part of the Axis to continue attriting Israeli and US munitions stockpiles before having to be on the receiving end of those stockpiles. The more those munitions are used in Gaza, the less there will be for damaging Lebanon and Iran and the other countries involved. The Palestinians are prepared to accept the casualties they're taking if it means the removal of Israel and the US from the Middle East.

But it seems clear the Axis is approaching the point of going all in, as is Israel and the US. The Pentagon said today they are sending an unspecified number of additional forces to the region.

I'm not convinced that Hezbollah detected the pager ruse and caused Israel to employ the tactic early. I think it was deliberately employed as a further provocation - one that wouldn't in Israeli view expend any more Israel munitions or threaten Israeli soldiers. But now that it failed to do its job to cause Hezbollah to overreact and attack Israeli civilians, Israel is forced to conduct major airstrikes as the inevitable next step.

If Crooke is right about the weather determining the pace of the Israeli invasion, then a ground invasion is inevitable - also because Israeli air power is next to useless against Hezbollah - and we should see a general war started within the next 8 weeks or so.

The ground invasion will bog down almost instantly. Based on Crooke's analysis of the 2006 war I cited in my recent Substack articles, the Israeli forces are completely incompetent at dealing with Hezbollah tactics, and more so are now worn out by almost a year of the Gaza war.

Therefore we should see calls for the US to intervene - first with air and naval power - and then with ground troops - before inauguration day in January, 2025. Whoever wins the election - and that is likely to be contested between November 5 and inauguration day - will absolutely commit to that.

And then we're off to the races, because in 2025, the war will expand to Syria, Iraq, and Iran, again starting with air campaigns and eventually US boots on the ground (except in Iran where boots on the ground are a suicide mission given Iran's multi-million-man militia.) Yemen probably not as they are not the main geographical enemy.

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IMO, USN is scared bigtime by the missiles its opponents have. And the easiest way to destroy an expeditionary force is to sink its transport vessel with all onboard. US regional assets are actually hostages as we've discussed as they're no longer a deterrent. Those and other factors is why the Outlaw US Empire's military people don't want a wider war--it's the wild-eyed politicos that want war.

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I don't think the Navy is scared for two reasons: 1) like everyone else in the US military, they don't understand what's going on; and 2) they haven't as yet lost any major ship. They have confidence in their AD because no one has yet used a real anti-ship missile like the P-800 Oniks on the US. Only once they get hit repeatedly with these sorts of supersonic missiles will they realize their mistake. By then it will be too late.

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Many thanks, as always. I'm glad to see that appreciation for your work is growing.

As to "China’s hands are freer to use force, but its foreign policy philosophy is not to use force unless in self-defense", I have analyzed what China is doing in lieu of force in 'Xi Jinping, Savior of Palestine, Protector of the Ummah'.

It's on Substack at https://open.substack.com/pub/herecomeschina/p/xi-jinping-savior-of-palestine?r=16k&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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Cancel U.N. Resolution #181

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Sep 23Liked by Karl Sanchez

Your link to Hezbollah's "ten-minutes of video footage from one of its drones" points to something else. Never mind... :) ...I have covered it in my latest article (https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/hezbollah-pounds-israel-with-barrage), together with an extended report of Hezbollah's rocket barrage on Sunday. By the way, the video was originally released three MONTHS ago, not two days ago. ;) In fact, I originally reported about it in the article I published on 23rd June 2024: https://geopolitiq.substack.com/p/a-quick-look-at-a-few-events-this

I have already started working on another article covering the events from today, but I will publish it tomorrow, including my coverage of the event from tomorrow as well. I will also highlight how Hezbollah's extended rocket range up to Haifa, if not beyond, will seriously damage Israeli economy.

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Thanks for pointing-out that gaff. That video and associated report's nowhere to be found at Southfront. I recall another that was different, which is why the one I linked to seemed newer. I find it very difficult to cover events in Occupied Palestine because of their opaqueness.

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Sep 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

It's a bit like poker, with the players keeping their cards very close to their chest. It's very difficult to predict their next moves.

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Sep 25Liked by Karl Sanchez

“…the Zionist Project, which will require force to halt and to enforce the justice that’s due Palestinians along with all non-Zionist peoples of the region.”

one year demanding a ceasefire, what was needed was rockets

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Sep 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

Excellent analysis, in particular regarding the disastrous role of Soviet Union in creation of this monstrous settler colony!

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Sep 24Liked by Karl Sanchez

Mike Adams was writing today that he has been told that there are three kill teams operating to attack Trump's plane with Iranian made weapons.

"We have new information on the "kill teams" mentioned by Rep. Matt Gaetz. We are being told that Iran-originating weapons systems may now be in the process of being distributed to multiple "kill teams" in the USA which are deliberately targeting Trump.

I'm putting out this information publicly in the interests of public safety and alerting Trump's security team to the threat.

Significant efforts are under way to attempt to escalate war. Expect large actions in the next 24 - 72 hours."

Seems that the PTB just can't help themselves in pushing endless war. And I guess this would be a double win from their perspective: Trump killed and the Iranians blamed.

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More likely the weapons are NATO from Ukraine and manned by Ukronazis. If Iran had wanted to avenge Soleimani by offing Trump, that would've happened already.

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