Sitemap - 2024 - karlof1’s Geopolitical Gymnasium

Weekly Briefing: Ukraine Crisis

Maria Zakharova Weekly Briefing Selections

To Kazan Via Islamabad

"On the Circumstances of the Division of Germany and Austria into Zones"--A Lavrov History Lesson

Russia's Energizer Bunny--Rosatom

The Outlaw US Empire--Always THE Boss

BRICS Tune-up in Turkmenistan

Lavrov at ASEAN

Russian Investment & Development Continues to Snowball

ASEAN Summit & No to Asian NATO

CIS Heads-of-State Summit

NATO From Russia's MFA Perspective

Al-Aqsa Flood--One Year Later

Newsweek Interviews Lavrov; Post CIS FM Meeting Presser

Sunday Sermon: Khamenei's Friday Speech

An FYI for Gym Readers

Dedollarization Discussed at Russia's Security Council

Iran Responds--Massive Missile Attack Finds Many Targets--Very Few Intercepts

The Levant War Will Now Escalate

Quick Note: Austria Changes Spots

Lavrov's UNGA Speech & Presser

SCF Editorial: The UN’s Abject Failure Has One Primary Cause – Western imperialism

Netanyahu Escapes Arrest in New York. MoA commentary on Today's UNSC Brief

"Energy Cooperation in a Multipolar World"--Russia's Energy Week Theme

Lavrov G-20 on UNGA Sidelines

Meeting of Russia's Permanent Conference of the Security Council on Nuclear Deterrence

State Council Presidium: Russian Exports Development

With UNGA Debate Coming, Lavrov's Interview for the Documentary The UN From the 20th to the 21st Century

Russia's Top Development Banker Talks Development with Putin

West Shoots its Feet Again--CERN Bans Russians

Zionist War Crimes Backfire: Depth of Hezbollah's Attacks Increase

Sky News Arabia Interviews Lavrov

Resurrecting Zinoviev's Westernism

Global Times Critiques Stoltenberg

Gunsmith's Day Events

Very Serious Russian Point-of-View

Budgeting and Governance Goals

Biosafety Tsarina meets with Putin

Lavrov: "rules-based order" "Totalitarian"

A Pepe Escobar Duet: Two Complementary Essays

Lavrov Further Defines Russia in Ukraine

A Q&A, An Inspection & a Talk with a Hero

Today's BRICS+ Discussions

Another Putin Meeting With Government

Annual Russian FM Report on the Glorification of Nazism & Spread of Neo-Nazism

Global Times on the Anti-Truth War

"Ocean-2024" Russia's Largest Naval FTX Since USSR's Collapse

Outlaw US Empire's Anti-Truth War Continues

It’s The Trump Party Vs The Cheney Party

Report--2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

Ninth Eastern Economic Forum Plenary Session

The Presentation of Results & Meeting on Development of Russia's Far East

Putin's Pre-Eastern Economic Forum Events

Zhang Weiwei: This is China: Deng Xiaoping

Lavrov's Knowledge Day History Lesson

More Putin in Mongolia

Putin's Interview with the Mongolian Newspaper "Onodor" & Onset of Talks

Tuva onward to Mongolia Part Two

Stops in Tuva en Route to Mongolia

American-Zionist Policy Delusions, 2006 and Now

The Documentary "Bridges to the East" Interviews Lavrov

Lavrov's Presser After Talks with Minister of African Integration and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Senegal Yasser Fall

From International Affairs Magazine: "The Creation of Ukraine and the Structural Role of Ukrainian Nationalism/Nazism"

Dedollarization Update: BRICS' SWIFT

Promsvyazbank: Russia's Largest Public Bank

Zakharova's Ukraine Crisis Update

Why the Atrophy of the West's Nukes?

Today's Lavrov Presser: Q&As Only

The New Western Crusade: Extremism

Priceless Education from Dr. Hudson

Zakharova Provides BRICS Activities & More

Regional Frontline Update & Meeting with Government

A Short Timeout for Antimatter & Chips

Putin & Russia Escalate on the Values Front

Putin Visits Beslan and its Region

Lavrov's Answers to Media Qs at Baku

Putin in Azerbaijan

New Crooke Context: Enter Strauss & Jabotinsky & Emasculation of the Empire

Izvestia Interviews Patrushev: "The geopolitical situation requires additional measures"

Maria Zakharova's Moldova Update

Putin & Belousov Address the 2024 International Military-Technical Forum

Crooke on the Liberal Dictatorship

Putin War Room--Safeguarding Civilians

The National Endowment for Democracy: What It Is and What It Does

The Partition of South Asia Strikes Again

SOP: Reuters Exposes Massive USA Doping Violations

Kursk Region Governor Alexey Smirnov Reports to Putin

Nima, Michael Hudson and Richard Wolff, “Financial Colonialism,”

Ryabov Interview Controversy: What Did He Mean?

Kursk Attack & Other Kremlin Events

Jewish Supremacy: Mein Kampf in Reverse

The Dollar System: Up in Smoke

At the Edge of the Abyss Again

Indonesia & Russia Forging Strong Future

Rostec's 2023 Annual Report: A+

Crooke: Deep State a "Structure"

Lavrov in Malaysia Sporting a National Shirt at Meetings and Presser

Lavrov's ASEAN Presser and More

Russia in Africa Part Two--Marat Khairullin's Analysis

Rossiyskaya Gazeta Interviews Patrushev

ASEAN Foreign Ministers Summit in Laos

Further Proof Outlaw US Empire Losing Technological Race to China

Water on Moon Provokes Fanciful Thinking

The Socio-Economic Development of Russia's "historical subjects"

MoA Palestine Discussion

Lavrov's Geopolitical Review for the Heads of Russian Non-Profits & NGOs

China's Third Plenum Results

RusHydro: More Than Dams

Biden Commits Political Suicide--So?

Karlof1's Geopolitical Gymnasium at One Year of Age

Revising WW2 History=Preparation for War

Zakharova's Weekly Briefing Selections

Deep Discussion That Wasn't: Meeting on Economic Issues

Crooke: "The Slow-Motion Advance to the Edge of the Abyss"

Lavrov's Critical Post-UNSC Presser

Lavrov & Palestine at UNSC

Lavrov at UNSC: USA Indeed an Outlaw

Russia Expands Its Basis for Greatness

Utterly Fascinating: "The Yemen-Russian Riddle

My Comments on Attempted Trump Hit

Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin's Interview with Rossiya Segodnya 12 July

Zakharova's Weekly Briefing Selections

What Kind of Ideology Does Russia Need?

Pavel Ilyichev's Interview with Rossiya Segodnya About DPRK Issues

Putin's Speech at X BRICS Parliamentary Forum

Lavrov's Media Statement on Modi Visit

Russia-India: A Particularly Privileged Strategic Partnership

Crooke: "Something Significant has Snapped Within ‘The System’"

Sanctions Blowback for the Empire

Putin Meets Orban: European Mutiny Continues

Both SCO Summit Formats

SCO Summit Declaration & List of Docs

Putin's Post-SCO Summit Presser

FYI--The Znanie.Prize

Off to Astana and SCO Summit

Sanctions!?! Gazprom Neft Has Record Year

Crooke: West Lost; Eurasia Gained

Unsanctionable: Russian Education

Another Putin Good Governance Project: Meeting with Graduates of the Talent Pool Development Program of the Graduate School of Public Administration of the Russian Presidential Academy of National

Medvedev at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum & Ryabkov's Interview by Izvestia

For Juliania & Others with Blocked Access to the Kremlin Website

Crooke: The European Mutiny: The Consequences are Just Beginning

Maria Zakharova's Assange Answer at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum

Multipolarism--Lavrov & The Primakov Readings

Will Humanity Win Multipolarism This Time?

A Crooke & More Monday

Ben Rhodes Begs for Pragmatism in Foreign Affairs Magazine: My Take

Lavrov's Presser Following CSTO Council of Foreign Ministers Meeting

Top Graduates of Military Universities Graduation Ceremony at St. George Hall

Putin & To Lam's Media Statements & Putin's Presser for Russian Press Corp

Putin's State Visit to Vietnam

Energy: China's Commercial 'Artificial Sun' Achieves First Discharge

A New Strategic Treaty; Vietnam Next

DPRK Bound, Putin Stops in Yakutia/Sakha

Putin's Letter to North Koreans on the Eve of his Visit

"European Mutiny?" Arab Solidarity? "Illiberalism" Monday with Crooke and Escobar

Putin After Speech Met with "Time of Heroes" Program Participants

Marat Khairullen: The African Front

Lavrov's Post Putin Meeting Presser

Putin's Extraordinary Meeting with Foreign Ministry Leadership

Capping the Trip to Dubna, Meeting with the Council for Science and Education

News Too Big Not to Share

Another Putin Discussion with Scientists & Related News

Medvedev's Reaction to Latest Illegal Sanctions Isn't Pretty or Petty

Mimicking MoA: A Pot-Pourri

MoA Returns & Lavrov's Comments

BRICS+ Nizhny Novgorod Joint Statement

BRICS+ Nizhny Novgorod Day Two: Remarks and Presser

Rosseti--Russia's Domestic Energy Major

Reality with Crooke; Delusion in West

BRICS+, Lavrov & Escobar

Russia Examines Itself: Meeting with Commissioner for Human Rights Tatyana Moskalkova

Short Note: Russian Economic Power

Lavrov's Recent African Trip & a Bit More

SPIEF Plenary Session

Crooke Dismantles Biden's Latest Ploy

Putin's Annual SPIEF Meeting with Heads of International News Agencies

Not Just Another Government Meeting: You Never Know What to Expect

Further Proof US is an Outlaw

China's Straight Talk--No Narratives

Crooke: The Folly of Diplomacy Via Narrative

The Heads of the Circle of Kindness Foundation & Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation Meet with Putin

Meet Russia's Commissioner for Children's Rights Maria Lvova-Belova

Ukraine Briefing Update Plus A Foresight Forum Recap

Selections from Zakharova's Weekly Briefing

Lavrov Meets Heads of Arab State Diplomatic Missions

Dmitry Birichevsky Discusses Sanctions with Rossiya Segodnya

An Enjoyable Part of the Job: Putin Chats with Award Families

Putin: Strategic Development and National Projects Important as SMO

Geopolitical History Lesson by Lavrov

Crooke Updates Himself: "Walking the Precipice"

Trilateral Meeting of China, Japan and South Korea

A Past Omission: Putin's Xinhua Interview

Alastair Crooke: Are US and Russia Eyeball To Eyeball? Plus Putin's Presser

Memorial Day: Remembrance For Those Millions Killed By The Outlaw US Empire

Russia and China Have Had Enough

How the Colonialists Continue Plundering

On the Modern Practical Issues of International Law

Putin Chairs Supervisory Board of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives

Wang Yi and Lavrov Signal More Proactive SCO

Crooke: The Attack on Fico

Putin & Duma Head Volodin Talk New Government Procedures and Iran

Dmirti Medvedev's Critical Essay on the Eve of Victory Day: Five Questions on History to Our Former Allies

New Impetus--Lavrov's Presser Post SCO Council of Foreign Ministers, Astana

Big Picture Monday: Lavrov & Crooke

Zionist Benny Gantz's Wild Proposal

Ryabkov's TASS Interview

Lavrov's remarks at the XXXII Assembly of the Council on Foreign and Defence Policy

Putin's Presser Prior to Leaving China

Harbin: Opening ceremony of the Russian-Chinese EXPO and the Forum on Interregional Cooperation

Events at Harbin

The "Cross" Years of Culture of Russia and China are Now Open

Xi & Putin Address the Media

Ria Novosti's China Summit Day One Report

Selections From Maria Zakharova's Weekly Briefing

All Shook Up or Continuity at Russia's Ministry of Defense?

Lavrov Q&A to Federation Council of the Federal Assembly

A Monday Olio

This Will Make You Think

A New Putin Image

Victory Day 2024

7 May Meeting with SMO Commanders

Supreme Eurasian Economic Council's Summit

Russia's Future Planning Decree -2030-2036

A Longstanding Thought

Bring the Tents: Another Crooke Monday

Easter in Russia

Two Cradles: Escobar & Iranian MP Interview

Hudson on RT's Worlds Apart & A Cradle Report

Opening Remarks on Economic Issues

Putin at the Meeting of the Council of Legislators

Plenary session of the Congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Past Info Visible Today

It's Another Monday: Crooke & The Big Picture

Medvedev on Assest Theft

Absolutely Fascinating: Peace Dealings & the Russian Matrix

Part Two: New Reader Archive Entry: Human Rights Report in the Outlaw US Empire by Russian MFA

New Reader Archive Entry: Human Rights Report in the Outlaw US Empire by Russian MFA Part One

Corruption in Russia: The Timur Ivanov Case

On UNSCR 1540 & Russia's Latest Veto

Update on "Pepe's Nuke"

What do Russia's Turtle Tanks Indicate?

Today's Ramble by Russian Military Correspondent Marat Khairullen

Baikal-Amur Mainline: 50th Anniversary of Initial Construction

Foreign Ministry Briefing on Interference in Russia's Internal Affairs

Crooke Remains in Moscow: Focuses on Zionism & Escobar's Nuke Report

Lavrov's Multimedia Radio Interview 4/19

Maria Zakharova Reports on Moldova

Russian Floods, Gasification & Angara Discussed at 17 April Government Meeting

Lavrov Promotes Bashkortostan

Dmitry Medvedev on Borders & Boundaries

A Few Comments on the New Equation

Zionist Deterrence Myth Shattered: Rejoice!

Two Talks on BRICS: Lavrov and Crooke

Post-CIS Foreign Minister's Meeting Presser: Lavrov's Powerful Answers

What to Make of This?

GT Presents Two Views on NATO

Lavrov in China with Wang Yi

Another Crooke Monday: Revulsion Escalates

Lavrov's 3/28 Izvestia Interview

Medvedev's Latest Telegram

Putin Addresses the Congress of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia

Crooke: The Art of War: Different Thinking Systems

Why the USA is an Outlaw

The World: The USA is an Outlaw Empire: My Comment on the Topic

Telling It Like It Is: Russia's Foreign Ministry Board

Lavrov, Namibia & the Investigation

Putin: Second Enlarged Investigative Meeting

Putin Hosts Investigative Meeting

Crooke/Napolitano Chat: What to Headline?

25th Anniversary of NATO's War on Yugoslavia: Lavrov Interview

Putin's Post-Attack Message to Russia

Why the West Cannot Stomach Russians

Putin Meets with Alexander Shokhin, President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Maria Zakharova Briefing: Selections

Meeting with Trusted Persons: 544 Putin Confidants

Post-Election Meeting with Heads of Parliamentary Factions

Dedollarization Update: BRICS+ & EAEU

22-Minutes of Hudson with Nima

Crooke on Big Picture Pivot Conflict

Implementing the Federal Address

Amazing (for the West) Post Election Meeting of Russia's Presidential Candidates at Kremlin

The Fabric of Reality

Evening with Vladimir Solovyov & Lavrov

Russian Meritocracy: Leaders of Russia Contest

Putin's Interview With Rossiya Segodnya's General Director Dmitry Kiselev

The Russian Bridge Letter

Putin Talks With Some Very Unique Women

More Development: South & New Russia Plus Azov Sea Region

Jamal Wakim Then Another Crooke Monday

Sunday Sermon: Continuing Gaza Genocide

Putin at the World Youth Festival

On the Farm: Putin Meets Agro-Industrial Complex Representatives

Putin's Day Down on the Farm in Stavropol Territory

The Picture Says It All

The Crooke Monday Remainder: SCF Essay

Lavrov at Sochi: An Education for Everyone

Crooke Elaborates with Judge Napolitano and Other Items

Crooke: European Neoliberals are "Fearful and Desperate"

Part Two: Lavrov at the Antalya Diplomatic Forum: The Presser

Lavrov at the Antalya Diplomatic Forum Part One

World Youth Festival in Sochi: Putin's Address

German Military Going Against its Parliament: Intercepted Conversation

Russian Ambassador to Italy Alexander Paramonov: "Russia vs. the West: Myth or Reality?"

Leap Day: Putin's Address to the Federal Assembly

Maria Zakharova's Weekly Briefing--Selections

Russia's Finance Minister: Anton Siluanov: it's better to invest money in your own country: Interview with Ria Novosti

Lavrov Talks with Yemeni PM Abdullah bin Mubarak & Press

A Crooke and Bushnell Monday

Aaron Bushnell Honoring His Oath of Service to the Nth Degree

Dmitry Medvedev's Roundtable Interview

Article by Russian Ambassador to Canada Oleg Stepanov "About Little Russia and a Little About the Future"

Big Picture Conflict: Pepe Escobar & Global Times Observations

Putin in Kazan, Tatarstan for Games of Future and Many Other Activities

Lavrov's G-20 Presser

ASI Forum "Strong ideas for the New Time"

Lavrov's Remarks at the G20 Ministerial Council

Lavrov's Travels in Latin America

Chelyabinsk Region Final Stop: Its Students and Workers

Shoigu Talks with Putin

Another Crooke Monday

Industry & Trade Minister Denis Manturov & Putin Talk Industrial Development

Meeting with Uralvagonzavod Tank Makers

The Moscow-St Petersburg High-Speed Railway Update Meeting

Putin on the Move: Nizhny Tagil & Uralvagonzavod, Verkhnyaya Pyshma & Ural Locomotives and Chelyabinsk's Forging and Pressing Plant

Lavrov's Remarks and Answers to Questions at the Conference Marking the 10th Anniversary of the Coup d'état in Ukraine

For the Freedom of Nations! Lavrov at the Forum of Supporters of Combating Contemporary Practices of Neocolonialism

Putin at the Future Technologies Forum

Lavrov's Government Hour at Duma, Remarks Plus Q&A

Heading Into 3rd Year of Russia-Ukraine Conflict, NATO Reveals its True Nature as an Undertaker--Chinese OP/ED

Putin Interview by Pavel Zarubin

Russian Development Update: Minister's Meeting & Economic Issues

Three More Items on West Asia

Russian Academy of Sciences 300th Anniversary & Science and Education Council Meeting Part II

Russian Academy of Sciences 300th Anniversary & Science and Education Council Meeting

Pakistan Again a Vassal State

China on the Year of the Dragon

Creating a Network of Modern University Campuses

Meeting with Active Participants of the "Everything for Victory!" Forum

Putin/Carlson Interview

"Everything for Victory!" Plenary Session

Movement of The First

Memorial to the Civilians of the USSR – Victims of the Nazi Genocide During the Great Patriotic War

Prep for the Interview: Words from the Past

Martin Jay on THE Interview: "Carlson Interview With Putin Could Topple Western Elites, End Ukraine War"

Tucker Carlson to Interview Putin

An Image for the ICJ

Crooke & Judge Napolitano Again & GCC Supporting Resistance?

Three Quick Items About West Asia

Social and Economic Development of the Kaliningrad Region

Putin Meets with Student SMO Participants

BRICS+ Sherpa Report & Discussion of Russian Academy of Sciences 300th Anniversary

International Court of Justice Rulings on Ukraine's Claims

First Serious BRICS+ Meeting of Year & Nabiullina Interview

Energy Innovations in the Arctic

The Northern Sea Route: The Road of the Future

Crooke: The Tragic Self-Destruction of an Enraged Israel & Napolitano Chat

Russia's Fuel and Energy Complex Today and Tomorrow: Results and Tasks

ICJ Decision--MoA's Analysis

Putin Meets University Students in Kaliningrad

Lavrov's UN Presser Post OIC & UNSC Meetings

Palestine Update

Under the Radar: NAM Summit & Kampala Declaration

Lavrov at UNSC: Day Two West Asia & Palestine: Using Truth as a Hammer

Year of Family Opening & Meeting with Participants and Winners of All-Russian Family Competitions

Lavrov Interviewed by CBS

Lavrov at UNSC Again, 22 January

Alastair Crooke's Monday Activities

Russian State & Labor Relations

Putin & Government Videoconference 17 January

Who Owns History? Timofey Bordachev: Russia and the West Are Creating Their Own Versions of History

On Simplicius's Situation

Commentary on a Few Lavrov Points Being Argued at MoA

Lavrov's Year in Review Presser

Good Governance->Resilient Nation: Putin at the All-Russian Municipal Forum: Small Motherland-Strong Russia

Zakharova's Weekly Briefing Selections

Crooke & Others on Greater West Asia

Neoliberalism, Debt & The System

Namibia Sends An FYI to Germany & World

Putin's Last Far Eastern Stop: Meeting Entrepreneurs in Khabarovsk

Global Times & Maria Zakharova on Another Illegal Attack by Outlaw US Empire

Laugh, Cry or Ignore? "[T]he Voldemort of Years"

Putin Flies to the End of Russia: Chukotka Part Two

Putin Flys to the End of Russia: Chukotka Part One

Pepe Escobar on South Africa's ICJ Suit

Xi Jinping & Wang: Yi New Year Addresses

Russia International Ecology Leader: Putin meets with Head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources Svetlana Radionova

Bret Weinstein/Tucker Carlson Interview

Crooke on Ukraine, Gaza & the Imperial Narrative's Demise

Flip the Table: China Sanctions US Companies

Putin's Christmas with SMO KIAs Families


Cybercrime in the Spotlight: World Fights Back

Palestine Update: Crooke & Sharmine Narwani

Izvestia Interviews Finance Minister Anton Siluanov

Interview of Russian Central Bank CEO Elvira Nabiullina

Interview of Kazakh President Tokayev by Kazakhstanskaya Pravda

Concept for the Further Development of the CIS: Strategy for the Economic Development of the CIS for the period up to 2030

Interviews: Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Galuzin & Lavrov's w/ Rossiya Segodnya

Foreign Ministry Interviews: Deputy Foreign Minister Vershinin with Izvestia & Director of the Department of Economic Cooperation Dmitry Birichevsky with Rossiya Segodnya

New Year's Day--Just Another Workday for Putin