Sitemap - 2023 - karlof1’s Geopolitical Gymnasium

Putin's New Year Message to Russians

Russia's Main Foreign Policy Results of 2023

2024: Coming USA Political Dysfunction

Humanity's Shared Future: Part of China's Effort

Putin Chats with Rostec CEO & Lavrov's Izvestia Essay, "On Staging as a Method of Western Policy"

Lavrov's Two Interviews--TASS & Channel 24/Ria Novosti

2023 was Year of Teachers & Mentors--Putin's Meeting with State Council on Enhancing their Role and Prestige

Lavrov's Presser & Maria's Last 2023 Briefing Selections

Escobar, Putin & Miller--Year End Future Prospects

Annual Informal CIS Leaders Meeting

Our Christmas is Ordinary Work Day for Putin, Lavrov & Team

A Comment on This Christmas Eve & Day

The Greatest White North Isn't Just Canada: Russia's Arctic Development Plans

Connectivity & Railroads in Russia

Deputy FM Ryabkov's Interfax Interview

A Few China Notes

Meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects

Seasons Greetings: Maria Zakharova's Briefing Selections

Lavrov in Marrakech for the Russian-Arab Cooperation Forum: Remarks and Presser

Meeting of Russia's Board of the Ministry of Defense

Can the US-led Joint Patrols Defuse the Red Sea Alert?: Global Times Editorial

A Seasonal Tune: God Rest Ye Merry Billionaires

Yes, I Must: More Crooke: SCF Essay & Napolitano Chat

Lavrov Interviewed on Great Game Program Again

Putin Talks with Pavel Zarubin & Congress of United Russia Party

Lavrov's Friday Presser's Critical Info

Putin Meets with Heads of State Duma Factions

Crooke Update & Iran + Saudis Meet in China Again

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov's interview with Editor-in-Chief of International Affairs magazine Alexander Oganesyan

Putin's Marathon Presser: "Results of the year with Vladimir Putin" Part Three

Putin's Marathon Presser: "Results of the year with Vladimir Putin" Part Two

Putin's Marathon Presser: "Results of the year with Vladimir Putin" Part One

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's Remarks and Q&A at the Federation Council's Government Hour and Short Presser

Arestovich Goes Off

Maria Zakharova's Weekly Briefing: Selections

Business as Usual: UNSC Veto

More Crooke & Escobar on Palestine and the Big Picture

Lavrov's Remarks and Q&A at 21st Doha Forum via Video.

Sunday Sermon: Outlaw US Empire Imbecility

Jesus Buried Under Rubble in Bethlehem

Russian Heros: We Need You as President Putin: I Will Run Again

Russia Calling: "Life Without Globalization: Uniting Sovereign Economies"

SVR Chief Sergey Naryshkin: 2024 is the Year of Geopolitical Awakening

Zakharova's Weekly Briefing--Selections

Meeting of the Supervisory Board of the All-Russian Movement of Children and Youth

Russia & Iran's Counter Illegal Sanctions Agreement

Meeting of the Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights

75th Anniversary Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Russia's Perspective

We're Together: Russia Volunteerism Awards & Credentialing Ceremony

Putin Talks With Young Scientists Again

OSCE Statement Reminds It's Not Just NATO and Russia

Lavrov's Presser in the Lion's Den

Wang Yi at UNSC: Xi's Five Musts a Must

International Financial Crime: Russia's Efforts

Lavrov in the Lion's Den--OSCE Skopje

Crooke on Context; Zakharova on Biden

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov's interview with MIC Izvestia on Russia/NATO Relations

Plenary Session of the World Russian People's Council: Speeches by Putin, Patriarch Kirill, Pavel Tolstoy, and Maria Popova

Lavrov's Annual Primakov Readings Speech

Banking, Shipbuilding & Russia's Economy

Xi's Five Musts & Light in Hamas's Tunnels

China Publishes: "Vision and Actions for Unswervingly Promoting the High-quality Development of the Belt and Road Initiative"

Conference "Journey to the World of Artificial Intelligence"

Dr. Hudson Email Chat--Palestine Solution

Russia Vs. Wokism: Declares 2024 Year of Family

60 Years Ago Today, American Fascists Killed the President

BRICS+ Emergency Summit & Other Actions

Is the Allegory Correct: Scorpion & Frog

Culture in Foreign Policy: The Concept of the Humanitarian Policy of the Russian Federation Abroad

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise--Golly Gee Whiz!!

Xi Jinping's Three APEC Speeches & Leaders' Declaration

Two-State Solution & Minsk Agreements SOSDD

Hudson Drops Bomb on Zionism and Their Cultists; Crooke Follows

Putin at the IX St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum Plenary Session

Weekly Briefing Selections: Part Two

Weekly Briefing Selections: Part One

90th Anniversary of the Restoration of Diplomatic Relations Between Russia and the United States

RT Interviews Lavrov

War in West Asia: Another Point-of View

Zionism: The Cult and Its Adherents

Vengeance or Eschatological Rage? Both Are Genocide in Gaza

Contesting Fyodor Lukyanov and So Much More

China: US & G7 Refusal to Cease Genocide Inhuman

Zakharova's Weekly Briefing--Selections: Part 2

Zakharova's Weekly Briefing--Selections: Part 1

Lavrov's Detailed Explanation About Ukraine and the Hybrid War--Again

"Kazakhstanskaya Pravda" Interviews Putin

Commentary to Escobar's "Law & Order" Article

Technological Sovereignty & Industrial Policy: Russia's Example

Lavrov at the Knowledge Marathon

Crooke Again on Target: The Great Schism – Will It Be Quietly Ignored?

Patrushev, Likhachev, Zakharova, and Others at the Knowledge Marathon

Lavrov on Moscow. Kremlin. Putin. Program

Dmitry Medvedev on Europe's Demise

Putin's Meeting with Members of the Civic Chamber

Another View From China of 7 October

Crooke's Latest: "Paradigms are Fractured Beyond the Imagined; Perhaps Irreparably"

Lavrov on Palestine at Presser 11/3

Complexities & Conundrums: Zakharova's Briefing

Russian Space Industry & its Scientists

Russia's Junior Diplomats & Strengthening Traditional Spiritual and Moral Values as a Guarantee of Russian Unity

Meanwhile in China: The 10th Beijing Xiangshan Forum Seeks Global Peace & Security

Putin's Alive: Security Council Meeting 10/30

Sunday Sermon: Images & Questions

"The Penny Drops - The World Is Multi-Polar": My Two Cents

More Elucidation from Lavrov

Is Hamas a Radical Palestinian Group?

Guancha Reports on Netanyahu's Dilemma

Zakharova Versus Senator McConnell

Lavrov's Remarks at the High-Level International Conference "Eurasian Security: Reality and Prospects in a Transforming World"

Very Important: Putin's Meeting with Russia's Religious Leaders

Surferket Asked: "Can Karl put a link on his translation of what Putin said about Stalin's purges based on official Russian archives?"

The No Statutes of Limitation Forum: Lavrov's Address

Commentary on MoA's "Netanyahoo's Strategic Dilemma"

Sport in Geopolitics and National Policy

US Veto of Brazil's UNSC Resolution Savagely Condemned by Global Times

Lavrov's Presser in Pyongyang

Putin's Speech & Presser at BRF Conclusion

Russia on Veto of its UNSC Humanitarian Resolution and Crooke's Latest

A Short Editorial on Palestine's Crisis

"Wow! A picture tells 1000 words!"

Additional Events in Russia Then Crooke

Putin Interviewed by Chinese Media

Sunday Sermon: Human Coexistance

Putin at CIS Summit and Presser

Friday the 13th's Great Potpourri of Events


Additional Crucial Context From Crooke

Putin and Iraqi PM Sudani at Russia's Energy Week Plenary Session

Will Gaza Become Palestine's Bakhmut?

Crooke on the Nazi Gehlen-OSS/CIA Connections

Lavrov Meets Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Ahmed Aboulgheit

Alastair Crooke on the Al-Aqsa Flood

Zionists Cross Red Line at Al-Aqsa Mosque Palestinians Retaliate

Putin Has a Gas on His Birthday

Putin at Valdai Club Plenary Session

Maria Zakharova's Weekly Briefing: Selections

For High Schoolers: Russia's International Financial Security Olympiad

When US accuses China on information dominance, it’s like Uncle Sam talking about itself

Lavrov at Valdai

Additional Context for Crooke-Napolitano Chat: Weaponizing Ethnicity

Dmitri Medvedev's Recent Musings

MoA Blocks Another Crucial Comment

Crooke's Post-Summits Post-UNGA Analysis

Putin's Reunification Day Speech

Isolated Russia Hosts Latin American Parliamentarians

At MoA: China's 'Shared Future' & This is China

Merkle, Hollande, Poroshenko "destroyed Ukraine's territorial integrity"--Lavrov

Maria Zakharova's Weekly Briefing: Select Outtakes

China's Many Proposed Global Initiatives: Another Reader Service

Novatek's LNG-2 Constuction

Lavrov's UNGA Speech, Documents & Presser

Novgorod: Academic Tournaments, Jobs, Education, and Discussions

Lavrov's Devastating UNSC Presentation

Russia's Amur Region: A Meeting with Governor Orlov and More

Service to Readers: About the Crimes of Bandera From the 1940s to the Present Day

Service to Readers: Russia's position at the 78th session of the UN General Assembly

A Peak Inside Russia's Budget Process

UN Security Council Members Breaking the Law Yet Again

Lavrov's Recent Press Interviews & Zakharova's EEF Statement

Meeting #2 on the Development of Far Eastern Cities

Statements at Official dinner in honor of the Chairman of State Affairs of the DPRK Kim Jong-un

Lavrov's Article for Rossiyskaya Gazeta Recalls First 9/11--The Chilean Coup

West destroying global economic system – Putin: RT Breaking News Headline

Lavrov's G-20 Press Statement Plus Q&A

Lavrov in Bangladesh: Discussion and Explanation of the Global Situation

Vladimir Putin Met with Young Scientists and Specialists of the Russian Federal University Nuclear Center at Sarov's All-Russian Research Institute Experimental Physics (RFNC – VNIIEF)

ASEAN Summit concludes with fruitful result despite US interference

Briefing by Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov on U.S. military-biological activity

Planning, Developing and Building Cities in Siberia

ASEAN Summit Begins

Putin's Discussion with Pobeda Committee

Putin & Erdogan Talk Then Talk to Media

Complimentary Comment to MoA's "How Sanctions Failed To Hinder China's Development"

Meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council

Knowledge Day 2023: Russia's Unique Way of Starting the School Year: Part Two: Putin's Turn

Knowledge Day 2023: Russia's Unique Way of Starting the School Year: Part One

Maria Zakharova Lectures Italy's ANSA News Agency & Lavrov's Turkish Talks Results

Russia Leveraging Development and Educational Aspects of National Projects

Zhang Weiwei & Chinese Language Media Part Two

Zhang Weiwei & Chinese Language Media Part One

Xi and China at the BRICS Summit

Why Was Strategic-Culture's Plug Pulled?

Suppressed MoA Comment: "Rich Men North of Richmond"

After BRICS-11: Analysis by Hudson and Escobar

Maria Zakharova on Depleted Uranium: Dead Land: Western Depleted Uranium Shells Turn Ukraine into Uninhabitable Territory

2023 BRICS Declaration


Putin Addresses Participants of the BRICS Business Forum

As Important as BRICS: Meeting of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects

Up Next: XV BRICS Summit

Camp David "Summit" Results Mirror Biden's Dementia

Lavrov's Interview with the International Affairs Publication

Negotiations? Ukraine Endgame? What of the EU/NATO?

China Repeats its August 14 Warning to Avoid the "New Cold War"

Security Conference Inspired Ukraine Endgame

Putin and Lavrov's Addresses to the Participants and Guests of the XI Moscow Conference on International Security

Important: International Community Must Take Action to Oppose the 'New Cold War'

Putin's Message at the opening of the International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2023"

Rosatom Report: Great Progress Despite Sanctions

Additional Dedollarization & Energy News

Dedollarization News

The Key to Human Advancement: China's Global Development Initiative and its People Centered Development

First Manufacturing, Now Construction

The New Tool to Divide and Rule

Time to Cancel Cancel Culture

ROSTEC: Russia's Giant Publicly Owned Conglomerate

Sunday Sermon: When is a Coup Not a Coup?

What's Happening in Niger and Why?

Revisiting Henry Wallace's Century of The Common Man

Insight into Russian Industrial Policy Via Roundtable Discussion on Industrial Development with Putin

The Post-Soviet Space: A Glimpse Via Director of the First Department of the CIS Foreign Ministry Mikhail Agasandyan's interview with Rossiya Segodnya, August 2, 2023

Post Africa-Russia Summit Internal Russian Government Reaction

Digital Currencies to Facilitate New International Commerce System

Looking Into Multipolarity's Core

Sunday Sermon: Organizing the Team

Russia-Africa Summit Day 2: Leaders Roundtable

Russia-Africa Summit or Biden Corruption Revelations

Another Zakharova Briefing: Linking Ukraine to 911 and Russia-Africa Summit as the Focus

A Peak at BRICS Security Meeting

2024 POTUS: Commentary on Crooke's Current Perspective: "Counter-Revolution – ‘Do You Know What Time It Is?’"

Vladimir Putin: "Russia and Africa: Joining Forces for Peace, Progress and a Prosperous Future"

Sunday Sermon: Open Internet

Russian Security Council 21 July 2023

Onward to Destiny

Maria Zakharova: "In Memory of All Victims of the Holocaust"

UN Security Council Debates Artificial Intelligence (AI)

NATO DUI: Too Much NATO Kool-Aid

Sunday Sermon: To Distract and Fool

The EU is Broke: Ukraine Ate Its Budget

Humanity's New Path

Maria Zakharova: "This is a False Flag War."

France & Vilnius: Interview with Russian Ambassador to France Alexander Meshkov

Plenary Session of Russia's First Future Technologies Forum & Presser

Quite fantastic: "An aerial view of the Gate of the East, a landmark building at the Suzhou Industrial Park, October 20, 2022. Photo: VCG." This and other majestic vistas NATO just vowed to destroy.

Lavrov's Post Russia-ASEAN Meeting Presser

Yellen Leaves China: China Warns East Asia

Lavrov on F-16s: "will be considered by us as a threat from the West in the nuclear field."

Seeds of Disaster Being Sown by New European Commission Policy

Lavrov's Interview with the Indonesian Newspaper Compass, July 11, 2023

Multipolarity on the March: Disparate Yet Connected Events

Putin met with Prigozhin, Wagner commanding officers in Kremlin on June 29

Lavrov-Gulf Cooperation Council Report & Presser

World to Biden: We Don't Need a "Leading Power"